900字范文 > 民族传统 national tradition英语短句 例句大全

民族传统 national tradition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-22 07:36:16


民族传统 national tradition英语短句 例句大全

民族传统,national tradition

1)national tradition民族传统

1.History and Development of Korea Piano Music and National Tradition;韩国钢琴音乐的历史、发展与民族传统

2.Thenational tradition of Chinese dietary culture, especially that of the Han n ationality, has a history of thousands of years.本文从膳食配置、饮食方式、菜肴风格、餐饮习俗、饮食制度、餐具使用、美食追求、烹饪思想、饮酒风尚、茶事活动以及宴会举办等方面概括总结中国饮食文化的重要民族传统。

3.But this paper aim at emphasis the work itself:the author use the writing material related to countrysidelife he is most skilled in to undertake the responsibility of remolding thenational tradition.《从文自传》的功能常常表现为一份用来参照的原始资料,但此篇论文旨在强调《从文自传》本身的意义:作者在自传中运用自己最擅长的乡村生活的题材,以“乡下人”的视点来承担起一份自己重塑民族传统的责任。


1.Explored of each other use and developed of Folk traditional festival and folk tradition sport;民族传统节日与民族传统体育互动式发展探索

2.Cultural Reconstruction and Transmission of Traditional National Programs;民族传统节日传播的文化重构和传承

3.Folk Songs of Bai People in Dali and Traditional Music Education of the Ethnic Minority大理白族民歌传唱与少数民族传统音乐教育

4.Folk Sport Value of National Traditional Festival in China;民族传统节日中民俗、民间体育的价值

5.Discussion on Traditional Tibetan Festivals and Traditional Tibetan P. E. Culture;藏族传统节日与藏民族传统体育文化的探讨

6.Our Minorities Traditional Sports andNational Keeping-Fitness in National Regions;少数民族传统体育与民族地区全民健身

7.Study into the Model Construction for the Traditional Sports Development of Yi Nationality彝族民族传统体育发展模式构建研究

8.A Brief Talk on the Culture of Minority Traditional Festival, Dress and Local Style Dwelling Houses in Guangnan County;广南县民族传统节日、民族服饰、民族民居文化概述

9.The Construction and Inheritance of Ethnic Minority Traditional Costumes;少数民族传统服饰文化的构建与传承

10.Carrying-on and Reformation of Traditional Nationality Sports in Northeast China;东北地区民族传统体育的传承与流变

11.Inheriting process on national and traditional physical education cultures in China;论我国民族传统体育文化的传承机制

12.Inheritance of Ethnic Traditional Cultures in the Perspective of School Education;学校教育视野中的民族传统文化传承

13.On the modern vicissitude,inheritance and development of the nation traditional physical culture;民族传统体育文化的变迁、传承与发展

14.Inheritance and development of traditional minority national sports in Guizhou贵州少数民族传统体育的传承和发展

15.Exploration of the way to the inheritance and development of traditional national sports民族传统体育的传承与发展道路探析

16.On the Development of the Traditional Cultures of Ethic Minorities in China我国少数民族传统文化的传承与发展

17.on Demos as the Protecting Subject of Ethnic Traditional Sports;论作为保护民族传统体育主体的民众

18.Hand Down the National Culture in Minority Nationalities’ Traditonal Handicraft--Takethe Bai Peoples’Zha Ran Industry in Zhoucheng Dalias an Example少数民族传统工艺中的民族文化传承——以大理周城白族扎染业为例


Ethnic tradition民族传统

3)tradition of ethnography民族志传统

4)traditional ethnology传统民族学

1.Modern society promotes ethnology fromtraditional ethnology to modern ethnology,with the transformation of theory and methodology.传统民族学向现代民族学发展是时代的需要;我们应充分认识现代民族学的基本特征;开展现代民族学研究的理论价值和现实意义,推进现代民族学在中国和世界进一步发展。

5)traditional ethnic garment传统民族服饰

1.Starting from the formation and development of regional spatial differentiation oftraditional ethnic garment in Gansu province, This thesis discusses the influence of such physical geographical factors as climate, types, styles on the features of traditional garment which reflect the views of the nature coordinates with the aesthetic view of man.本文通过对甘肃传统民族服饰地域分化的形成和发展的比较研究 ,阐明了甘肃传统服饰的区域特征及地域分化的时空发展规律 ,并预测了其发展趋势。

6)traditional national sports民族传统体育

1.Moderntraditional national sports theory system and practice;现代民族传统体育理论体系与实践内容的研究

2.Exploration of the development oftraditional national sports discipline from the perspective of its history and current state;从历史与现状探析民族传统体育学科的发展

3.Some reflections about advancing the sports for all in China by expanding thetraditional national sports;民族传统体育与我国当代大众体育事业发展的若干问题思考




