900字范文 > 高速铁路 high-speed railway英语短句 例句大全

高速铁路 high-speed railway英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-17 21:27:47


高速铁路 high-speed railway英语短句 例句大全

高速铁路,high-speed railway

1)high-speed railway高速铁路

parison of deck structure of large span through tied-arch bridge with non-ballasted track onhigh-speed railway;高速铁路下承式大跨度系杆拱桥无碴轨道桥面结构形式的对比研究

2.Discussion on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of certain newly-builthigh-speed railway bridge;新建高速铁路路桥方案模糊综合评判的探讨

3.Analysis on the impact ofhigh-speed railway fastener to lateral deformation of rail;高速铁路扣件对钢轨横向变形影响分析


1.Effects of Introducing High Speed Railway into Existing Railway Terminal高速铁路对既有铁路枢纽的影响分析

2.Under the High-speed Railroad Condition Railroad Health Environmental Protection Works the New Mentality高速铁路条件下的铁路卫生环保工作新思路

3.Traffic is convenient as it is next to the Guan-Sum Railway and Highway.毗邻广深高速铁路和莞深高速公路,交通便利。

4.Study on Column-Net Structure Embankments of Ballastless Track in High Speed Railway;高速铁路无碴轨道桩网结构路基研究

5.Study on Vertical Dynamic Response of the Track/subgrade in High-speed Railway;高速铁路轨道路基竖向动力响应研究

6.Study on the Safe Limits of CWR Railbreak Gaps in the Highway-Bridge;高速铁路桥上无缝线路断缝值的研究

7.Development of railway logistics industry from the view of new-built Dacheng highway;由新建达成高速铁路看铁路物流业的发展

8.The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, Beijing-Shanghai express railway and cross-border railways in northwest and southwest China will be constructed.建设青藏铁路、京沪高速铁路和西北、西南进出境铁路。

9.Analysis of Stability on High Emembankmentment of High-Speed Railway and Predict on Settlement after Construction;高速铁路高路堤稳定性分析及工后沉降预测

10.Application of High-pressure Chemical Churning Pile to High-speed Railway Subgrade高压旋喷桩施工技术在高速铁路路基上的应用

11.Analysis of influence of metro shield tunneling crossing underneath high speed railway地铁盾构隧道下穿京津城际高速铁路影响分析

12.Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway:A Correct Strategy Choice修建京沪高速铁路是正确的战略抉择

13.Research on Cophase at Traction Power Supply System in High-Speed Railway;高速铁路同相AT牵引供电系统研究

14.RAMS Evaluation of Traction Power Supply System of High-Speed Electrification Railway;高速铁路牵引供电系统的RAMS评估

15.Evaluation of Interaction between Overhead Contact Line Systems (OCS) and Pantographs for High Speed Lines;高速铁路受电弓/接触网相互作用评价

16.Research on Designing Scheme for V-shaped Continuous Steel Box Girder Bridge in High-speed Railway;高速铁路V形钢箱连续梁桥设计研究

17.Research on Traffic Joint Planning of High Speed Railway Station Area;高速铁路车站片区交通衔接规划研究

18.Some Discussion About Location Design Technology of High-Speed Railway;高速铁路选线设计技术若干问题探讨


High speed railway高速铁路

1.Measurement control for roadbed settlement of high speed railway;浅谈高速铁路路基沉降测量控制

2.Test and application of polycarboxylates high performance water-reducing admixture on high performance concret in high speed railway engineering;聚羧酸高性能减水剂在高速铁路高性能混凝土的试验与应用

3.Aseismic analysis of half-through steel box arch bridge in Jing-Hu high speed railway;京沪高速铁路中承式钢箱拱桥抗震分析

3)express railway高速铁路

1.An analysis of the influence of pumping shallow groundwater to passengerexpress railways;开采浅层地下水对高速铁路工程的影响分析

2.On design for bearing sheet on Beijing-Shanghaiexpress railway浅谈京沪高速铁路承台板设计

3.The paper analyzes the compaction subsiding scope and the calculation of controlling numeral of theexpress railway foundation,the estimation method of settlement after work and the determing time of the stability of the road foundation settlement to the foundation design for reference.分析高速铁路路基压密下沉的范围与控制值计算及工后沉降的估算方法,路基沉降稳定时间的确定,为路基设计提供依

4)high-speed railways高速铁路

1.The successful experience ofhigh-speed railways in Paris-Amsterdam megalopolis provides good referencefor Shanghai to construct traffic system of Greater Shanghai metropo.位于辽阔的欧洲大陆上的巴黎—阿姆斯特丹都市圈采用高速铁路系统,经过多年的运营,在技术、商业、财政以及政治上都获得了极大的成功,不仅解决了运输能力紧张的问题,而且带动了整个经济圈的经济发展。

2.Monolithic deck is one of the ideal structural types in long-span bridges ofhigh-speed railways because of its big rigidity,good integrity, low noise,excellent dynamic behavior and so on.整体桥面具有刚度大、整体性好、噪声小、动力性能好等优点,是高速铁路大跨度桥梁较为合适的桥面形式之一,但整体桥面结构中,下弦杆(系梁)和桥面系受力状态较复杂。

5)high speed train高速铁路

1.The results of noise testing onhigh speed trains are analyzed.重点介绍比利时新建高速铁路的噪声防护措施,并对高速列车噪声测试的结果进行了分析,肯定了新线上噪声防护墙所起的作用。

2.An one-dimensional unsteady compressible non-homentropic flow prediction method for calculating the pressure transient generated by ahigh speed train passing through a tunnel is presented.计算结果表明,该方法可作为我国高速铁路隧道设计参数选择的研究工具。

6)high-speed rail高速铁路

1.B:Some thoughts on the foundation of developinghigh-speed railwayB篇:试论我国发展高速铁路的基础

2.In this paper, affect the performance ofhigh-speed rail network factors analysis in the 3G network, Discussed thehigh-speed rail network planning at this stage need to pay attention to the planning difficulties, so combined withhigh-speed rail planning experience in fujian unicom WCDMA networks, obtained can be applied to the actual network of WCDMAhigh-speed rail planning strategy.本文通过对在3G网络中影响高速铁路网络性能的因素分析,探讨了在现阶段高速铁路网络规划中需要注意的规划难点,同时结合福建联通WCDMA网络高速铁路的规划经验,得出可以应用于实际网络的WCDMA高速铁路规划策略。

3.This paper introduces the application of engineering plastics inhigh-speed rail at home and abroad, the example of research and the developing future.介绍工程塑料在国内外高速铁路上的应用情况,研究实例及发展前景。


