900字范文 > 信息系统规划 Information system planning英语短句 例句大全

信息系统规划 Information system planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-07 03:49:05


信息系统规划 Information system planning英语短句 例句大全

信息系统规划,Information system planning

1)Information system planning信息系统规划

1.The Risk Assessment Model of Information System Planning;信息系统规划阶段风险评估模型

2.Process Analysis of Reverse Logistics and Research on Its Information System Planning;逆向物流流程分析及信息系统规划研究

3.A BPR Method Based on Information System Planning;基于信息系统规划的企业流程重组方法


1.Strategic Information Systems Planning Project战略信息系统规划项目

2.Enterprise modeling based on uniform goal of business planning andinformation systems planning;企业规划与信息系统规划目标统一建模

3.A Study on the Strategic Alignment of Business Planning and Information Systems Planning;企业规划和信息系统规划战略一致性研究

4.Empirical study on the impacts of integrating BP-ISP;企业规划与信息系统规划集成影响实证研究

5.Empirical study on strategic alignment of business planning and information systems planning;企业规划与信息系统规划战略一致性实证研究

6.Planning on Management Information System of Shanghai Huaxiang Knitted Sweater Factory;上海华翔羊毛衫厂管理信息系统规划

7.A Study of Information System Planning for Financial Management in a Port Group;港口集团财务管理信息系统规划研究

8.Research on Information Systems Planning of Approaching-Port Logistics Park of Shenyang;沈阳近海物流园区信息系统规划研究

9.Study on the Planning of Information Systems in China Unicom HN Corporation;中国联通HN公司信息系统规划研究

10.Research on the Planning and Design of Modern Logistics Information System;现代物流信息系统规划与设计的研究

11.WSR-Based Information Systems Planning;基于WSR的信息系统规划方法研究

12.Study on the framework of information systems planning approach;信息系统规划理论及其实现途径研究

13.Planning and Management Information Systems Service规划和管理信息系统处

14.Development Planning Documents Information System发展规划文件信息系统


16.Land Planning Management Information System Based on GIS;基于地理信息系统的土地规划MIS系统

17.A Research on Information System Strategic Planning Using Scenario Planning;情景规划法在信息系统战略规划中的应用研究

18.Research on the Application of Information Resource Program in Information System Integration信息资源规划在信息系统集成中的应用研究


Information systems planning信息系统规划

1.WSR-Based Information Systems Planning;基于WSR的信息系统规划方法研究

3)planning information system规划信息系统

1.The building of controlplanning information system and standardization problems;谈控制性规划信息系统的建设及其标准化

4)information systems planning(ISP)信息系统规划(ISP)

5)Planning administration information system规划管理信息系统

1.This paper introduces the establishment of planning administration information system of Nantong city which is a people-oriented systematic framework.针对城市规划管理中管理方法落后的诟病,运用现代管理原理,以人本思想为基本理念,以信息技术为主要支撑,以系统体系为架构,创建南通规划管理信息系统,并对该系统的实际应用效果进行评估,认为该系统以其规范的管理、快捷的服务、较高的透明度、较强的参与性显示出现代管理方法的优势,实现了规划管理方法的创新。

6)urban planning information system城市规划信息系统

1.The 3Durban planning information system has been the focus topic in urban palnning management.三维GIS城市规划信息系统建设已经成为城市规划管理的热点。

2.The establishment of GIS spatial system in the design ofurban planning information system is introduced;at the same time total design concept ofurban planning information system based upon GIS and database is proposed in order to increase urban planning and management efficiency.总结了信息技术在城市规划管理中的应用层次,概述了城市规划信息系统设计过程中GIS空间系统的建立,并提出基于GIS和数据服务的城市规划信息系统总体设想,最后阐述了城市规划信息系统的应用框架,以提高城市规划管理的效率。

3.In this paper, its system and key technology are analyzed,then aiming at the main problems in information sharing ofurban planning information system(UPIS),a UPIS integration framework based on the Web Services is proposed and its principle is studied.从W eb Services的核心思想出发,分析了W eb Services的关键技术和体系结构,针对目前城市规划信息系统发展中存在的信息共享问题,提出了一个基于web Services的城市规划信息系统集成框架。


