900字范文 > 情感态度和价值观 emotional attitudes and values英语短句 例句大全

情感态度和价值观 emotional attitudes and values英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-11 07:14:13


情感态度和价值观 emotional attitudes and values英语短句 例句大全

情感态度和价值观,emotional attitudes and values

1)emotional attitudes and values情感态度和价值观

1.Cultivatingemotional attitudes and values is a new concept in curriculum reform.情感态度和价值观培养是课程改革的一个新理念。


1.Strategies for Achieving the Goal of Emotional Attitudes and Values“情感态度和价值观”目标的落实策略

2.Language education of elementary schools is an important cornerstone of emotional attitude and value outlook;小学语言教育:情感态度和价值观的重要基石

3.About the Development and Evaluation of Students Emotions, Attitude and Values in Senior Middle School Geography Education;谈高中地理学生情感态度和价值观的培养与评价

4.The Appraisal of Middle School Geography Emotion Manners and Values;中学地理情感、态度与价值观的评价

5.Analysis on the Education about Emotion Attitude and Commodity Value of the Geography Teaching in the Middle School;论地理教学中的情感态度价值观教育

6.The Forming of Emotion,Attitude and Values in Math Teaching;数学教学中的情感、态度、价值观的形成

7.On the Cultivation of the Geographic Emotions, Attitude and Values of High-School Students;论高中地理情感态度与价值观的培养

8.The Objectives of Emotion,Attitude and Values in New Curricula;新课程中的情感、态度与价值观目标

9.Classification and Expression of Goals of Emotion,Attitude and Values情感、态度与价值观目标的分类及表述

10.The Research on Development and Assessment of Feelings Attitudes and Values in Junior High School Geography论初中学生地理情感、态度和价值观的培养与评价

11.Research on Assessment of Feeling, Attitude and Value in Elementary School Teaching;小学教学中学生情感、态度、价值观评价研究

12.How to Fulfill Practice and Research of Emotion, Attitude and Value of Education in English Teaching of Junior Middle School;初中英语教学中如何落实情感、态度和价值观目标的实践研究

13.How to Fulfill Practice and Research of Emotion, Attitude and Value of Education in Junior Middle School;初中物理教学中如何落实情感、态度和价值观目标的实践研究

14.The Research about the Realization of the Goal of Emotion、Attitude and Values of Politics Course in High School;高中政治课情感、态度与价值观目标的实现研究

15.A Research on Cultivating Students Emotional Attitude and Values by Using the History of Physics;运用物理学史培养学生情感态度、价值观的研究

16.The Research of "Emotion, Attitude and Values" Education in Senior High School Physics Teaching;高中物理教学中情感态度价值观教育的研究

17.Sensibility、Attitude and Values Education of History Teaching in New Curriculum Reform;新课程背景下高中历史情感态度价值观教育

18.Research on the Design of the Objectives of Affection, Attitude and Value in Chinese Teaching of Primary School;小学语文情感态度价值观目标的设计研究


emotional attitude and values情感态度价值观

1.The study analyses the objective ofemotional attitude and values, describes the importance of the objective in the information technology teaching in high middle school, and provides the methods of effectively applying theemotional attitude and values to teaching.分析了新课程中"情感态度价值观"目标,指出了这个目标在高中信息技术新课程中的重要作用,提出了在教学过程中如何有效渗透情感态度价值观。

3)scientific attitude,feeling and values科学态度、情感与价值观

4)objectives of affection,attitude and value情感态度价值观目标

5)emotional attitude and value domin情感态度与价值观目标

6)emotion attitude and concept of value情感态度与价值观念


