900字范文 > 介导载体 Mediated vector英语短句 例句大全

介导载体 Mediated vector英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-01 20:46:31


介导载体 Mediated vector英语短句 例句大全

介导载体,Mediated vector

1)Mediated vector介导载体



1.Gene Construction of Adenoviral Vector-Mediated Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 121;AD载体介导的VEGF121基因克隆的构建

2.Advance in RNAi Mediated with Lentivirus-based Vectors慢病毒载体介导RNAi的研究进展

3.Inhibition of the Expression of the Human Arginine /Serine-Rich Coiled-Coil 1 Gene by Small Interference RNA利用载体介导小干扰RNA诱导RSRC1基因沉默

4.Inhibition Effect of RNAi on CTCF Expression by Adeno-associated Virus Vector;腺相关病毒载体介导的RNAi抑制CTCF的表达

5.Methological Studies on Lentiviral Transgenesis in Mice;慢病毒载体介导转基因小鼠制备技术研究

6.Research on Daunorbic Nanoparticles Permeation Through Blood Brain Barrier;纳米载体介导柔红霉素穿透血脑屏障的研究

7.Research of Nanoparticles Mediated RNA Interference Target for Colorectal Carcinoma;纳米载体介导的Livin RNAi治疗大肠癌的实验研究

8.The Research of Adenovirus-mediated Cancer Gene Therapy腺病毒载体介导的靶向性肿瘤基因治疗研究

9.High Mobility Group B1-Polyethylenimine as Combined Carrier for Gene Delivery in Vitro构建HMGB1/PEI非病毒载体介导高效基因传递的研究

10.The inhibition of HBV gene expression HepG cell by rAAV mediated HDV ribozymerAAV载体介导的HDV核酶对HBV基因表达的抑制作用

11.Inhibition of STAT3 gene expression by eukaryotic vector inducing apoptosis in CNE2 cell line真核载体介导STAT3基因沉默诱导CNE2细胞凋亡的研究

12.Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles-mediated in Vitro & in Vivo Gene Transfection of Rat Hepatocytes;羟基磷灰石纳米粒载体介导的大鼠肝细胞体内外基因转染实验

13.PBCA Nanoparticles-mediated HSV-TK/GCV Gene Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Vitro;PBCA纳米粒载体介导的肝癌HSV-TK/GCV基因治疗的体外实验研究

14.Viral Vector-mediated B7-H1 Prolong the Survival Period of the Skin Allograft in Mice;病毒载体介导B7-H1延长同种异体小鼠皮肤移植物存活的实验研究

15.A Novel Tie2 Receptor-Mediated Gene Delivery System;TIE2受体介导的靶向性非病毒载体的构建

16.Preparation of High Performance Chitosan Based Vector Mediated Gene Delivery;高品位壳聚糖介导基因载体制备的研究

17.Studies on Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Lilium Asiatic with ACO ihpRNAi Vector;农杆菌介导的ACO ihpRNAi载体转化亚洲百合的研究

18.A Novel DNA Delivery System Mediated by Cell-penetrating Peptides;穿膜肽介导的新型基因转运载体的研究



3)veterette PCR载体介导PCR

4)Vector-based RNAi载体介导RNA干涉

5)sperm-mediated exogenous精子载体介导

1.Within five years, transgenic sheep were produced bysperm-mediated exogenous DNA transfer method combined with Artification Insemination (AI) technique.采用精子载体介导法先后对 1 952只绵羊进行转基因试验 ,经PCR和South ern检测 1 592只后代中 ,转基因羊 1 0 3只 ,最高转基因效率达 9。

6)receptor-mediated transport载体介导的转运

1.Among them,pharmacological strategies such as the use ofreceptor-mediated transport system and carrier-mediated transport system and nanotechnology-based approaches appear to be the most promising methods.如今一些借助内源性BBB运载体使药物转运入脑的技术发展起来,并处于实验研究和临床试验阶段,例如借助载体介导的转运系统、受体介导的转运系统的药物治疗策略,以及纳米技术的运用等,都有着良好的应用前景。


脉心导敏 ,脉导敏,英他佐明,麦新导明药物名称:吗多明英文名:Molsidomine别名: 吗导敏;吗多明;吗斯酮胺;脉心导敏 ,脉导敏,英他佐明,麦新导明外文名:Molsidomine 特点: 脉导敏是一种属于亚胺类化合物,其作用与硝酸盐相似。舌下含服1毫克,2~4分钟起作用,可阻止心绞痛发作。口服一次可持续6~7小时,剂量每天3次,每次2毫克。副作用包括头痛、头胀、脸部发热感等,但不多见。 适应症: 防治心绞痛的发作。 用量用法: 口服:1次1~2mg,1日2~3次,发作时舌下含服:1次2mg。喷雾吸入:每次揿吸1~2次(相当于本品0.2~0.4mg),每日次数酌定。 注意事项: 1.一般不良反应可有头痛、面部潮红、眩晕等,停药后可自行消失。 2.低血压、青光眼病人忌用。 规格: 片剂:每片1mg、2mg。 气雾剂:每瓶含42mg(可揿吸200次左右)。 类别:非选择性钙通道阻滞剂||防治心绞痛药
