900字范文 > 名牌战略 famous brand strategy英语短句 例句大全

名牌战略 famous brand strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-26 17:47:50


名牌战略 famous brand strategy英语短句 例句大全

名牌战略,famous brand strategy

1)famous brand strategy名牌战略

1.On combination of enterprise image strategy andfamous brand strategy;论企业形象战略与名牌战略的结合

2.Thoughts on thefamous brand strategy in business;对企业实施名牌战略的思考

3.The progress and experience of implementingfamous brand strategy in the industry are summarized.回顾了木地板行业在我国的发展历程,总结了我国木地板行业实施名牌战略的情况及在实施工作中的心得与体会。


1.Difference between Being Famous and Being Expensive;名牌≠高价——谈名牌战略的价格误区和价格定位

2.Brand Strategy-the Life-and-Death Strategy for Huangshi Clothing Industry;名牌战略:黄石服装行业生死存亡的战略

3.Gas Companies Competing for the Best Services to Win the Celebrated Name;煤气公司如何实施服务创品牌、争名牌战略

4.The Behavior Research of Local Government in Coures of Improving the Name Brand Strategy;名牌战略推进中的地方政府行为研究

5.Strategic Thinking of Brand Development for Changsha in the Construction of the "Duel-model Society";“两型社会”建设中长沙名牌战略的思考

6.Analysis on the Famous Brand Strategy under the Socialistic Market Economy;浅析社会主义市场经济下的名牌战略

7.A brife discussion On Strengthening the implementation and management of corporate famous-brand strategy;试论加强企业名牌战略的实施与管理

8.Pondering on the Implementation of Textile Enterprise Name Brand and the Measures;关于纺织品服装实施名牌战略的思考

9.How Telecom Operator Undertake Brand Strategy;国内通信运营企业如何实施名牌战略

10.Implementing Strategy of Famous Brands, Strengthening Development Delayed Effect of SOEs;实施名牌战略,增强国有企业发展后劲

11.Famous Brand Strategy: the Super Weapon of Modern Enterprises in Market Competition;名牌战略:现代企业市场竞争的锐器

12.The Relationship Between Brand Strategy and Improvement of Industry Competitive Edge;名牌战略与提高产业竞争力问题研究

13.Enhancing Liaoning Competitive Foreign Trade by Performing Brand Strategy;实施名牌战略 提高辽宁外贸竞争力

14.On Exploiting the Famous-Brand Strategy to Functions in Spiritual Civilization;论名牌战略精神文明功能的开发利用

15.Famous Brand Strategy:“Dance with Wolf”--Best Choose;名牌战略:“与狼共舞”的最佳选择

16.Orientation of the Famous-brand Strategy of Enterprises according to No ngfushangquan;从“农夫山泉”看企业名牌战略的导向

17.Strategy of applying famous brand in modern agricultural development;实施名牌战略 促进现代农业发展

18.Try to Discuss the Technical Support Problem of Carrying Out Famous Brand Strategy;试论实施名牌战略中的技术支持问题


brand strategy名牌战略

1.On the practice of thebrand strategy of hotels;关于旅游饭店实施名牌战略的初步探讨

2.The Connotation and General Pattern of the Brand Strategy;名牌战略的科学内涵及一般模式

3.Famousbrand strategy on new-type of industrialization advancement in Shaanxi Province陕西新型工业化进程中的名牌战略

3)Strategy of famous brand名牌战略

1.Importance of building famous brand in implementing strategy of famous brand was raised.提出创名牌在实施名牌战略中的重要地位及我国在创名牌产品实践中的不足 ,并对实施名牌战略中如何创名牌提出了一些观点和看

2.Existing problems such as being not conscious importance of it, not giving publicity enough to it, lower technical competence of product, not stable quality during implementing strategy of famous brand in Gansu province.扼要叙述甘肃省在实施名牌战略上存在意识淡薄 ,宣传创意不强 ,产品技术含量不高 ,质量不稳定等问题 ,提出了必须从开发新产品 ,建立长远眼光和目标 ,政策支撑等方面给名牌创造良好的环境的建

3.Government implements strategy of famous brand in market economy conditions, only adopts region innovation can they realize their object.提出在市场经济条件下政府实施名牌战略 ,只有通过区域创新才会得以实现的论点 ,并对甘肃在培育区域创新中实施名牌战略提出建议。

4)Name brand strategy名牌战略

1.The Behavior Research of Local Government in Coures of Improving the Name Brand Strategy;名牌战略推进中的地方政府行为研究

2.Starting from a discussion of name brand strategy of enterprises,this paper analyzes the difficulties and disadvantages of Chinese companies in implementing their name brand strategies so as to promote the competitiveness of their products and maintain the sound growth of China s economy.文中从企业名牌战略出发,详细分析了中国企业实施名牌战略的各种困难和劣势,力图通过推动中国企业名牌战略的实施来提升产品的国际竞争力,达到保持中国经济健康持续发展的目的。

3.As far as the necessity and imminence of name brand strategy adopted by the privately-owned enterprises in Wenzhou are concerned,this paper analyzes some problems in the process of implementing the strategy and comes up with some practical measures for solving the problems.文章首先分析了温州民营企业实施名牌战略的必要性和迫切性,然后剖析了温州民营企业实施名牌战略过程中所存在的种种问题,最后提出了温州民营企业实施名牌战略的若干对策。

5)famous-brand strategy名牌战略

1.The implementation offamous-brand strategy is of great immediate significance.当今是名牌角逐的年代 ,企业靠名牌生存 ,经济靠名牌发展 ,实施名牌战略具有重大的现实意义。

2.Based on the theory of economics,this paper analyzes the process and the determinant factors of the famous-brand s coming into being,then explores what should be the government s function infamous-brand strategy,and produces some policy s meanings of the government s functional change under the transition of economic institution.本文从经济学的角度入手 ,梳理名牌成长的过程及其决定因素 ,进而探讨名牌战略中的政府职能定位 ,并得出转轨条件下政府职能转变的若干政策含义 ,可以看做是对市场化进程中的政府职能的一个阶段性评论。

6)strategy of great brand大名牌战略


