900字范文 > X连锁显性遗传 X-linked dominant heredity英语短句 例句大全

X连锁显性遗传 X-linked dominant heredity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-06 05:24:29


X连锁显性遗传 X-linked dominant heredity英语短句 例句大全

X连锁显性遗传,X-linked dominant heredity

1)X-linked dominant heredityX连锁显性遗传

1.Its hereditary type is basically consistent withX-linked dominant heredity.结论本家系为原发性视网膜色素变性合并近视家系,基本符合X连锁显性遗传规律。


1.Clinical Study and Exclusive Genetic Mapping on X Chromosome in the X-linked Dominant Inherited Alport s Sydrome;X连锁显性遗传性肾炎一家系临床及相关基因排除定位分析

2.Mapping and Identified the Causative Genes in Chinese Nonsyndromic X-linked Hereditary Hearing Loss Pedigrees;非综合征型X连锁显性遗传耳聋家系致病基因的定位及鉴定研究

3.The inheritance pattern of EDMD includes X-linked recessive, autosomal dominant and recessive modes.其遗传方式为X-连锁隐性、染色体显性和隐性遗传。

4.Two main modes of inheritance exist: X-linked and autosomal dominant.本病存在两种主要的遗传方式:X-连锁型和常染色体显性型。

5.Molecular Study of X-linked Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Tarda in a Large Chinese Kindred;X-连锁迟发性脊椎骨骺发育不良的分子遗传学研究

6.Investigation on Genetic Linkage Analysis of X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa Using Microsatellite Markers;应用微卫星多态位点对X连锁型视网膜色素变性疾病进行遗传连锁分析的研究

7.Linkage Mapping of the Two Chinese Family with Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa;两个常染色体显性遗传视网膜色素变性家系连锁分析

8.Linkage Mapping of Chinese Family with Autosomal Dominant Pathological Myopia;常染色体显性遗传高度近视眼家系致病基因连锁分析

9.The Parameter Linkage Analysis of the Genetic Disease Gene Location;遗传性疾病基因定位的连锁分析方法

10.Construction of a Genetic Linkage Map with RAPD, AFLP Markers and Location of Pistil Abortion Trait in Peach;桃遗传连锁图谱的构建及雌蕊败育性状的定位

11.Analysis on linkage inheritance of sub-red plant mutant from upland cotton陆地棉亚红株突变性状的连锁遗传规律分析

12.Groups of Important Agronomic Traits of Cassava Genetic Linkage Map and QTL Analysis木薯群体重要农艺性状遗传连锁图谱和QTL分析

13.Haplotype and linkage analysis in Chinese hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome华人遗传性混合息肉病综合征患者单倍型及遗传连锁分析

14.The first two are transmitted by sex-linked heredity; the third has dominant inheritance and occurs in females as well as males.前两种是由性连锁遗传来传递,第三种具有主导的遗传性质,发生在女性和男性的机率一样高。

15.One of the best-known examples of a sex-linked recessive charater in man is haemophilia.在人类中,关于隐性性状性连锁遗传的一个著名例子是血友

16.Clinical study of a single congenital stapes malformation with possible X-linked dominant inheritance一个可能为x染色体显性遗传的单一镫骨畸形家系的临床研究

17.Ultrastructure Analysis and Linkage Mapping of the Family with Congenital Cataract;遗传性先天性白内障一家系致病基因的连锁定位与超微结构分析

18.Experimental Study on Linkage and Association between Polymorphisms within TPO and TSHR Genes and Inherited Thyroid Diseases;TPO与TSHR基因序列多态性与遗传性甲状腺疾病的连锁与关联研究


X-linked recessive inheritanceX连锁隐性遗传

1.Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia withX-linked recessive inheritance in a family:Case report and relative review家系遗传分析表明该疾病属于X连锁隐性遗传疾病。

3)X-linked inheritanceX连锁遗传

4)X-linked diseasesX连锁遗传性疾病

5)X-linked hearing lossX连锁遗传性耳聋

6)Linkage (genetics)连锁(遗传性)


