900字范文 > 失灵保护 failure protection英语短句 例句大全

失灵保护 failure protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-19 22:31:03


失灵保护 failure protection英语短句 例句大全

失灵保护,failure protection

1)failure protection失灵保护

1.Improvement of BP-2B microprocessor-based protection devicefailure protection logic;对BP-2B微机保护装置中失灵保护逻辑的完善

2.Analysis of an operation of breakerfailure protection and maloperation of bus protection during a fault occurred in a 220 kV line;一起线路故障引发失灵保护及母线保护动作分析


1.underreaching protection继电器失灵保护装置

2.circuit-breaker failure portection equipment断路器失灵保护装置

3.The characteristic of breaker failure protection for AC Filter( ACF) sub-bank is presented.分析了交流滤波器小组开关失灵保护的特点。

4.Study on traditional breaker failure protection circuit and its optimization plan传统失灵保护回路的研究及其优化方案

5.Research on Current Transformer Configuration of 220kV Transformer Failure Protection220kV变压器失灵保护装置电流互感器配置研究

6.Selection of Voltage Lockout Releasing Scheme of Failure Protection for Transformer Circuit Breaker变压器断路器失灵保护装置解除电压闭锁方案的选择

7.Analysis and Improvement of the Design for the High Voltage Power Grid Bus-double Circuit Breaker Failure Protection Loop高压电网双母线接线断路器失灵保护回路设计分析与改进

8.The scheme of the diplex failure protection depended upon the existing equipments in the 500kV Dongguan power station关于500kV东莞站利用现有设备进行失灵保护双重化配置的探讨


10.Dual moisture detection probes to eliminate false alarms双重防潮保护的探针能够避免警报失灵或误报

11.Protective effect of GLP on lung injury induced by hemorrhagic shock-reperfusion in rabbits灵芝多糖对失血性休克复苏时肺损伤的保护作用

12.Protection of GLP on Lung Injury in Hemorrhagic Shock Reperfusion灵芝多糖对失血性休克再灌注肺损伤的保护作用

13.Failure and Countermeasures of the Cultivated Land Protection Policy Based on the Regional Development基于区域发展视角的耕地保护政策失灵及对策选择

14.Protective Effect of GLP on Intestinal Mucosa Injury in Hemorrhagic Shock Reperfusion Rabbit灵芝多糖对失血性休克再灌注肠黏膜损伤保护作用的实验研究

15.Scheme studying of the protection device combined transmission line protection,bus-bar protection and circuit breaker failure protection on double busbar connection substation双母接线系统中线路保护、母线保护、线路断路器失灵装置一体化方案的研究

16.The Retirement Insurance Market and the Government Out of Control and the Corrections;养老保险的市场失灵与政府失灵及其矫正路径

17.Analysis of Bus Differential Protection Action on Bus Coupler and Subsection Malfunction and Dead-zone Fault in Dual-bus Dual-subsection Connection双母双分段接线中母联和分段失灵及死区故障时母差保护动作行为分析

18.protected from harm or loss.保护起来不受伤害、损失。


breaker failure protection失灵保护

1.Analysis and improvement ofbreaker failure protection for generator-transformer unit;发变组失灵保护的探讨及改进

2.Research ofbreaker failure protection for AC filter sub-bank in HVDC system;高压直流输电系统中交流滤波器小组开关失灵保护研究

3.Study on traditionalbreaker failure protection circuit and its optimization plan传统失灵保护回路的研究及其优化方案

3)malfunction protection失灵保护

1.Analysis ofmalfunction protection and its improvement;失灵保护问题分析及改进方法

2.Concise discussion on disadvantages of INX_5+HT91 bus difference current and themalfunction protection equipment;INX_5+HT91型母差和失灵保护的弊端分析

3.Taking 3rd phase project of Fengzhen Power Plant as an example,the configuration characteristics of relay protection related to generator-transformer-line group were introduced,the duplicate configuration of relay protection andmalfunction protection were analyzed in order to get optimal configuration of relay protection.以内蒙古丰镇发电厂三期工程为例,介绍了发电机-变压器-线路组保护配置的特点,对其双重化和失灵保护进行了分析,以使保护达到最优化配置。

4)circuit breaker failure protection失灵保护

1.Taking example for two 220 kV substations, the startup principle ofcircuit breaker failure protection and the reasons why the breaker failure protection starts incorrectly are discussed.对于配置电磁型或微机型保护的220kV主变,在高压侧开关停电检修并由旁路开关代路运行的情况下,如不切换其高压侧失灵保护启动回路,则无法正确启动断路器失灵保护。

5)circuit breaker failure protection断路器失灵保护

1.This paper mainly to the transformer220kVcircuit breaker failure protection circuit and launched next generation Transformer Operation breaker failure protection circuit start a detailed analysis, pointing out that the main change in next-generation operation, thecircuit breaker failure protection of some, it can not meet the《power to prevent major accidents in the 25 key requirements》.本文主要对主变压器220kV断路器失灵保护启动回路和主变旁代运行时断路器失灵保护启动回路进行了详细分析,指出在主变旁代运行时,断路器失灵保护中存在的一些不足,不能满足《防止电力生产重大事故的二十五项重点要求》。

2.Busbar differential protection,circuit breaker failure protection and microcomputer-based line protectionare detailed analyzed.近年来电网继电保护运行水平有所提高,正确动作率逐年上升,但存在母线差动保护和断路器失灵保护正确动作率偏低等问题,分析了出现问题的原因,提出了改进意见。

3.This paper mainly to the transformer220kVcircuit breaker failure protection circuit and launched next generation Transformer Operation breaker failure protection circuit start a detailed analysis, pointing out that the main change in next-generation operation, thecircuit breaker failure protection of some, it can not meet the 《power to prevent major accidents in the 25 key requirements》 .本文主要对主变压器220kV断路器失灵保护启动回路和主变旁代运行时断路器失灵保护启动回路进行了详细分析,指出在主变旁代运行时,断路器失灵保护中存在的一些不足,不能满足《防止电力生产重大事故的二十五项重点要求》。

6)actuating breaker failure protection启动失灵保护


