900字范文 > 人工模拟降雨 artificial simulation of rainfall英语短句 例句大全

人工模拟降雨 artificial simulation of rainfall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-05 19:24:56


人工模拟降雨 artificial simulation of rainfall英语短句 例句大全

人工模拟降雨,artificial simulation of rainfall

1)artificial simulation of rainfall人工模拟降雨

1.According to theartificial simulation of rainfall experiment on different vegetation patterns slope face,this paper studied the effects of vegetation patterns to infiltration,runoff and sediment production.利用人工模拟降雨试验,在不同植被格局的坡面上,研究了坡面不同植被格局对入渗、产流产沙的影响,结果表明:在小雨强下,不同植被格局的稳渗率大小差别较大;随着雨强的增大,不同植被格局的稳渗率差别逐渐减小。

2.The characteristics of rainfall simulator devices and sediment and yield runoff on farmlands were studied by adoptingartificial simulation of rainfall in the semi-arid area of Dingxi,Gansu province.采用人工模拟降雨的方法,对仪器自身性能进行了测试,并分设5种不同的降雨强度分别研究半干旱区林地、草地、人工草地和耕地的产流产沙特征。


1.Performance Research of Artificial Rainfall Simulator Based on AMESim;基于AMESim的人工模拟降雨机性能研究

2.Research on the Simulated Rainfall Experiment for the Soil Erosion by the Project Spoil工程弃土土壤侵蚀人工模拟降雨试验研究

3.Study on Soil Erodibility of Purple Soil under Rainfall Simulator;人工模拟降雨条件下紫色土土壤可蚀性研究

4.The Trial Testing and Performance Research of Artificial Rainfall Simulator;人工模拟降雨装置的试验测试与特性研究

5.Design and Implementation of the System for Artificial Simulation of Rainfall Based on PCC;基于PCC的人工模拟降雨系统设计与实现

6.The Study on Artificial Rainfall Simulator Remote Monitoring System Based on GPRS基于GPRS的人工模拟降雨远程监控系统的研究

7.The Study on Mechanism Simulation and Analysis of Rainfall Simulation System人工模拟降雨系统机构仿真及分析研究

8.Study on Purple Soil Nutrient Loss under the Artificial Rainfall Simulation Condition人工模拟降雨条件下紫色土养分流失研究

9.Analysis on Nutrient Loss of Purple Soil under Simulated Rainfall人工模拟降雨条件下紫色土养分流失规律分析

10.Research into Soil Erosion of Shrub Plant Communities in Moderate Desertification Mountain Areas under Artificial Rainfall Conditions;人工模拟降雨条件下喀斯特中度石漠化灌丛水土流失研究

11.Study on the Change of Soil Particle and Loss of Nutrient Based on Rainfall Simulator人工模拟降雨条件下土壤颗粒变化及养分流失的研究

12.Experimental Study on the Soil Erosion Based on Artificial Simulation of Rainfall and Soil Erosion Forecast Model of North Brae in Yi Ning;基于人工模拟降雨的伊宁市北山坡土壤侵蚀特性试验及预报模型研究

13.A direct calculation method of the critical shear stresses was established according to experiment datum on simulated rainfall.提出了采用人工模拟降雨试验数据直接计算临界抗剪切应力的方法。

14.Analysis and simulation to the relation between rainfall and runoff in karst basin with artificial neural network model喀斯特流域降雨-径流人工神经网络模型结构分析及模拟

15.Effect of Artificial Meicago Soiva and Caragana Korshinskii Communnities on Runoff, Sediment under Simulated Precipitation Conditiongs;模拟降雨条件下人工苜蓿和柠条群落对产流、产沙的影响


17.Study on Simulationg Constructed Wetland for Treating Stormwater Runoff模拟人工湿地对暴雨径流的处理研究

18.Runoff Simulation Based on SWAT Model in the Xixi Watershed of the Jinjiang River;晋江西溪流域降雨径流的SWAT模型模拟


Simulated rainfall人工模拟降雨

1.On the basis of field investigation, slope runoff plot observation and simulated rainfall experiment, this paper studies wheat stubble and straw effects on surface flow and sediment in the slope wheat land, which will contribute to selecting optimum farming method in the loess plateau.通过人工模拟降雨 ,研究小麦休闲期坡耕地采取不同耕作措施的产流产沙规律 ,减流减沙机理 ,并辅以调查充实 ,从而为选取最佳水土保持耕作措施提供依据。

2.The vegetation cover and management factor C of soil were studied under different land use pattern with simulated rainfall in low hill red soil area, and the sustainability of the different land use methods using the factor C value was assessed.用人工模拟降雨仪研究低丘红壤区不同土地利用方式下植被覆盖与管理因子C值,并应用C值对土地利用方式的可持续性进行分析评价。

3.13 simulated rainfall experiments with different rainfall intensities and durations are completed in a 5 m×10 m experimental plot in mountainous area of North China.人工模拟降雨是研究坡地产流规律的一种有效手段。

3)rainfall simulation人工模拟降雨

1.In field conditions,rainfall simulation experiments were conducted to study the influence of slope, rainfall and tillage on infiltration in sloping farmland of purple soil.在田间条件下,利用人工模拟降雨研究了坡度、降雨、耕作方式对紫色土坡耕地入渗过程的影响。

4)rainfall simulator人工模拟降雨

1.Study on Soil Erodibility of Purple Soil under Rainfall Simulator;人工模拟降雨条件下紫色土土壤可蚀性研究

2.Erodibility of seven representative soil types in subropic China was studied by means oftherainfall simulator.用人工模拟降雨仪研究了我国亚热带7种有代表性土壤的可蚀性,结果表明土壤可蚀性因子K值以紫色土最高,第四纪红色粘土发育的土类最低,该文还用诺谟方法估算了土壤可蚀性因子K值,但其中大部分与人工模拟降雨仪测得的相差较大,因此,认为该地区极大多数土壤类型不能直接用诺谟图方法来估算土壤可蚀性因子K值。

3.In this paper, taking rain erosion of the frequent disasters in Yining Area as an example,based on Remote sensing andrainfall simulator methods, Firstly systematic, q.因此,本文针对新疆降雨侵蚀灾害发生频繁的伊宁地区,通过室内人工模拟降雨试验与野外调查采样相结合的方法,首次系统地、定量地研究了影响土壤侵蚀的主要因子以及它们对土壤侵蚀变化特性的影响机理,探索出伊宁北山坡降雨侵蚀的规律,并且建立了降雨侵蚀预报模型,将该模型应用到实际预报中。

5)artificial rainfall simulation人工模拟降雨

1.Research and development of the auto-control system forartificial rainfall simulation;人工模拟降雨自动控制系统的研制

6)artifiical simulation rainfall人工降雨模拟


人工降雨1.用人工促使尚未达到降雨阶段的云层降雨。 2.一种先进的灌溉方法。用高压水泵把水喷向空中,使之散成细小的水点,象雨一样洒到植物和土壤上。
