900字范文 > 交易性金融资产 Trading financial asset英语短句 例句大全

交易性金融资产 Trading financial asset英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-15 07:09:13


交易性金融资产 Trading financial asset英语短句 例句大全

交易性金融资产,Trading financial asset

1)Trading financial asset交易性金融资产

1.Trading financial assets in the "Enterprises accounting standards No.《企业会计准则第22号——金融工具确认和计量》用交易性金融资产替代了旧会计准则中的短期投资,相应的会计核算也发生了重大变化。


1.Trading financial equity calculation and related problem explanation;交易性金融资产核算及相关问题解析

2.Problems that exist in fair value measurment of transactions of financial assets;交易性金融资产公允价值计量中存在的问题

3.transactions in financial assets and liabilities金融资产和负债的交易

4.Transaction Costs Asset Specificity and the Decision of Corporate Financing;交易费用、资产专用性与企业融资决策

5.Asset Substitution,Financial Market Trading and Money Velocity Stability;资产替代、金融市场交易和货币流通速度的稳定性

6.In its six-monthly Financial Stability Report, the Bank of England attempts to quantify a more common-sense definition, the ease of buying and selling financial assets.在其半年金融稳定报告中,英格兰银行尝试定量一个更常识性的定义,金融资产交易的便利性。

7.Then,efficiency bou ndary of financial enterprises cluster is discussed from the four dimensions,as set specificity,enterprise competence,uncertainty and transaction frequency.其次从资产专用性、企业能力、不确定性以及交易频率四个维度探讨了金融企业集群的效率边界;

8.An Analysis of the Status Quo of State-owned Financial Assets Equity and the Building of Transaction Micro-platform;国有金融资产产权现状分析与交易微观平台构建

9."The distinction between long-turn (non" liquid) and short-turn (liquid) financial transactions,"长期融通资金交易和短期融通资金交易间的区别;

10.The Selection of Financial Tools in the Transaction Structure of Venture Investment;风险投资交易设计中的金融工具选择

11.Reliability of Coordination in Financial Bargaining and the Alleviation of Frangibility in Financial System金融交易协调可靠性与金融体系脆弱性缓解

12."The distinction between real or current transactions such as goods and services and financial or capital transactions,"实际交易或经常交易的区别,诸如货物,劳务·金融或资本交易;

13.For high-risk types of derivatives, the financial institution shall issue special provisions regarding their counterparty"s qualifications and criteria.对于高风险的衍生产品交易种类,金融机构应对交易对手的资格和条件做出专门规定。

14.Researching on Configuring Financial Tools in China Property Rights Transaction Market中国产权交易市场金融工具配置研究

15.Research on Legal Issues of OTC Financial Derivatives Transactions场外金融衍生产品交易法律问题研究

16.Research on China"s Legal Regulation on Financial Derivatives Transaction论我国金融衍生产品交易的法律规制

17.Transaction Costs,Informal Finance and SME Financing;民间金融与中小企业融资——一个交易成本视角

18.Chinese Financial Institutions Rate Derivative Products Trading off:Operational System Framework Design;中国金融机构利率衍生产品交易:业务体系的框架性设计


Tradable Financial Assets交易性金融资产

1.Probe into the Confirmation and Computation ofTradable Financial Assets;探讨交易性金融资产的确认与计量

2.To merge the two accounting subjects "Salable Financial Assets" and "Tradable Financial Assets",is to avoid the designing disadvantage of enterprise accounting regulations,so that investors will make correct decisions on investment and accountants will make right accounting,for those who need accounting information to read and understand it easily.将“可供出售金融资产”和“交易性金融资产”会计科目合并,有利于避免企业会计准则设计上的漏洞,有利于投资人的投资决策和会计人员的账务处理,有利于会计信息使用者对会计信息的阅读和理解。

3)financial asset金融性资产

4)deposit for margin trading融资融券交易保证金

5)financial transaction金融交易

1.On External Formation Mechanism of Credit Risk Guarantees in Financial Transaction;金融交易中信用担保风险形成的外部机制研究——基于金融信息不对称视角的首次探讨

2.In the economic transitional period, the problem infinancial transaction between banks and enterprises is a distorting credit relationship.我国经济转轨时期银企信用关系的扭曲,是银企金融交易中存在的最大问题。

3.In the economic transitional period, the problem in thefinancial transaction between bank and enterprise is the distorting of credit relationship.中国经济转轨时期银企信用关系的扭曲 ,是银企金融交易中存在的最大问题。

6)Off-balance Sheet表外交易工具(衍生性金融产品)


金融帐记录居民与非居民之间的金融资产及负债交易 它显示某经济体系如何融资以进行其对外交易。金融帐内的交易可归类为直接投资、有价证券投资、金融衍生工具、其他投资及储备资产。
