900字范文 > 航空弹药 air ammunition英语短句 例句大全

航空弹药 air ammunition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-06 19:44:50


航空弹药 air ammunition英语短句 例句大全

航空弹药,air ammunition

1)air ammunition航空弹药

1.The Design of the PID+Adaptive Flight Controller in Air Ammunition;航空弹药PID+自适应控制系统设计

2.The article use mathematics method to educeair ammunition equivalent value,via calculating Lanchester s equation,and provide a relatively quantificational calculating method for weighing the equivalent value ofair ammunition.应用数学方法,通过对兰彻斯特方程的求解,得出航空弹药战斗价值的等效值,并举例计算,为今后用统一的标准衡量航空弹药的效能提供了一种定量的计算方法。

3.To assess the reliable stockpile lifetime ofair ammunitions scientifically,a series of evaluation method for ammunition were established by researching a great deal of test data.为科学评定航空弹药可靠贮存寿命,通过对大量弹药可靠性试验数据的研究,建立了一套弹药可靠贮存寿命评定方法。


1.Verification and Validation of Controlled Trajectory for Guided Air Ammunition制导航空弹药有控弹道的校核和验证

2.Research on Aerial Ammunition Supply Support Decision Support System;航空弹药供应保障决策支持系统研究

3.The Study on Methods and Application of the Supply Chain Management of Air Ammunitionss;航空弹药供应链管理方法及应用研究

4.How to Ascertain the Plan of Arranging to Transport the Air Ammunition in War;确定战时航空弹药调拨运输方案的探讨

5.Selection of the Secondary Sealed luternal Package Materials for a Specicl Aeronautic Ammunition;特种航空弹药二次密封的内包装材料选择

6.Application of Improved BP Neural Network to Prediction of Aviation Ammunition Consumption改进BP神经网络在航空弹药预测中的应用

7.Carry Scheme Optimal Model of Airborne Ammunition and Its Solution Based on GA航空弹药挂载方案优化模型及其遗传算法求解

8.The discuss of risk decision-making analysis in the application of aviation ammunition providing;风险型决策分析在战时航空弹药供应中的应用探讨

9.Design of the Simulation Console for an Air Launched Guided Munition某型航空制导弹药仿真控制台的设计

10.air-dropped munitions (or submunitions)空投弹药(或子弹药)

11.projectile aeroballistics射弹航空弹道学(指炮弹或导弹)

12.ALCM(air-launched cruise missile)空中发射的巡航导弹

13.aero spring shock absorber strut航空弹簧减震器支柱

14.Cruise missiles launched from an aircraft carrier从航空母舰上发射的巡航导弹

15.The Study of Simulation of Airdropped Homing Depth-charge Trajectory Based on Simulink基于Simulink的航空自导深弹空中弹道仿真研究

16.air-to-air missile with infrared homing device.带有红外线归航装置的空对空导弹。

17.Simulation and Research on the Penetration Probability of ALCM against SAM巡航导弹对地空导弹的突防概率仿真研究

18.The Feasibility Analysis of Portable Surface-to-air Missile Intercepting Cruise Missile便携式地空导弹拦截巡航导弹可行性分析


aviation ammunition航空弹药

1.Transport network graph in accord with time restriction is built according to graph theory,and multi-aviation ammunition transport model is constructed under the conveyance ability restriction.根据图论理论生成符合时限要求的运输网络形图,构建了在运力约束下多种航空弹药的运输模型,并用KSHWC算法对模型进行求解,同时也运用单纯形法对无约束的情况进行了求解,并对两种求解结果进行了比较,发现KSHWC算法能够在容量限制的范围内,充分优化运输方案。

2.This paper summarizesaviation ammunition wastage,establish forecast model ofaviation ammunition peacetime wastage,and F test and t test are carried through to the medel.对航空弹药消耗量进行了概述,建立了航空弹药平时消耗量预测模型,并对模型进行了 F 检验和 t 检验,最后举实例说明了该模型的建立过程。

3.This paper sets up mathematics models onaviation ammunition stock and predigests the models in order to solve it easily according to species of stock strategy and fact ofaviation ammunition stock.本文根据储存策略的种类,结合航空弹药储存的实际情况,建立了航空弹药贮存的数学模型,并对模型进行了简化处理,使之方便求解,从而具有可操作性。

3)air ammountition depot航空弹药库

4)air ammunition support航空弹药保障

5)the new ammunition新型航空弹药

1.In the information war, support efficiency depends on the ability of infor-mation managemeat, contraposing the main problems ofthe new ammunition supportmanagement at present, the traits of data depot and the difference between data de-pot and traditional affair database are introduced.信息化战争中,要求新型航空弹药保障的效能水平依赖于信息管理能力。

6)aerial ammunition supply support航空弹药供应保障

1.This dissertation make research onaerial ammunition supply support decisionsupport system, and make models ofaerial ammunition supply support, and carry throughin-depth research on construction of the model base, and make design to the database andman-machine interface of the decision support system.当前全军正大力开展信息化建设,航空弹药供应保障决策支持系统是军队信息化建设的重要组成部分,本文对航空弹药供应保障决策支持系统进行了研究,建立了航空弹药供应保障模型,深入探讨了决策支持系统模型库的构建,对决策支持系统数据库和人机界面进行了设计。


岸基航空兵(见海军航空兵)岸基航空兵(见海军航空兵)shore-based aviationanli hangkongbing岸基航空兵(shore一based aviation)见海军航空兵。
