900字范文 > 贺普丁 Lamivudine英语短句 例句大全

贺普丁 Lamivudine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-27 16:26:01


贺普丁 Lamivudine英语短句 例句大全



1.Clinical Study on Marine Combined withLamivudine and Thymosin a1 in the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B;苦参素与贺普丁、迈普新联合序贯治疗慢性乙型肝炎59例临床观察

2.Clinical Study on A Great Dose of SNMC andLamivudine Treat Chronic Severe Hepatitis B;大剂量美能与贺普丁治疗慢性重型乙型肝炎的临床研究

3.A case-control study of lamivudine in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B;贺普丁治疗慢性乙型肝炎的病例对照研究


1.Objective:To investigate the clinical efficacy of Huju Capsules combined with Heptodin for therapy of Chronic Hepatitis B(CHB).目的:考察虎驹乙肝胶囊联合贺普丁治疗慢性乙型肝炎的临床疗效。

2.Several Thoughts about Management of a Hospital Coming from the Lamivudine Lawsuit of the South-West Hospital;由西南医院贺普丁案引发的对医院管理的几点思考

3.The Analysis of immuno-regulation with lamivudine and diammonium glycyrrhizinate in the Treatment of Chronic Hepailtis B贺普丁与甘利欣对慢性乙型肝炎免疫调节作用的对比

4.Hopkins Symptom Checklist贺普金斯症状检核表

5.I must congratulate you on your Yorkshire puddings.我一定要祝贺你做的这道约克郡布丁。

6.Xinhua News Agency, Beijing September 1st, by reporter Hepu Li新华社北京9月1日电(记者李贺普)

7.Appleby-Frodingham process阿普尔比-福罗丁翰法

8.Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople君士坦丁堡普世牧首区

9.congratulatory words, letters, telegrams, etc贺词、 贺信、 贺电.

10.Millions of Subjects All over Britain Celebrate Queen"s Golden Jubilee英国普天同庆百万子民庆贺女王登基五十周年

11."Caninus surdis," replied the king, continuing the annotations in his Horace.“Conimussurdis。拉丁文:我们低声唱]”国王依旧在他的贺拉斯诗集上做注释。

12.On Valentine"s Day, I would take the cards to school -- everyone did.在瓦伦丁节那天,我就把这些贺卡带到学校--其实谁都这样做。

13.The boy"s name was Humperdink, or " Dink" for short.那个男孩名叫汉普丁克,或者爱称为“丁克”。

14.First, and foremost, I"m here to say "congratulations". Congratulations to Milisaps graduates.首先,也是最重要的,我在这儿要说一声“祝贺大家”,祝贺米尔萨普斯学院的毕业生们。

15.They wrote in the ordinary language and not in Latin.他们用普通的语言写作,而不是拉丁文。

16.Martin has taken him into general partnership in his company.马丁已让他成为公司的普通合伙人。

17.Martin Luther King,Jr.,--The Prometheus of American Blacks;美国黑人的普罗米修斯——马丁·路德·金

18.Today is a momentous day for China. Today is a joyous day for all Chinese people.今天,是一个全中国普天同庆的日子,是全球华人举杯同贺的日子。



1.Clinical Efficacy of Huju Capsules Combined withHeptodin in Treating Chronic Hepatitis B;虎驹乙肝胶囊联合贺普丁治疗慢性乙型肝炎临床疗效观察

3)Heptodin贺普丁, 拉米夫定

4)HE Pu-ren贺普仁

1.ProfessorHE Pu-ren:the founder of Santong method of acupuncture and moxibustion针灸三通法的创始人——记著名针灸学家贺普仁教授

5)S.pinnatifolia var贺兰山丁香

1.Influence of Different Factors on the Callus Induction ofS.pinnatifolia var;不同因素对贺兰山丁香愈伤组织诱导的影响


1.Effects of Pravastatin on hepatic plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 mRNA expression in rabbits with fatty liver;普伐他丁对兔脂肪肝肝脏1型纤溶酶原激活物抑制物mRNA表达的影响


