900字范文 > 信息融合 information fusion英语短句 例句大全

信息融合 information fusion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-25 04:49:41


信息融合 information fusion英语短句 例句大全

信息融合,information fusion

1)information fusion信息融合

1.Application of theinformation fusion method in mine air supplying system based on fuzzy neural network;基于模糊神经网络的信息融合方法在矿井供风系统中的应用

2.Application ofinformation fusion expert system based on blackboard model in water environment monitor;基于黑板结构的信息融合专家系统在水质监测中的应用

3.A Fire-alarm prediction system based on multi-sensorinformation fusion technique;一种基于多传感器信息融合的火警预报系统


1.Bayes Information Fusion in Multi-sources of Prior Information;多源验前信息下的Bayes信息融合方法

2.Information Fusion in GPS/INS Integratexd Navigation;信息融合在GPS/INS组合导航中的应用

3.Parts Logistics Based on ICMMS Integrated Decision Information Fusion;基于ICMMS综合决策信息融合的配件物流

4.Information Fusion Based Optimal Combined Control for Stochastic Large-Scale System随机大系统的信息融合最优联合控制

5.Information fusion based on radar/IR imaging compound guidance雷达/红外成像复合制导信息融合技术

6.Information fusion algorithm in INS/SMNS integrated navigation systemINS/SMNS组合导航信息融合算法

7.Information Sharing System for Heart Disease Emergence Treatment Based on an Information Fusion Model基于信息融合模型的心脏病急救信息共享系统

8.Data Mining Based Data Fusion Theory and Its Applications基于数据挖掘的信息融合理论和应用

9.Studies on the Methods and Application of Multi-Sources Information Fusion in Remote Sensing;多源遥感信息融合方法及其应用研究

10.The Multisensor Information Fusion Technology for Remote Sensing Image;遥感图像中的多源信息融合技术研究

11.Research of Information Fusion for Multisensor Image;多传感器遥感图像信息融合算法研究

12.Research on the Technology of AIS Information Merging and the Track Analysis;AIS信息融合和轨迹分析技术的研究

13.A Study on Information Fusion Method of Data Link and Passive Radar;数据链与被动雷达信息融合方法研究

14.Active/Passive Radar Information Fusion and Its Application to Maneuvering Target Tracking;主/被动雷达信息融合方法研究与应用

15.Study on AIS & Radar Information Fusion in VTS;AIS与雷达信息融合在VTS中应用的研究

16.Actuator s Fault Diagnosis Based on Information Fusion;基于信息融合的执行器故障诊断研究

17.Information Fusion Algorithm and Application Based on Neural Network;基于神经网络的信息融合技术与应用

18.Path Planning of Mobile Robot Based on Information Fusion;基于信息融合的移动机器人路径规划


data fusion信息融合

1.The application ofdata fusion in the research of physic parameters of complicated oil-gas reservoir;信息融合在复杂油气储层物性参数综合研究中的应用

2.Fault diagnosis for aeroengine gas path components based on neural network multisensordata fusion;应用神经网络信息融合诊断航空发动机故障

3.Optimizing algorithm ofdata fusion based on Kalman filter;基于卡尔曼滤波的信息融合算法优化研究

3)information integration信息融合

1.Application ofinformation integration technology in pore structure study;信息融合技术在地层孔隙结构研究中的应用

2.Fault diagnosis of mine ventilator base on multi sensorinformation integration;基于多传感器信息融合的矿井通风机故障诊断

3.In terms of facts of Chinese water quality monitoring, the author came forward the framework ofinformation integration system, and analyzed the research contents and boundaries of sub- systems.针对我国水质监测实际情况,从系统的角度,建立水质监测信息融合系统的体系框架,指出并分析其各个子系统的研究内容。

4)information amalgamation信息融合

1.Information Amalgamation of Multisensor in the Intelligent Building;智能建筑中的多传感器信息融合

2.This paper describes the importance and the effect of the mutual information platform in ITS,accounts for the process ofinformation amalgamation and relation technology of the ITS information platform of Guangzhou,and gives the method of effective amalgamation.并以广州市ITS共用信息平台为例,分析了平台信息的特征,给出了广州市信息融合的过程以及涉及的相关技术,最后提出了实现信息有效融合的研究方法和思路。

3.In order to get even more accurate estimate of the sailing state of the targets, the tracking data from different sensors are synthesized in the navalinformation amalgamation system.在水面舰船信息融合系统中 ,为了得到更为精确的目标状态估计 ,将来自不同传感器的航迹数据进行综合 ,建立了正确判别相关航迹的数学基础 ,并给出了多种类信息指标和多种类目标识别指标的计算方

5)information merging信息融合

1.Oil/gas-predicted method by seismology based on supporting vector computer andinformation merging;基于支持向量机与信息融合的地震油气预测方法

2.Research on the Technology of AIS Information Merging and the Track Analysis;AIS信息融合和轨迹分析技术的研究

3.A brief description of the multisensorinformation merging technology has been made.对多传感器信息融合技术作了简要介绍 ,并结合旋转机械振动故障诊断系统的要求与特点 ,探讨了信息融合技术用于故障诊断系统的基本层次结构。

6)fuse information融合信息

1.Study on high resolution image classification for Dongsha Island based onfuse information;对东沙岛基于融合信息高分辨遥感影像分类研究


