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飞控软件 flight control software英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-25 11:10:35


飞控软件 flight control software英语短句 例句大全

飞控软件,flight control software

1)flight control software飞控软件

1.Anti-interference Design Of UAV s Flight Control Software;无人机飞控软件抗干扰设计

2.Asflight control software becomes the key to the production of advanced digitalized air-to-air missiles,how to verify the embeddedflight control software is of vital importance.飞控软件已成为先进数字化空空导弹研制的关键,如何对嵌入式飞控软件进行验证是空空导弹研制的焦点。

3.Analyzing the importance and complexity offlight control software for civil aircraft and considering the current circumstances of onboard software,some problems are discussed in the development process offlight control software,especially the development approach toflight control software for civil aircraft with multi-channel control computers.通过对民用飞机飞控软件的重要性及复杂性的分析,结合目前机载软件开发的现状,对软件开发过程中的一些问题进行了论述,特别是对民用飞机多通道飞控软件的开发方法进行了探讨,提出了应用UML建模语言对飞控需求进行描述以消除不同开发组对需求理解的歧义,采用中间件以提高程序的开发质量与效率的软件开发方法,为有关人员提供了参考。

2)Flight control software飞行控制软件

1.Generation of testing case for model based flight control software of unmanned aerial vehicle;基于模型的飞行控制软件测试用例的生成


1.Flight Control Software Development Technology Based on RTEMS and SPARC基于SPARC与RTEMS的飞行控制软件开发技术

2.Investigations on the Self-healing Technique for Control Software of Unmanned Flight Vehicle无人机飞行控制软件的自修复技术研究

3.The Research and Realization of Emulation Test Platform for Testing of Flying Control Software Used in Rocket Computer;箭载飞行控制软件通用仿真动态测试平台研究和实现

4.Design and Implementation of a XML-based Simulation Software of Flight Control&Guide System基于XML的飞行制导控制仿真软件的设计与实现

5.Based on SCADE the Software Design of Flight Control System for UAV;基于SCADE的无人机飞行控制系统软件设计

6.Carrier Landing Flight/Thrust Control System Based on Intelligent Design Software基于智能软件的着舰飞行/推力控制系统

7.Research of Real-time Control Platform for Autonomous Flight Robot;自主飞行机器人系统下实时控制系统软件平台研究

8.Software Simulation and System Design of Flight Control System for an Autonomous Miniature Helicopter;微型无人直升机飞行控制系统软件仿真与系统设计研究

9.event control block事件控制块 -软件

10.Study and Design on the Control Software of Advanced Airplane Power Distribute System;先进飞机配电系统顶层控制软件的研究与设计

11.Research on Airplane Flight Safety Real-time Monitor Software Based on Real-time Database;基于实时数据库的飞机飞行安全状态实时监控软件研究

12.This paper primarily designs the hardware and software of the controlling end.本文着重进行了控制端的软硬件设计。

13.The attitude control thruster(ACT) is the control component of the flight vehicle.姿态控制推力器(ACT)是飞行器控制系统的执行部件。

14.Study on Testing Mechanism of FMS Control Software柔性制造系统运行控制软件测试机理研究

15.A Design for Hardware of Automatic Flight Control System;无人机飞行控制系统的硬件设计与研究

16.Aerocraft navigation and control system design based on micro-electromechanical device基于MEMS器件的飞行器导航控制系统研究与设计

17.Software Reengineering Methods and Practice at BACC航天飞控中心软件再工程方法与实践

18.Research and Implementation of Change Control Model of Process Execution;具有变更控制能力的软件过程执行研究与实现


Flight control software飞行控制软件

1.Generation of testing case for model based flight control software of unmanned aerial vehicle;基于模型的飞行控制软件测试用例的生成

3)flight software system飞行控制软件系统

1.Results of comparison experiments and field experiments prove that the introduction of embedded real-time operating system remarkably improves real-time capability and reliability of MUAVflight software system.针对微小型无人机(MUAV)功能要求复杂,迫切需要提高可靠性与实时性等现状,以嵌入式实时操作系统VxWorks为平台,完成了MUAV飞行控制软件系统的开发,实现了多传感器数据采集、捷联解算、卡尔曼滤波、飞行控制、地面通信、故障处理等多项功能。

4)flight control assembly飞控组件

1.The synthetical performance test system forflight control assembly is used in debugging and testing offlight control assembly.飞控组件综合测试性能测试系统主要用于飞控组件硬件的总装调试和测试,包括电气性能测试、惯性元件性能测试和对准导航精度测试,并能模拟惯性测量单元对产品进行测试,测试系统本身还具备完整的自检功能。

5)spacecraft software飞行器软件

6)real-time software of robust controller鲁棒实时飞行控制律软件


