900字范文 > G×E互作 G×E interaction英语短句 例句大全

G×E互作 G×E interaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-14 05:28:17


G×E互作 G×E interaction英语短句 例句大全

G×E互作,G×E interaction

1)G×E interactionG×E互作

1.The additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model was used to analyzeG×E interaction on protein content of forty eight Chinese winter wheat varieties and advanced lines form 15 locations of four major winter wheat growing zones in 1995-1996.利用主效可加互作可乘模型对全国冬播麦区 4 8个小麦主栽品种和优良品系在 15个地区于 1995~ 1996年度种植的多点试验数据蛋白质含量进行分析 ,结果表明 ,AMMI模型解释G×E互作明显优于线性回归模型。

2.Based on AMMI model,studied 25 rice varieties appearance quality character and the interaction with environment,and probed into the cultivar stabilities,correlation betweenG×E interaction and climate factors,Eco-climatic adaptability in chalkiness qualities.基于AMM I模型,研究了25个水稻品种外观品质性状与环境的交互作用,并对参试品种垩白品质性状的稳定性、G×E互作与气候因子的关系及气候生态适应性进行了探讨。


1.Stability Analysis for Appearance Qualities of Rice Cultivar and Genotype × Environment Interaction and Its Relationship to Climate Factors.水稻外观品质稳定性分析及G×E互作与气候因子的关系

2.CDMA and E-UTRAN Service Interoperability TechnologyCDMA与E-UTRAN业务互操作技术研究

3.Research on Functional and Interoperability Testing of E-interface in GSM-R Network;GSM-R网络互联互通E接口功能与互操作测试研究

4.A Theoretical Study on the Strength of Interaction of the Initial Channel for (e,2e) Processes;(e,2e)反应中初通道相互作用强度的理论研究

5.Screening Proteins that Interact with Centromere-associated Protein E via Yeast Two-hybrid System用酵母双杂交系统筛选CENP-E相互作用蛋白

6.It is spelled w-r-i-g-h-t-l-i-g-h-t-s-c-r-e-e-n-s.它的拼写方法是:w-r-i-g-h-t-l-i-g-h-t-s-c-r-e-e-n-s。

7.Effect of HLA-G HLA-E on the Immune Escape Mechanism of Ovarian Malignant Tumor and Study of Experimental Drug Interfere;HLA-G、HLA-E在卵巢恶性肿瘤免疫逃逸中的作用及药物干预的实验研究

8.pressG+E for auto add(同时按下 G+e 键即可自动添加)

9.At this point the players have to modulate from E to G.这时演奏者必须由E调转到G调。

10.A: W-a-n-g space W-e-n-l---i.甲:对,W-a-n-g,空白,W-e-n-l-i。

11.How do you pronounce "p- h- 1- e-g- m"?你怎么读‘‘p-h-l-e-g-m’’这个词?

12.How do you pronounce p-h-l-e-g-m?你怎样读p-h-l-e-g-m这个单词?

13.At this point the music modulates from E to G.在这一点上,音乐变E调为G调。


15.M~n/G/1/N(E,MV)Queuing System"s SolutionM~n/G/1/N(E,MV)排队系统的解

16.Molecular Cloning of G Protein β and γ Subunits Genes and Screening for Their Interactive Proteins in Sitobion Avenae;麦长管蚜G蛋白β和γ亚基的基因克隆及其相互作用蛋白的筛选

17.Interaction between G-Quadruplex and Anti-Tumor Small Molecules;G-四链体与抗肿瘤药物小分子相互作用机理的研究

18.Study on Interactions of Curcumin and Daidzin with DNA G-quadruplex;姜黄素和黄豆苷与核酸G-四链体相互作用的研究


G×E interaction effectsG×E互作效应

3)genotype-by-environment interaction(G×E)基因型-环境互作(G×E)

4)E-e interactionse-e相互作用

5)gE modelg~E模型

1.By analogy,gE models similar in form to equations of state (EOS) are obtained.采用类比法,得到了与现行状态方程相同形式的g~E模型。

6)G ̄E modelG ̄E模型


吐泻互作吐泻互作 吐泻互作 病证名。《幼科发挥》:“吐出上焦,泻出下焦,乃肠胃之病也。脾在中焦,管摄乎上下之间,吐泻互作者,乃脾之病也。”夏秋吐泻,饮水身热者,属脾胃湿热,治宜健脾化湿为主,宜胃苓汤加减;秋冬吐泻,面(白光)白,足胫冷者,属寒湿困脾,治宜温中健脾,用理中汤或益黄散。
