900字范文 > 叶面积 leaf area英语短句 例句大全

叶面积 leaf area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-10 21:15:39


叶面积 leaf area英语短句 例句大全

叶面积,leaf area

1)leaf area叶面积

1.Theleaf area index measurement of Drepanostachyum ludianense;小蓬竹的叶面积指数测定

2.Effects of fertilizing and sowing amounts on the increase ofleaf area and the accumulation of dry matter of Elymus sibirlius L.cv.Duoye;施肥量和播种量对当年播种的多叶老芒麦叶面积增长和干物质积累的影响

3.Modeling of the leaf age andleaf area per plant in winter barley;冬大麦叶龄与单株叶面积模拟的研究


1.Effects of sulfur on leaf area and chlorophyll of soybean硫对大豆叶面积和叶绿素含量的影响

2.Advance in Ground-based LAI Measurement Methods叶面积指数地面测量方法的研究进展

3.Leaf Area Index and Specific Leaf Area of Natural Poplars in Ergis Basin额尔齐斯河天然杨树林叶面积指数及比叶面积的研究

4.A Study on the Inversion and Validation of Larix Gmelinii Leaf Area Index Based on Remotely-sensed Data;兴安落叶松叶面积指数反演与验证研究

5.Study on the Relationships between the Leaf Projection Area and the Leaf Dry Weight of Desert Plants几种荒漠植物叶面积与叶干质量关系的研究

6.Studies on the Relationship Between Yield and Leaf Area Index and Their Dry Matter Accumulation in Black Soybean黑豆叶面积指数及干物质积累与产量的关系

7.A Dynamic Knowledge Model for Optimal LAI in Cotton棉花适宜叶面积指数的动态知识模型

8.A Study on the Inversion and Validation of Crop Leaf Area Index Based on Remotely-sensed Data;作物叶面积指数遥感反演与验证研究

9.Modeling for Nondestructive Leaf Area Measurement of Four Subtropical Plants in South China我国南方四种植物的叶面积无损测定

10.Estimating Leaf Area Index by Fusing MODIS and MISR Data联合MODIS与MISR遥感数据估算叶面积指数

prasion on the Determination Methods of Leaf Area of Cornaceae山茱萸科植物叶面积测定方法的比较

12.Design of Hand-held Leaf Area Meter Based on ARM9基于ARM 9的手持式叶面积仪的设计

13.Leaf Area Estimation and Effect of Defoliation on Growth and Yield of Radish (Raphanus Sativus);萝卜叶面积测定方法及去叶处理对生长及产量的影响

14.Study on the Change of Chlorophyll Contents and Its Relationshipswith Photosynthetic Leaf Area among the Different Typesof Wheat Cultivars (Lines);小麦品种(系)叶绿素含量变化及其与光合叶面积关系研究

15.Retrieval of Conifer LAI in Changbai Based on the Multiple-angle Model基于多角度混合模型的长白山地区针叶林区叶面积指数反演

16.Seasonal Dynamics and Characteristics of the Leaf Area Index in the Mixed Broad-Leafed Korean Pine Forest in Xiaoxing"an Mountains, China小兴安岭阔叶红松林叶面积指数季节动态及特征

17.Application of Image Processing Technology in Leaf Area Measurement of Indoor Leaf-viewed Plants图像处理技术在室内观叶植物叶面积测量中的应用

18.Monthly Changes of Leaf Area Index and Canopy Openness of Larix olgensis in Mountainous Regions in East Liaoning Province辽东山区长白落叶松叶面积指数和林冠开阔度的月动态


specific leaf area比叶面积

1.Relation betweenspecific leaf areas and leaf nutritent contents of plants growing on slopelands with different farming-abandoned periods in the Loess Plateau;黄土高原不同退耕年限坡地植物比叶面积与养分含量的关系

2.Photosynthesis in relation to leaf nitrogen,phosphorus andspecific leaf area of seedlings and saplings in tropical montane rain forest of Hainan Island,South China;海南岛热带山地雨林幼苗幼树光合与叶氮、叶磷及比叶面积的关系

3.Concentrations of PAHs in leaves of six dominant species in the Pearl River Delta of South China were determined with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry(GC-MS),and synchronously leaf-lipid contents,leaf areas,specific leaf areas(SLA) were measured.应用气相色谱-质谱联用方法测定了珠江三角洲地区6种主要树种叶片多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量,并对相应的叶脂含量、叶面积、比叶面积进行了测定,探讨了叶片PAHs含量特征和种间差异的影响因素。

3)leaf area叶片面积

1.Measurement of plantleaf area;植物叶片面积的测定方法

2.Research on measurement of realistic plantingleaf area based on machine vision;基于机器视觉的现实叶片面积测量方法的研究

3.A new method forleaf area measurement based on the algorithm of image characteristic value was studied in this research.应用扫描图像RGB三原色灰度值分离理论,根据植物叶片扫描图像像素点的分布特征,选用蓝色灰度值作为特征值,以扫描图像灰度中间值127作为叶面积图像与背景图像灰度值的判读指标,通过叶片像素点的分布比例计算叶片面积。

4)Flag leaf area旗叶面积

5)leaf area table叶面积表

1.To measure the leaf area coefficient and productivity more conveniently,this paper draws up an usefulleaf area table.为了便于测定叶面积系数和生产率,编制了有使用价值的叶面积表。

6)Clipping proportion剪叶面积


受光叶面积指数测定受光叶面积指数测定determination of lighted leaf area indexshouguang yem一anji zhishu eeding受光叶面积指数测定(determination oflighted leaf area index)生长状况观测项目之一,是对受到太阳直接辐射照射的叶面积(用叶面积指数来表示)的侧定(见叶面积测定)。测定目的在于鉴定光能在作物群体中分布的合理性和有效性;预测其对产量的影响。测定时首先分层测定受光面积率。一般采用棒测法,即用一根110厘米长的木尺,其上每隔1厘米点一红油漆点(共100个点),将它水平放置在欲测的层次高度上,与作物行间垂直,并固定在支架上,随后数它被阳光直接照射的亮点(红漆点)数。在同一高度上,用同样的方法,每间隔10厘米左右移动测尺一次,共测十次,算出总亮点数,然后除以1000,便求得该层受光面积率(百分率)。中国已研制出直射透光率测定仪,其棒状感应器为1米长,由100个感应器件组成,用它在作物群体内进行快速扫描,直射光透光率由数码直接显示。作物冠层的垂直分层,对于矮秆密植作物(如稻、麦),一般从地面向上每10厘米为一层,而稀植高秆作物(如玉米),一般每20一30厘米为一层。测定时,按照划分好的垂直层次标志,由上向下逐层分别测得各层的受光面积率。其次,分别测出各垂直层次间的叶面积密度(见叶面积密度测定)。最后,求算群体受光叶面积指数。某层叶面积密度乘以该层的受光面积率就是该层的受光叶面积指数。(林家栋)
