900字范文 > 配方肥 formula fertilizer英语短句 例句大全

配方肥 formula fertilizer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-04 06:36:07


配方肥 formula fertilizer英语短句 例句大全

配方肥,formula fertilizer

1)formula fertilizer配方肥

1.The absorption characteristics of N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Fe,Zn and B nutritive elements to the 2—10 plant-age leaf blades and the identical plant-age blossoms and the no-blossom leaf blades of Strelitzia reginae,and the influence offormula fertilizer on the growth and blossoms were studied.以不同株龄的鹤望兰为试材,研究了植株叶片中矿质元素的吸收特性及配方肥对鹤望兰生长开花的影响。

2)formula fertilization配方施肥

1.Discussion on technique forformula fertilization and agrochemicalservice by fertilizer enterprises;试论配方施肥技术和化肥企业农化服务

2.The 3414 test of riceformula fertilization with soil test in percogenic purple mud field has been studied in Dazhou City, the results indicated that, rice yield had a high positive correlation with fertilization amount, the correlation between nitrogen and yield was the best, phosphorus and potassium took second place.根据试验,提出渗育紫泥田水稻高产测土配方施肥建议方案:每亩施用有机肥1300-1500kg,尿素20~25kg,过磷酸钙33~38kg,氯化钾7~9kg。

3.The soil obstacle factor, the critical values of some nutrients and the supply intensity, as well as fertilizer efficiency should be paid more attention informula fertilization by soil testing.测土配方施肥中,还应注意:土壤障碍因子、某种元素临界法与供应强度,肥料利用率等问题。


1.Soil test based recommendation of "3414" fertilizer in lotus farming莲藕测土配方施肥“3414”肥效试验研究

2.Effect of Formula Fertilization on Corn in Wafangdian City瓦房店市玉米测土配方施肥肥效试验

3.Studies on the Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium and Formulated Fertilizer Application of Blueberry;越橘氮磷钾的施肥效应及配方施肥的研究

4.The calculation of prescriptive fertilizer volume of high-yield forestry of Castanea mollissima blume板栗丰产林配方施肥量计算方法研究

5.Study on Fertilizer Response and Optimum Fertilizer Rate by Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation Experiments;基于测土配方施肥试验的肥料效应与最佳施肥量研究

6.Study on the Rice P, K and Zn Fertilizer Application Technology in East of Hebei Rice Area冀东稻区水稻磷钾锌肥配方施肥试验初报

7.Studies on Fertilizer Formula for Maize in Chestnut-brown Soil Region of Jianping County建平县栗褐土区玉米配方施肥的研究

8.The Response of Related Group to the Technology Extension of Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation;相关群体对测土配方施肥技术的响应

9.Establish of Cucumber in Greenhouse Formula Model on Balanced Fertilization of N.P and K;温室黄瓜配方施肥N、P、K模型构建

10.Studies on Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium for Mulation Apply Fertilizer of Hubei Maidong;湖北麦冬氮、磷、钾优化配方施肥研究

11.Construction of Mathematic Model for Bitter Gourd Balanced Fertilization苦瓜N、P、K配方施肥数学模型的建立

12.The Formula Fertilization by Soil Testing and Field Demonstration for Autumn Corn in 夏玉米测土配方施肥田间示范

13.The Formula Fertilization by Soil Testing and Field Demonstration of Wheat from to -度小麦测土配方施肥田间示范

14.Effects of Soil Testing and Formula Fertilization on Sugarcane Field on Longchuan Farm云南陇川农场甘蔗测土配方施肥效应

15.Design and implementation of soil testing and formulated fertilization system for eucalypt桉树测土配方施肥系统的设计与实现

16.Fertilization of Potato in Drought Area Based on Soil Testing干旱区马铃薯测土配方施肥试验研究

17.A Preliminary Report on the Experiment of Fertilizing "3414" on Mid-yield Late Rice中产类型晚稻3414配方施肥试验初报

18.Analysis of effect fertilizer formula on soil-detective to sugarcane yield甘蔗测土配方施肥对产量效应的分析


formula fertilization配方施肥

1.Discussion on technique forformula fertilization and agrochemicalservice by fertilizer enterprises;试论配方施肥技术和化肥企业农化服务

2.The 3414 test of riceformula fertilization with soil test in percogenic purple mud field has been studied in Dazhou City, the results indicated that, rice yield had a high positive correlation with fertilization amount, the correlation between nitrogen and yield was the best, phosphorus and potassium took second place.根据试验,提出渗育紫泥田水稻高产测土配方施肥建议方案:每亩施用有机肥1300-1500kg,尿素20~25kg,过磷酸钙33~38kg,氯化钾7~9kg。

3.The soil obstacle factor, the critical values of some nutrients and the supply intensity, as well as fertilizer efficiency should be paid more attention informula fertilization by soil testing.测土配方施肥中,还应注意:土壤障碍因子、某种元素临界法与供应强度,肥料利用率等问题。

3)Balanced Fertilization配方施肥

1.Sugarcane Nutrition Requirement andBalanced Fertilization Methods;甘蔗营养需求与几种配方施肥方法

2.Construction of mathematic model for solar greenhouse cucumber balanced fertilization in the sandy land;沙化地日光温室黄瓜配方施肥数学模型的建立

3.This experiment adopt three factor five level quadratic component rotational design to research the effect of the economic traits of bitter gourd by nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balanced fertilization.为了探讨氮磷钾肥料配施对苦瓜主要经济性状的影响,为苦瓜的精准施肥工作提供必要的理论依据,本文通过苦瓜配方施肥的田间试验,运用三元二次正交旋转设计,研究了氮磷钾肥料配施对苦瓜主要经济性状的影响。

4)prescription fertilization配方施肥

1.The experiment ofprescription fertilization on Pyrus pyrifolia ‘Whangkeumbae’ was carried out by orthogonal array method.应用正交设计法探讨了配方施肥对黄金梨树体和一年生枝中N、P、K含量和枝条植物学特征与组成的影响。

2.Aiming at nutrient prescription given in the process ofprescription fertilization, this paper presents an exhaustive algorithm by computer to select the best fertilizer from market.本文针对配方施肥过程给出的养分用量,提出一种从市场上优选肥料的计算机穷举算法。

3.:This paper discusses content, system design, data structure and decision flow ofprescription fertilization software development from the component of management information system, and harmonizes relations of fertilization information in the view of system analysis.本文从管理信息系统的构成出发,探讨了设计配方施肥软件系统的研究内容、系统设计、数据结构和决策流程,以系统分析的观点理顺了施肥信息之间的关系,使管理和决策变得规范和高效。

5)prescribed fertilization配方施肥

1.Both domestic and overseas research advances related toprescribed fertilization applied to Populus plantations were reviewed regarding to the fundamental theories,fertilization effect and economic benefits.林木配方施肥是运用现代农业技术成果发展起来的营林技术。

2.The knowledge representation ofprescribed fertilization in expert system is of integration and complexity,asprescribed fertilization k.配方施肥采用精量或半精量的先进科学施肥替代耕种者个人的经验施肥 ,在减少环境污染和提高肥料效益等方面意义重大 。

6)Formulated Fertilization配方施肥

1.Study on the effect of formulated fertilization of plywood timber for Poplar Zhonglin-46;中林46杨胶合板用材林配方施肥效应研究

2.Effect of formulated fertilization on the agronomic character and yield of earlier rice;配方施肥对早稻农艺性状和产量的影响


