900字范文 > 除藻 algae removal英语短句 例句大全

除藻 algae removal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-04 13:19:27


除藻 algae removal英语短句 例句大全

除藻,algae removal

1)algae removal除藻

parisons between enhanced effect of ultraviolet light C pretreatment and pre-chlorination onalgae removal;紫外光预处理与预氯化强化除藻的作用比较

2.Research progress onalgae removal by flocculants produced from natural materials天然物质絮凝剂絮凝除藻研究进展

3.Research on the in-situ pillared modifie of bentonite and its property ofalgae removal膨润土的原位柱撑改性及其除藻性能研究


1.Working Mechanism Analysis and Experimental Research of a New Type Blue Algae Removal Machine一种新型蓝藻清除机械的除藻机理及除藻试验研究

2.Research on Removing Algae in Dianchi Lake by Using the Lighting-weight Material;轻质除藻材料对滇池水体的除藻性能研究

3.Research of the Removal of Phaeocystis Globosa Red Tide by Several Chemical Algaecide;几种化学除藻剂去除棕囊藻赤潮的研究

4.Parameters optimization of ultrasound algae removal technology and bloom removal study in Taihu Lake超声除藻的参数优化及其在太湖除藻中的应用

5.Study on the Effect of Killing Algae and Removal of Microcystin-LR by Electro Catalytic Oxidation;电催化氧化杀藻和去除藻毒素的效果研究

6.A Study on the Inactivation of Microcystis Aeruginosa by Manganese-Copper Composite Algaecide锰铜复合除藻剂灭活铜绿微囊藻效能研究

7.Algae Removal of High Algae Raw Water by Coagulation Enhanced by Ozonation高藻原水预臭氧强化混凝除藻特性研究

8.Research of the Removal of Phaeocystis Globosa and Prorocentrum Dentatum Red Tide by BCDMH and DBDMH;溴氯海因和二溴海因对棕囊藻及东海原甲藻的除藻研究

9.Isolation, Identification and Algae-Removing Characteristics of an Algicidal Bacterium and a Coagulable Bacterium;一株溶藻菌株和一株聚藻菌株的分离鉴定及除藻特性研究

10.Study on the Properties and the Algal-removal Application of PAFC;聚合氯化铝铁的性质和除藻应用研究

11.Removal of Microcystin-LR from Drinking Water by Fenton Reagent;Fenton作用去除藻毒素的效能与机制

12.Research on Algae Pollution of Yuqing Water Supply System and Characteristics of Algae Removing by ClO_2;济南玉清供水系统藻污染及二氧化氯除藻特性研究

13.Study on Methods and Mechanism for Removal Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Wastewater by Algae;藻类去除污水中氮磷及其机理的研究

14.The Initial Studies on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal by Periphyton;周丛藻类对水体氮、磷去除的初步研究


16.Removing Phaeocystis Globosa Scherffel by TiO_2 or Fe(Ⅲ)-TiO_2TiO_2、Fe(Ⅲ)-TiO_2去除球形棕囊藻的研究

17.The COD Degradation Efficient of Algae in Paper Industry Wastewater藻类对造纸废水中COD的去除效率研究

18.Algae Removal Effect by Magnetization磁化处理对水中藻类的去除效果研究


removal of algae除藻

3)algae removal藻类去除

1.Then,the methods of algae control in eutrophic lake and the processes ofalgae removal in the raw water are described.然后叙述富营养化湖泊中,藻类生物量的控制方法和给水原水处理的藻类去除工艺,并就此技术现状提出若干结论和建议。

2.This paper studied the efficiency ofalgae removal by ferrate from two kinds of raw water which were collected from Donghu and Tiegang reservoir respectively.实验结果表明 ,在处理以小球藻为主的东湖水时 ,单纯PAC混凝就可有效地去除水中的藻类 ,藻类去除率均在 95%左右 。


1.An enlarged test on removal of algae from Dianchi Lake by using a new typealgaecide is conducted,showing that the application of the new type ofalgaecide can not only remove algae from the eutropic waterbody of Dianchi Lake,but the cost is very low,only 0.研究采用研制的新型除藻剂对滇池富营养化水体进行除藻扩大试验,结果表明,使用新型除藻剂对富营养化水体进行除藻不仅有着良好的除藻性能,而且成本较低,每处理1m3含藻污水仅需0。

2.Removal efficiency of the twoalgaecides was contrasted and removal mechanism was also discussed.结果表明,这2种除藻剂可以缓释次氯酸,提高其稳定性,有较长的药效期。

5)algae removal efficiency除藻性能

1.The species distribution of PPFS is studied by Fe-Ferron timed completing spectrophoto-meter, and thealgae removal efficiency in the coagulation by PPFS is inv estigated in the treatment of raw water in which the micro-algae is predominant .利用Fe-Ferron比色法研究了聚磷硫酸铁形态分布,以微型藻为优势藻的原水来考察聚磷硫酸铁混凝除藻性能。

6)alga removal by coagulation混凝除藻


内吸除(见单晶片的吸除技术)内吸除(见单晶片的吸除技术)internal gettering内吸除internal gettering见单晶片的吸除技术。
