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预想 prediction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-18 21:13:22


预想 prediction英语短句 例句大全




1.To imagine or picture to oneself in advance.预想预先想象或为己设想

2.It"s quite different from what I expected.这与我预想的很不相同。

3.arrange or fix in the desired order.按预想的来安排或装置。

4.poorer than expected performance (poorer than might have been predicted from intelligence tests).比预想的要差的成绩。

5.act of bringing about a desired result.产生预想效果的行为。

6.I guess I got a better deal than I thought."我想我的情况要比预想的好。”

7.Government budgets have inflated even more quickly.政府部门预算的膨胀要比预想中来得更快些。

8.Joe, when you envision the fight taking place, do you envision knocking out Lacy?乔,当你预想这次比赛进行时,你预想要击倒莱西吗?

9.I need to order a dinner here.我想在这预定一餐。

10.An inspired guess or presentiment.被激起的猜想或预感.

11.I"d like to reserve a taxi.我想预定一部出租汽车。

12.I"d like to change my reservation.我想变更一下我的预订。

13.I"d like to set up a doctor"s appointment as soon as possible.我想尽快预约门诊。

14.He didn"t want to barge into any one"s business.他不想干预任何人的事。

15.I don"t want to poke my nose into your affairs.我不想干预你们的事。

16.I"d like to make an ap-pintment with Mr.我想跟伟斯特先生预约。

17.But he wants to cut the school budget!但他想削减学校的预算!

18.Ideas about Improving Budgetary Control and Budgetary Accounting in China;改进我国预算控制和预算会计核算的设想



1.Their semantical base is that the meaning of the following clause must be different from the former,and in typical adversative clause the following clause must be different from thepresupposition of the author.转折句从语义上可分为四类 ,其语义基础为前后两个部分必须有所不同 ,在一般的转折句中后一分句又必须是与说者或作者预想的有所不同。


4)The inter vention conceive干预设想

5)prevention thought预防思想

1.The application and categories of TCMprevention thought in prescription composing are concluded.就预防思想在方剂配伍中的运用与种类进行归纳与总结 ,从五行生克、卫气营血、六经传变、病邪易感特性、药物偏性以及个人体质易感性等方面阐述方剂配伍中灵活运用未病先防和既病防变的具体形式与方法。


1.Fast analysis of transfer capability incontingency based on voltage stability;基于电压稳定预想事故的快速输电能力分析

2.Acontingency classifier of power system is designed by using the algorithm.在此基础上,设计出了基于自组织RBFN 神经网络的电网预想事故分类器。

3.This paper presents a fastcontingency analysis algorithm for large power systems to speed up the security evaluation and to avoid the masking phenomenon ofcontingency selection by using multi level automatic selection forcontingency and local power flow algorithm.为加快安全评定速度,避免预想事故选择中的遮蔽现象,提出了一种对预想事故作多级自动筛选,由局部潮流计算实现的大型电力系统预想事故快速分析算法。


预想1.预先推想或测定。 2.指事前的推想。
