900字范文 > 青少年成长 the growth of young英语短句 例句大全

青少年成长 the growth of young英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-05 01:53:11


青少年成长 the growth of young英语短句 例句大全

青少年成长,the growth of young

1)the growth of young青少年成长

1.But the family still exist the problem in education with many not conducive tothe growth of young people.家庭教育在青少年的成长中起着至关重要的作用,但目前的家庭教育中还存在着很多不利于青少年成长的问题。


1.To Put Close Attention to Psychological Growth--Analysis on cases of personal growth of teenagers;关注心理成长——青少年成长案例分析

2.Overgrowth is common in adolescents.青少年成长过快是普遍现象.

3.Internet s Influences on Teenagers and Some Countermeasures;网络对青少年成长的影响及对策分析

4.The Influence and Thinking That Network Culture to Teenagers Growing up;网络文化对青少年成长的影响与思考

5.Humanism as a necessity in the education for the young;人文教育:青少年成长中不可缺少的教育

6.Study on Entertainment Condition of Urban Young People and Its Influence on Growth of Them;城市青少年娱乐状况及其对青少年成长的影响研究

7.Against the growth of young people, do the prevention of juvenile delinquency effectively;针对青少年成长的实际,切实做好青少年犯罪的预防

8.Mass Media and the Growth of Teenagers: A Questionnaire Survey;大众传媒与青少年成长——“青少年媒体接触现状”问卷调查报告

9.On the Growing Environment of Teenagers in City--Exploration on Optimizing Microsystem;关于城市青少年成长环境——“微系统”的优化初探

10.Relationship between Family-education and Young People s Development under the New Situation;浅议新形势下家庭教育与青少年成长的关系

11.Talk about the influence of the family education to the youngsters;略论家庭教育对青少年成长的影响因素

12.a gangling adolescent transformed into a handsome adult;长成英俊青年的笨拙少年;

13.The nation"s youngsters are growing up healthy and strong.我国青少年正在健康茁壮地成长。

14.Analysis on Factors Influencing Children and Teenagers Psychological Development;影响儿童青少年心理成长的因素分析

15.Young people go through a period of fast growth, called puberty.青少年会经历一段快速成长期,称为青春期。

16.a teenager who vilipends the advice of his elders藐视长者忠告的青少年

17.Study on Related Factors of Parents Impact on Internet Addicts of the Young;家长对青少年网络成瘾影响的相关因素研究

18.Reflection on Promoting Adolescent Healthy Growth by Nurturing their Emotional Intelligence;对情绪智力促进青少年健康成长的思考


adolescent"s mentltal health青少年健康成长

3)the grow-up of adolescent spirit青少年精神成长

4)guidance for the growth of youth青少年成长发展辅导

5)growth of a boy少年成长

6)adolescent growth青少年生长


