900字范文 > 金矿氰化 cyanidation of gold ore英语短句 例句大全

金矿氰化 cyanidation of gold ore英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-02 18:29:36


金矿氰化 cyanidation of gold ore英语短句 例句大全

金矿氰化,cyanidation of gold ore

1)cyanidation of gold ore金矿氰化


1.Practice of improving gold washing efficency in Jinqu Gold Mine cyanide plant金渠金矿氰化厂提高金洗涤率的实践

2.In this paper, the methods of determining free sodium cyanide in cyanidc solution of gold ore by colorimetric comparison are studied, this Laying a foundation for the development of automatic analytical instrument of sodium cyanide at home.本文研究了用比色法测定金矿氰化液中游离氰化钠的方法,为国内研制氰化钠自动分析仪打下基础。

3.To treat(an ore) with cyanide to extract gold or silver.用氰化物提取用氰化物处理(矿石)提取金或银

4.cyanide process氰化法(用氰化物从矿物中提取贵金属的方法)

5.Influence of antimony on refractory gold ore roasting and cyaniding leaching锑对难处理金矿石(金精矿)焙烧—氰化浸金的影响

6.Recovery of Gold by Full-slime Cyanidation Process From Gold Concentrate用全泥氰化法从浮选金精矿中回收金

7.Study on Roasting-Cyanide Leaching of Gold Concentration Containing Arsenic and Sulphur含砷、硫金精矿焙烧-氰化浸出工艺研究

8.Experimental study on biological oxidation-cyanide leaching of gold concentrate in Xinjiang Hatu gold mine新疆哈图金矿金精矿细菌氧化—氰化提金试验研究

9.Experimental Study of Cyanide Leaching of Gold Flotation Concentrate Containing High Arsenic from Guigang, Guangxi;广西贵港高砷浮选金精矿氰化浸金试验研究

10.Experimental Study on Gold and Silver Cyanidation of Clay Kustelite Containing Arsenic,Manganese砷锰粘土金银矿中金、银的氰化试验研究

11.The reform of treatment technique of cyanide-bearing tailingin the all-sliming cyanidation CIP technology for gold extraction全泥氰化炭浆提金工艺含氰尾矿处理技术改造与实践

12.Study on gold leaching from sulfide ore by using mixed solution of cyanide and aqua ammonia硫化矿的浸金研究——氰化物和氨水的混合液体系

13.a process for extracting gold and silver by treating ore with a sodium cyanide solution.用氰化钠溶液处理矿石提取金和银的过程。

14.Applying Alkali-chlorination Method in Treatment for Cyanide Containing Gold Tailing Sands碱性氯化法处理含氰黄金尾矿砂的应用研究

15.Adopting mixed flotation technology,the mixed concentrate of gold and zinc are produced. Through cyanide treatment of the mixed concentrate,the cyanide tailings are regarded as zinc concentrate for sale.采用混合浮选工艺产出锌金混合精矿 ,其经氰化处理后氰尾渣作为锌精矿出售。

16.Study of the gold extraction by cya nidation after caustic soda pretreatment for arsenic removal and regression analysis of gold and arsenic碱浸除砷氰化提金行为的探讨及矿石中金砷的回归分析

17.Experiment Research on Pre-oxidation by Moderate Bacteria and Leaching by Cyanide for A Refractory Gold Concentrate湖北某难处理金精矿中温菌预氧化-氰化浸出试验研究

18.The leaching rate of gold is increased to 90% by ammonium thiosulfate,as against the 15% under the condition of cyanide leaching.以甘肃坪定金矿为例 ,其浸出率可由氰化法的 15 %提高到 90 %。


gold concentrate cyanidation金精矿氰化

1.Pretreatment technology research and practice ofgold concentrate cyanidation by using reagent;药剂预处理金精矿氰化工艺研究与实践

3)cyanide solution of gold ore金矿氰化液

4)cyanide leaching of gold from tailings尾矿氰化浸金

5)Cyanided gold tailings氰化提金尾矿

6)Cyanidation technique of gold ores金矿氰化工艺


攻打大陆金矿攻打大陆金矿Attack on the Dalu Gold MineGongda Dalu Jinkuang攻打大陆金矿(Attaek。n the Dalu ooldMine)抗日战争时期,日军侵占河北省遵化县马兰峪大陆金矿,掠夺矿产资源。该矿区筑有电网壕沟,由日军80余名和伪军三个中队守备。1943年12月,八路军晋察冀军区第13军分区第6区队奉命攻打金矿。13日,第6区队带领群众隐蔽进至金矿外围东北部,游击队和民兵一部进至金矿外围西部。23时,金矿内应人员切断电网电源,游击队和民兵向马兰峪佯攻,吸引金矿日伪军。第6区队乘机冲人矿区,连克三座岗楼,歼伪军大部,并对日军实施火力封锁,掩护群众打开仓库抢运物资,破坏金矿。第6区队达到战斗目的后,击退日军反扑,安全转移。这次战斗,毙伤日军40余人、伪军100余人,缴获迫击炮1门、轻重机枪8挺、步枪200多支、子弹5万余发、黄金64两、白银2500余两、伪币2500余元。(崔海明)
