900字范文 > 利益表达行为 the practice of interests expressing英语短句 例句大全

利益表达行为 the practice of interests expressing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-24 14:11:15


利益表达行为 the practice of interests expressing英语短句 例句大全

利益表达行为,the practice of interests expressing

1)the practice of interests expressing利益表达行为

2)Expression of Interest利益表达

1.Realizing standardization and institution of expression of interest is the key point to enrich the political basis of the harmonious society.实现利益表达的规范化和制度化是夯实和谐社会政治基础的关键。


1.Harmonies Society and Expression of Interests、Regulating of Interests and Realization of Interests;和谐社会与利益表达 利益协调及利益实现

2.On Safeguarding the Professional Rights and Interestsof Tour Guides and their Benefit Expression;导游人员职业权益维护及其利益表达

3.Benefits Diversity and Benefits Coordination;和谐社会构建中的利益表达与利益协调

4.Civic Journalism and the Interests Expression of the Vulnerable Groups;民生新闻与社会弱势群体的利益表达

5.A Study of the Interest Expression of Vulnerable Groups in Transition Period;转型时期弱势群体利益表达问题研究

6.On the Interest-expressing Mechanism of the Urban Vulnerable Group in China;我国城市弱势群体利益表达机制研究

7.The Study of Interest Expression Mechanism of Various Groups in Social Transition Period;社会转型期各群体利益表达机制研究

8.The Dilemma of Chinese Peasants’ Expression of Interests and Its Solutions;当前我国农民利益表达的困境和出路

9.On some problems of Benefits Expersion in Our Socity;我国社会利益表达若干问题研究综述

10.The Consummation of Benefit Expression Mechanism and the Construction of Harmonious Society;利益表达机制的完善与和谐社会构建

11.Mechanism of Benefit Expression and Benefit Realization and the Construction of the Harmonious Society;利益表达及实现机制与和谐社会构建

12.Perfecting Peasants Benefits Expressing Mechanism to Build Harmonious Countryside;完善农民利益表达机制 构建和谐农村

13.Scientific and Evolutive Notion Needs Rational Expressing Mechanism of Interest;科学发展观需要合理的利益表达机制

14.Expression of the farmers" interests,key of building harmonious society农民利益表达:构建和谐社会的关键

15.Predicament,Cause of Formation and Countermeasures of Vulnerable Groups" Interest Expression弱势群体利益表达的困境、成因及对策

16.An Analysis on the Characteristics of Interest Expression of China"s Farmers at the Present Stage现阶段我国农民利益表达的特征分析

17.Harmonizing Relations of Interest and Constructing Harmonious Society--On the Substance and Significance of the Expressions of Interests;利益关系和谐与和谐社会构建——兼析利益表达的实质与意义

18.The Unique Mechanism for the People"s Interests Expression and Integration in China:The Current Situation,Problems and Reform中国独特的利益表达和利益综合机制:现状、问题与改革


Expression of Interest利益表达

1.Realizing standardization and institution of expression of interest is the key point to enrich the political basis of the harmonious society.实现利益表达的规范化和制度化是夯实和谐社会政治基础的关键。

3)interest expression利益表达

1.Farmers′ Interest Expression and Rural Political Modernization农民利益表达与乡村政治现代化

2.Analysis of the Current Situation of Vulnerable Groups"Interest Expression in China"s Transitional Period对我国转型期弱势群体利益表达现状的成因分析

3.A Review on Research of Interest Expression in Chinese Academia近年来我国学界利益表达研究述评

4)benefit expression利益表达

1.The Consummation of Benefit Expression Mechanism and the Construction of Harmonious Society;利益表达机制的完善与和谐社会构建

2.In the process of building a harmonious society,we must combine political stability with beneficial system closely,construct expeditebenefit expression system,perfect benefit harmony system and righteous benefit balance system.在构建和谐社会的过程中,必须把政治稳定与构建和谐的利益机制紧密结合起来,构建畅通的利益表达机制、完善的利益协调机制、公正的利益均衡机制。

3.Now,thebenefit expression mechanism of our country which is not perfect,affect thebenefit expression of the poor community and the fulfillment of the fair society.当前我国利益表达机制不健全,影响了弱势群体的利益表达,不利于社会公正的实现。

5)expression of interests利益表达

1.As a expression of ruling class or interest group, legislation can guarantee the smoothexpression of interests, choose and allocate interests, and confirm the realization of interests, after several stages of p立法作为统治阶级或利益集团意志的表达,经历准备、法案到法、完善这几个阶段后实现其保证利益表达顺畅、选择和分配利益、保障利益实现的功能。

6)interest articulation利益表达

1.There are varieties of forms and channels of massinterest articulation in the transitional society of China.利益表达是民主政治的前提和基础。

2.But, in some legal documents of China, relate to "interest articulation" are not much.利益表达是现代政治学的一个基本范畴。

3.Concomitantly, the establishment and improvement of theinterest articulation has become a hot topic across the whole country.随着我国改革的深入和社会的发展,社会的多层化、利益主体的多元化已成为不争的事实,建立和完善各项制度中的利益表达机制也渐渐成为人们探讨的热门话题。


