900字范文 > 进出口贸易融资 export-import financing英语短句 例句大全

进出口贸易融资 export-import financing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-27 01:13:05


进出口贸易融资 export-import financing英语短句 例句大全

进出口贸易融资,export-import financing

1)export-import financing进出口贸易融资

1.An empirical analysis of the development of bank"sexport-import financing银行进出口贸易融资发展策略实证研究


1.An empirical analysis of the development of bank"s export-import financing银行进出口贸易融资发展策略实证研究

2.Countermeasure Analysis of Trade Finance for Export Business;贸易融资方式与出口贸易融资策略选择

3.Research of Trading Financial Tools Innovation on Export Issue in China;我国出口项下贸易融资工具创新研究

4.To innovate new financing forms for trade in light of the export characteristics of export in Guangxi结合广西外贸出口特点,创新贸易融资方式。

5.Analysis of Trade Financing for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises under the Background of Financial Crisis金融危机下中小出口企业贸易融资问题探析

6.A balance-of-trade deficit, ie when a country"s exports are worth less than its imports贸易赤字(进口多於出口)

7.Risk and Precaution of L/C Trade Finance进口信用证项下贸易融资的风险及防范

8.Study on the Legal Issues of Import Bill Advance in International Trade Finance;国际贸易融资中进口押汇若干法律问题研究

9.Study on Legal Problems of Inward Documentary Bills;信用证项下进口贸易融资担保法律问题研究

10.An Analysis of the Effect of Financial Crisis to China"s Foreign Trade in 全球金融危机对我国进出口贸易的影响分析

11.Seventh, striving to expand export, and strengthening the introduction of foreign capital .第七,努力扩大进出口贸易,加强引进外资的工作。

12.Foreign business investment promote rapidly developing China"s import and exports trade外商投资促进中国进出口贸易快速发展

13.Trade Licensing Branch [Trade Department]进出口证科〔贸易署〕

14.1. Continuously expanding import and export trade.1.继续扩大进出口贸易。

15.Import and Export of Chinese Books andPeriodicals中国书刊进出口贸易

16.economic results in import and export trade进出口贸易经济效果

17.import and export trade statistics进出口贸易统计数字

18.visible trade (exports and imports, means)有形贸易(进出口,财产)


import trade financing进口贸易融资

3)export trade financing出口贸易融资

4)Material Import and Export Trade物资进出口贸易

5)Import-export trade进出口贸易

1.The quarter data of GDP,the total data of import and export trade from the 1st quarter of 2000 to the 3rd quarter of are chosen to establish the error correction model between the import-export trade and the economic growth through using the econometrics methods of ADF unit root test,Granger causality test as well as co-integration test.本文选用2000年1季度至3季度国内生产总值、出口贸易总额、进口贸易总额的季度数据,通过ADF单位根检验、Granger因果检验以及协整检验,建立了进出口贸易与经济增长的误差修正模型。

2.Develop import-export trade on China-Southeast Asia nation coalitionfor important economic meaning, have important political meaning unusually at the same time, through history review and analysis of restrain factor, offer the direction for development in the future, through the near development trend of more than ten years, make prediction to the development.发展中国———东盟进出口贸易不仅具有非常重要的经济意义,同时具有异常重要的政治意义,通过历史回顾及制约因素分析,为未来发展提供方向,通过近10几年发展趋势,对发展前景做出预测。

6)import and export trade进出口贸易

1.The effect ofimport and export trade on current domestic inflation and the countermeasures;进出口贸易对当前国内通货膨胀的影响及对策

2.A Study on the Effect of Foreign Direct Investment to Zhejiang s Import and Export Trade;外商直接投资对浙江省进出口贸易影响的研究

3.Empirical Analysis on the FDI Influence over Chinese Import and Export Trade外商直接投资对我国进出口贸易影响的实证分析


