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实证研究方法 empirical research methods英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-04 23:08:27


实证研究方法 empirical research methods英语短句 例句大全

实证研究方法,empirical research methods

1)empirical research methods实证研究方法

1.The author hopes to find the good research method which will be helpful for research accounting theories through the analysis of the relationship betweenempirical research methods and regulating research method.规范研究方法在会计理论研究中研究会计实务"应当如何",实证研究方法在会计理论研究中研究会计实务"是如何"或"将是如何",将实证研究与规范研究对立起来是不可取的。


1.The Association between Positive Pr oof Method and Logical Positivism in Criminology Research;犯罪学实证研究方法与逻辑实证主义之关联

2.Empirical Research on Judicial System:Misleadings,Methods and Technologies司法的实证研究:误区、方法与技术

ment on standard Accounting Research Methods and Demonstration Accounting Research Methods;论规范会计研究方法与实证会计研究方法

4.This part is established the methodology foundation for authentic proof research.这一部分为实证研究奠定方法论基础。

5.Research and Computer Implementation of Stock Price Forecasting Methods;证券价格预测方法研究与计算机实现

6.A Study of Methods and Demonstrations on Coastline Image Feature Extraction;海岸线影像特征提取方法与实证研究

7.The Research and Inplementation of Coverage Driven Verification;覆盖率导向的验证方法的研究与实现

8.Evaluation and Empirical Research for IT Investment Project;IT投资项目的评价方法和实证研究

9.The Approach and Positive Study on the Choice of Regional Logistics Centers;区域物流中心选择的方法与实证研究

10.A Study on Robust VaR Measurement and Empirical Analysis;稳健VaR方法的研究及其实证分析

11.Dynamic Evaluation and Empirical Research on the Value of Life;生命价值的动态评估方法与实证研究

12.Study on Evaluation System and Methods of Tourism Resources;旅游资源评价体系、方法与实证研究

13.The Summary of Our Country Positive Accounting Research Characteristic Rule during the Past Ten Years;我国实证会计研究方法的调查与分析

14.International Mainstream of Intercultural Communication Research and Empirical Methods;国际跨文化交际主流研究与实证方法

15.Empirical research on the selection index system and method of advantage industries;区域优势产业选择的方法及实证研究

16.From empiricism to speculation: a retrospection to management research methods;从实证到思辨:管理研究方法的反思

17.Empirical research on the comprehensive evaluation method of the firm s growth;企业成长性综合评价方法的实证研究

18.Research on the Teaching Methods of Applied Writing in Universities and Colleges;高校应用文体写作教学方法实证研究


research methods of positivism实证主义研究方法

1.On Suicide is a landmark in the history of sociology because it not only firstly analysed the phenomena of suicide by way of sociological theories and methods,demonstrated the true social causes of suicide and refuted all kinds of the false views of sociology,but also validated and developed Durkheimresearch methods of positivism.涂尔干的《自杀论》之所以在社会学史上占有里程碑式地位,不仅仅是因为它首次运用社会学方法和理论对自杀现象进行分析,论证自杀现象背后真正的社会原因,驳斥种种非社会学的解释,更主要是因为它在经验层次上验证、深化和发展了涂尔干所创建的实证主义研究方法。

3)Empirical Research on Judicial System司法的实证研究

1.Empirical Research on Judicial System:Misleadings,Methods and Technologies司法的实证研究:误区、方法与技术

4)dialectically study method辩证研究方法

5)Empirical Study实证研究

1.AnEmpirical Study on China′s Furniture Industry Innovation;中国家具工业创新的实证研究

2.Knowledge workers needs characteristic and its empirical study;企业知识型员工需求特征及其实证研究

3.Analysis on the Status Quo of English Testing in Colleges and Universities——an empirical study;析高校英语测试现状——一项实证研究

6)empirical research实证研究

1.Theempirical research on the affected factors of the impact factor of science-scientific journals;科学、科学研究类期刊影响因子相关因素的实证研究

2.An Empirical Research on Relational Benefits in E-busi-ness Environment;电子商务环境下顾客的关系利益实证研究

3.Modern method of measure risk and theempirical research of bond market in China;现代风险技术(ES)及对我国债券市场的实证研究


