900字范文 > 国家宣传战略 national propaganda strategy英语短句 例句大全

国家宣传战略 national propaganda strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-18 20:52:05


国家宣传战略 national propaganda strategy英语短句 例句大全

国家宣传战略,national propaganda strategy

1)national propaganda strategy国家宣传战略

2)strategy of propagation宣传战略

1.This thesis analyzes the currentstrategy of propagation of china s sporting goods industry,then puts forward some constructive countermeasures.对我国体育用品产业目前的宣传战略进行了分析,指出该行业存在着宣传意识滞后,宣传重点有失偏颇,创意与表现策略尚待成熟,宣传人才战略亟待实施的一系列问题,对其完善今后宣传策略提出以下相关建议:1)下沉宣传重心;2)扩展视野,面向整个体育人口,宣传全民健身;3)丰富宣传策略,导入CIS战略,实施整合行销传播;4)优化广告创意和表现策略;5)改变营销观念滞后的局面;6)淡化国内市场与国外市场的界限;7)突破人才瓶颈。


1.Project TROY: Probing into American Psychological Warfare Strategy in the Early Cold War;“特洛伊计划”——美国冷战心理宣传战略探微

2.Reflection on the strategy of planning and propagating for some social groups of youth;关于青年社会团体策划宣传战略的思考

3.Present Circumstances of the Party Newspapers and Their Strategies of Propagation;当前党报的处境与其新闻宣传战略选择

4.New Corporate Communication and Advocacy Strategy机构交流和宣传新战略

5.Application of STP Promotion Theory in University Student Enrollment Propaganda;STP营销战略在高校招生宣传中的应用

6.The Strategies to Accelerate the Development of Wushu and Sanda;加速武术散打发展的战略措施——包装与宣传

7.living in a world in which undeclared aggression,如今,不宣而战的侵略、

8.The Kuomintang Government s Propaganda Towards US in the Full-scale Anti-Japan War Period and the Effects;全面抗战时期国民政府的对美宣传策略及其效应

9.There has been a lot of anti-war propaganda.一直有许多反战宣传。

10.This was the last time that the resourceful Dr. Goebbels succeeded in influencing the strategic course of the war by propaganda bluff.这是诡计多端的戈培尔博士最后的一次以他的恫吓宣传成功地影响了战争的战略方针。

11.Japan"s propaganda about "Sino-Japanese collaboration" and a certain relaxation in her diplomatic measures stem precisely from the tactical needs of her policy of aggression on the eve of war.所谓“中日提携”的宣传和某些外交步骤的缓和,正是出于战争前夜日本侵略政策的战术上的必要。

12.America"s News Propaganda and the War Mobilization during the First World War一战时期美国的新闻宣传与战争动员

13.On the Advertising Strategies of The Eastern Western Monthly Magazine;《东西洋考每月统记传》的宣传策略

14.The Chinese government regards it a strategic task to actively develop environmental publicity and education and to raise the nation"s consciousness about the importance of environmental protection.中国政府把搞好环境宣传教育,增强全民族环境意识作为一项战略任务。

15.Declaration of Population Strategy for Development促进发展的人口战略宣言

16.declare war (against)1. 向...宣战

17.Wartime propaganda that demonizes the enemy.将敌人描述成魔鬼的战时宣传

18.We were ahead in the propaganda battle.我们在宣传战中占了上风。


strategy of propagation宣传战略

1.This thesis analyzes the currentstrategy of propagation of china s sporting goods industry,then puts forward some constructive countermeasures.对我国体育用品产业目前的宣传战略进行了分析,指出该行业存在着宣传意识滞后,宣传重点有失偏颇,创意与表现策略尚待成熟,宣传人才战略亟待实施的一系列问题,对其完善今后宣传策略提出以下相关建议:1)下沉宣传重心;2)扩展视野,面向整个体育人口,宣传全民健身;3)丰富宣传策略,导入CIS战略,实施整合行销传播;4)优化广告创意和表现策略;5)改变营销观念滞后的局面;6)淡化国内市场与国外市场的界限;7)突破人才瓶颈。

3)national strategy国家战略

1.The Indiannational strategy on the development of software human resource and its revelation to Us;印度软件人力资源开发的国家战略及启示

2.The National Strategy and Analysis of Actual Effect in Redefinition of U.S.-Japan Alliance;美日同盟“再定义”的国家战略及实效分析

3.The emergence of this situation results from Japan snational strategy On one hand,Japan that China will gain more benefits from the energy cooperation than Japan,which will obviously go against the attainment of its"Great Political Nation" strategic goal.这种态势的出现主要是由日本的国家战略决定的。

4)national strategies国家战略

1.This paper is an overview of thenational strategies adopted by the three prime ministers from the Shi Family(i.本文全面评述了南宋史家三相(史浩、史弥远、史嵩之)的国家战略思想。

2.From the perspectives of historical retrospection,national strategies and the overall planned developments,the present study brings forth a complete exposition to the said concept s meaning and function.从历史追溯、国家战略和统筹发展的视角,对当前新农村建设的意义和作用进行了较为全面的阐述。

3.Author has analyzed important composing ofnational strategies for aquatic animal health management,and concluded that the most important aspect of effective implementing thenational strategies for aquatic animal health management is the state ability and promises to the producer,disease insurance and decision maker.译文作者通过对水产动物健康管理的国家战略的重要组成部分进行分析说明,得出如下主要结论:国家在生产者、疾病保障和决定层面的可持续意识与能力建设以及承诺,对于保证国家水生动物健康战略的有效实施至关重要,政府应特别关注发展可持续程序方面的议题,使之适应现有的国家资源。

5)state strategy国家战略

1.This paper studies the social costs of rural credit cooperatives (RCCs) in Sanxia region caused by specialstate strategy, to review the dilemma of RCCs in a exposure to systematic risks.本文以三峡库区农村信用社在特定国家战略下承担的社会成本进行个案研究 ,以总结在缺乏补偿机制的体制安排下经济主体在特质性冲击下的困境。

2.Based on the recently initiated Layout Plan of Tianjin Industry and Layout Plan of Tianjin Modern Service Sector, this paper make an analysis of the industrial development and spatial layout under thestate strategy.结合近期开展的天津市工业布局规划和天津市现代服务业布局规划,对国家战略要求下的产业发展和空间布局问题进行思考。

6)strategy of planning and propagating策划宣传战略

1.Reflection on thestrategy of planning and propagating for some social groups of youth;关于青年社会团体策划宣传战略的思考


