900字范文 > 组织结构方式 The way of structural texture英语短句 例句大全

组织结构方式 The way of structural texture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-12 02:08:08


组织结构方式 The way of structural texture英语短句 例句大全

组织结构方式,The way of structural texture

1)The way of structural texture组织结构方式


1.Analysis of Modes of Content Structure of Integrated Science Course;综合科学课程内容组织结构方式的分析

2.Impact of the Industrial Structure on the Market Entry Mode of MultiNational Corporations;产业组织结构对跨国公司市场进入方式的影响

3.The Changing of Enterprise Organization Structure Adaption the New-Style Manufacturing Way;适应新型生产方式的企业组织结构变革

4.MODE OF ESTABLISHING CHINESE MINING ENTERPRISESGROUPS AND THEIR ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE--Ways and forms to optimize the organizationof Chinese mining enterprises;组建我国矿业企业集团模式及其组织结构再研究——完善我国矿业产业组织的途径和方式

5.No Border Organizations: Organizational Structure of the Enterprises of the New Model of Change;无边界组织:企业组织结构变革的新模式

6.Structural Pattern of Learning-type Organization and Optimization of Academic Organizations in Colleges;学习型组织结构模式与大学学术组织优化

7.Study on Impact of Informal Network Structure on Organization Cohesion非正式组织网络结构对组织凝聚力的影响研究

8.It pointed out that relation mode could be organized by sequential traversal of hierarchy tree structure.方法指出将层次树状结构顺序遍历,组织成为关系模式。

9.An Introspective Look at Society through the " Internet" : from the angle of societal structure, organizational formations and inter-personal relations;从“网络”看社会——以社会结构、组织方式、人际关系角度切入

10.Effect of Cooling Method on Microstructure and Tensile Strength for 304 Stainless Steel Plate-fin Structure冷却方式对不锈钢板翅结构强度和微观组织的影响

11.The Research on Organizational Structure Pattern of Finished Oil Circulating Enterprises in China国内成品油流通企业组织结构模式发展方向研究

12.Discussion about the Methods of Highway Construction Cost Examination Based on Organizational Structure基于组织结构的公路造价审查组织方法的探讨

13.Research into the Construction Mode of the Ball-team Enterprise Organization in Line with the Dissipative Structure;基于耗散结构的球队型企业组织结构模式研究

14.The Discussion About the Pattern of Marketing Organizational Structure of the Colleges and Universities in China;我国高等院校营销组织结构模式探讨

15.Study of organization model in technique innovation of orporation;企业技术创新中的组织结构模式研究

16.Innovating the Mode of Organization Structure andDeepening the Reform of State Owned Enterprises;创新组织结构模式深化国有企业改革

17.Studies on the Organic Organizational Structural Pattern of Research Institutes--A Case Study on AIST;科研机构有机式组织结构模式探析——以AIST为例

18.. The framework of staff officer of the police service organ is the three-dimension structures mode.警务参谋机构组织结构为二维构建模式。


matrix organization structure矩阵式组织结构

1.Achievements evaluation ofmatrix organization structure is studied and an achievements evaluationmodel is presented.本文研究了矩阵式组织结构中的绩效评价问题,提出了绩效评价模型并对其效果进行了实证研究。

2.At present the quality of staff in fishery research institutions is low,and this restricts the healthy development of the fishery economy,to solve this problem,the effective way is to establishmatrix organization structure,which combines scientific research institutions with universities by scientific research projects,using projects as the link,solving practical problems.目前,我国渔业科研机构人员整体素质偏低,一定程度上制约了渔业经济的健康发展,解决这一问题的有效途径是建立矩阵式组织结构,将科研机构与高校有机结合起来,以科研项目为纽带,相互交叉渗透,共同解决实际问题。

3)organizational structure mode组织结构模式

1.Based on the principle of win win, leaning on master affairs, rational resource allocation, high efficiency and coordinative operation, this paper analyses the goal mode, theorganizational structure mode and the logistics management mode for the reengineering of supply chain system in electronic commerce.从系统集优的观点出发 ,按照精干主业、合理配置资源、提高效率、协调运行的原则 ,分析了电子商务环境下供应链系统重构的目标模式和基于目标模式的系统重构的组织结构模式与物流管理模式 ,结果是组织结构VMI -TPL模式较适合于一般供应链系统的重构 ,而TPL TPL模式较适合于某些特殊情况下的供应链系统的重构 ,进而提出了相应的物流管理模式。

4)bureaucracy organization structure官僚式组织结构

5)tower organized structure"塔式"组织结构

6)organization structure form组织结构形式

1.The inquiry of teaching methods inorganization structure form;组织结构形式教学方法探讨


