900字范文 > 集雨灌溉 rainwater-collecting irrigation英语短句 例句大全

集雨灌溉 rainwater-collecting irrigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-30 14:08:49


集雨灌溉 rainwater-collecting irrigation英语短句 例句大全

集雨灌溉,rainwater-collecting irrigation

1)rainwater-collecting irrigation集雨灌溉

1.This paper analyzes the present situation of water resource and the features of agricultural production of Datong City, and expounds the importance and feasibility of developingrainwater-collecting irrigation project.分析了大同市的水资源现状及农业生产特征,论述了发展集雨灌溉工程的重要性和可行性。


1.Effects of leaching salt on irrigation with harvested rainwater in accumulating salt orchards in semiarid regions半干旱山区积盐果园集雨灌溉洗盐效果研究

2.Water and Energy Saving Technology for Chinese Solar Greenhouses日光温室的集雨灌溉与沼气增温增二氧化碳技术

3.The application of water harvesting and water-saving irrigation technique on hills and uplands丘陵山地集雨和节水灌溉技术的应用

4.Optimal Study of Irrigation on RCSU in Huaibei Hilly Area in Jiangsu Province;江苏省淮北丘陵山区雨水集蓄利用灌溉最优化研究

5.Research on technique of storing rainwater in pit for crop supplementary irrigation窖蓄雨水与农作物补充灌溉技术研究

6.Rows of trees which have been planted are irrigated by an underground reservoir that relies on rain water, which is collected from the roof of the building and stored in a tank.树木成排种植,依靠由建筑屋顶所收集的雨水,之后储存于地下罐中积存下的水来灌溉。

7.But it was not enough to damp the parched ground.但是这一阵雨是灌溉不了枯槁的土地的。

8.Irrigation Process of Paddy Based on Random Simulation of Precipitation and Evaporation;基于降雨蒸发随机模拟的水稻灌溉用水过程

9.Evaluation methods and effectiveness of agricultural irrigation projects based on rainwater utilization;雨水利用农业灌溉工程评价方法及效果评价

parison with Photosynthetic Characteristic of Wheat between Precipitation Growth and Irrigation Growth雨养和灌溉条件下小麦叶片光合特性的比较

11.Study on Agricultural Irrigating Project Performance Integrated Evaluation of QF Group;QF集团农业灌溉项目绩效综合评价研究

12.Design and Implementation of Distributed Intelligent Control System of Water Saving Irrigation;集散型智能节水灌溉控制系统的设计与实现

13.There are some countries in the world where there is little rain at anytime. The farmers have to irrigate their fields.世界上有些国家终年少雨。农民必须灌溉他们的田地。

14.Numerical Simulation for Root Zone Soil Moisture Movement of Apple Orchard under Rainfall-irrigation-evaporation降雨灌溉蒸发条件下苹果园土壤水分运动数值模拟

15.The irrigation systems are designed for collective management and are used for intensive cultivation of cash crops by groups of villagers.这个灌溉系统用作集体管理并被用于村民进行集中加强作物耕作。

16.Primary Study on the Situation of Water-harvesting Irrigation in Facility Agriculture in Zhejiang Province浙江设施农业推广集雨节灌形势初探

17.China s Irrigation Management and Participatory Management;中国灌溉管理与用水户参与灌溉管理

18.Logic of Collective Actions and Empirical Analysis on Farmer s Irrigation Actions--An Empirical Research from Zhang He Irrigation Area of China;集体行动逻辑与灌区农户灌溉行为分析——基于中国漳河灌区微观数据的研究


water-harvesting irrigation集雨灌溉

1.Aiming at offering scientifically reasonable basis for the development ofwater-harvesting irrigation agriculture ,studies on water- harvesting and water infiltration were conducted in accordance with the remaining problems inwater-harvesting irrigation .本文针对集雨灌溉中存在的问题,进行了集雨和入渗两方面的研究,以期为发展集雨灌溉农业提供科学合理的依据。

2.According to the author s investigating and experiments,this paper puts forward the possibility ofwater-harvesting irrigation in mountainous orchard,which will pro- vide an effective new path to ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain for mountainous orchar随着生态环境日趋恶化,山地果园面源污染问题越来越引起人们的关注,作者经过调查和试验,提出山地果园集雨灌溉的可行性,为南方果园旱涝保收提出行之有效的新途径。

3)rainfall collection irrigation蓄雨灌溉

4)rainfall and irrigation降雨灌溉

5)mobile rainwater collection and irrigation system活动式集雨灌溉系统

6)Gather water for irrigation集水灌溉


