900字范文 > 财政差异 fiscal disparities英语短句 例句大全

财政差异 fiscal disparities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-15 21:03:23


财政差异 fiscal disparities英语短句 例句大全

财政差异,fiscal disparities

1)fiscal disparities财政差异

1.Based on the statistical data of public revenue,public expenditure and GDP of 30 provinces in China from 1980 to ,this paper empirically analyses the relationship between thefiscal disparities and economic disparities among provinces,and the tax federalism by the econometric model.本文通过1980—间的样本数据,揭示1980年以来我国省际间财政差异的变化趋势,以及这种变化趋势的影响因素。


1.An Empirical Study on the Trends and Factors of the Fiscal Disparities among the Provinces;我国省际间财政差异趋势与影响因素的实证研究

2.Study on Disparity of Regional Fiscal Investment Effect and Disparity of Regional Economy in China;我国地区财政投资效应差异与地区经济差异


4.A Primary Research on Fiscal Decentralization across Provinces in China since the 1994 Fiscal Reform财政分权省际差异、原因和影响初探

5.The Effects of Active Fiscal Policy on Regional Economic Growth and Disparity;积极财政政策对区域经济增长与差异的影响

6.The Relationship between the Spatial Diversity of Fiscal Policy Effects and Regional Growth;财政政策效应的空间差异性与地区经济增长

7.The Differential Regional Effects of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in China;我国财政货币政策的区域差异效应研究

8.Difference of Carrying Out Policies between the Center and local Finance;明代财政的症结:中央与地方的政策执行差异

9.Analysis of Regional Differences in the Tertiary Industry and Research on Financial Policy区域第三产业差异分析与财政政策研究

10.Equity and Adequacy in Education Finance:An Analysis of Compulsory Education Finance Reforms and Regional Disparities in China中国义务教育财政改革与地区差异分析:教育财政的公平与充足

11.Fiscal Expenditure on Agriculture, Regional Discrepancy and Agriculture Growth;财政支农对农业增长作用的地区差异性分析

12.An Analysis on the Interregional Differences of the Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Growth in China;我国财政分权与经济增长的地区差异效应研究

13.Analyzing Differences of the Financial Systems of Rural Compulsory Education between France and China;中法农村义务教育现行财政体制差异性分析

14.On Difference of Financial Revenue among Eastern, Middle and Western Regions;中国东、中、西部地区财政收入差异计量研究

15.Financial measures and enlightenment of American adjustment of regional economic difference;美国调节区域经济差异的财政措施及启示

16.Analysis of local financial revenue difference of west twelve provinces;西部十二省市区地方财政收入差异分析

17.The Impact of Local Financial Protection on Regional Industrial Structural Specialization地方财政保护对区域产业结构差异的影响

18.Fiscal Decentralization,Economy Growth Difference and Public Goods Supply in Economic Transition转型中的财政分权、地区增长差异与公共品供给


regional fiscal abilities财政能力差异

3)fiscal disparity财政差距

4)financial disparity财力差异

1.Due to thefinancial disparity among different regions,some local authorities,especially county and township governments,experience financial difficulties.地区间财力差异在一定范围内有其合理性,但财力差异过大就会影响到政府职能实现的程度,进而影响到经济和社会协调发展。

2.Based on fairness and efficiency,this paper suggests that moderateness model of regionalfinancial disparity should be built up so as to ensure the correct orientation,appropriate strength and reliable measures.本文根据公平与效率原则构建了地区间适度财力差异的数学模型,对河北省地区间财力差异适度性进行了实证检验,并针对实际问题,在数据分析的基础上,提出河北省地区间进行财政转移支付应适用效率优先兼顾公平原则,为进一步完善财政转移支付政策和有效调节地区间财力差异提供了理论依据。

5)Wealth Inequality财富差异

6)policy difference政策差异


