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初始刚度 initial stiffness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-26 18:35:54


初始刚度 initial stiffness英语短句 例句大全

初始刚度,initial stiffness

1)initial stiffness初始刚度

1.Analysis of theinitial stiffness of connections with top-seat and web angles;带双腹板顶底角钢连接初始刚度研究

2.Calculation ofinitial stiffness and ultimate bearing capacity of top-and-seat angle connections顶底角钢连接的初始刚度和极限承载力计算

3.Calculation method ofinitial stiffness for reinforced panel zones in beam-to-column connections加强式梁柱连接节点域初始刚度的计算方法研究


1.Theoretical Model for the Initial Stiffness of Outer-shell Beam-column Connection外套管式梁柱节点初始刚度的理论计算模型

2.Calculation of initial stiffness and ultimate bearing capacity of top-and-seat angle connections顶底角钢连接的初始刚度和极限承载力计算

3.Approximate Formulae for Initial Junction Stiffness of Bag Filter袋式除尘器节点初始刚度的近似计算公式

4.Calculation method of initial stiffness for reinforced panel zones in beam-to-column connections加强式梁柱连接节点域初始刚度的计算方法研究


6.The bed is considered to be just fluidized and is referred to as an incipiently fluidized bed.床层可认为是刚刚流化,并称为初始流化床。

7.One who is just starting to learn or do something;a novice.初学者指刚刚开始学习或做某件事的人;新手

8.I started the job as a junior secretary.刚开始这份工作时,我是初级秘书。

9.The initial motion of the quarks right after the impact should have an effect on the ultimate position of the particles.在刚刚碰撞后夸克的初始运动对这些粒子的最终位置会有影响。

10.C; and Cs = the initial and final concentrations, respectivelyC;和cs,——分别为初始浓度和终结浓度

11.The new system was confronted with great difficulties at the start.这项新制度刚开始就遇到了很大的困难。

12.The Construction of Primal Vitality--Analysis of the Canticles by Rigid Primitivism;原始生命力的构筑——从刚性原始主义角度解读《圣经·雅歌》

13.The President has just entered upon another term of office.总统刚刚开始另一任期.

14.The president have just enter upon another term of office总统刚刚开始另一任期

15.The trees are just beginning to leaf.树刚刚开始长叶子。

16.The city already had a foretaste of this in the week marking the launch of the one-year countdown.一年倒计时刚开始的本周,这个城市就已经初尝苦果。

17.Be patient: work on the device has just begun, and preliminary testing in humans won"t start for at least five years.耐心点,因为着手研究这种仪器的工作才刚刚起步,而且至少5年内才能在人体内开始初试。

18.Initialize the subscription(s) later, when the agent(s) is scheduled.以后在调度代理程序时初始化订阅。


initial rotational stiffness初始转动刚度

1.Using the component method introduced in Eurocode3 and Eurocode4,and aiming at the existing methodical shortage of endplate beam-column composite jointinitial rotational stiffness analysis,we proposed a detailed calculating procedure for the end-plate beam-column composite joint under hogging moment.利用欧洲规范3与欧洲规范4介绍的组件法思想,针对已有的端板连接组合节点初始转动刚度分析方法的不足,提出了端板连接组合节点负弯矩作用下节点初始转动刚度的详细计算步骤;考虑板内纵筋与剪力栓钉竖向位置的不同及桩腹板加劲肋的影响,给出了初始转动刚度组件法分析模型。

2.The major parameters of the model are theinitial rotational stiffness and the bearing capacity.根据钢框架梁柱剖分T型钢连接节点的简化力学模型,提出一种用已知节点尺寸来预测其Mθr关系的非线性数学模型,模型中的主要参数是节点初始转动刚度和极限承载力。

3.The major parameters of the model were theinitial rotational stiffness and the bearing capacity.根据钢框架梁柱外伸端板连接节点的简化力学模型 ,提出一种用已知节点尺寸来预测其 M-θr关系的非线性数学模型 ,模型中的主要参数是节点初始转动刚度和极限承载力。

3)initial geometric stiffness初始几何刚度

1.Then based on linearity and nonlinearity theory, the live load influence is analyzed for a bridge, which includes the comparison of the influence betweeninitial geometric stiffness, cable sag and large displacement.介绍了斜拉桥的活载几何非线性原理及方法,并对某座斜拉桥进行活载线性和几何非线性计算,分析初始几何刚度、拉索垂度效应以及大位移效应对几何非线性的影响,分析了构件刚度及边界约束条件对斜拉桥非线性的影响。

4)initial stiffness初始转动刚度

1.Research ofinitial stiffness of top and seat angle connections;上下翼缘角钢半刚性连接的初始转动刚度研究

2.Design of end-plate stiffener and a model ofinitial stiffness in extended end plate connection;外伸端板加劲肋设计及初始转动刚度模型

5)initial flexural stiffness初始抗弯刚度

1.Theinitial flexural stiffness and the service-level flexural stiffness of the specimens were compared with design codes both at home and abroad,such as AIJ,BS5400,EC4,AISC-LRFD and DBJ13-51.通过对21个钢管轻集料混凝土试件的纯弯试验研究,分析了钢管轻集料混凝土抗弯刚度的影响因素,并将钢管轻集料混凝土试件的初始抗弯刚度和使用阶段抗弯刚度与国内外相关规范AIJ,BS5400,EC4,AISC-LRFD和DBJ13-51的计算结果进行了对比和分析,对钢管轻集料混凝土抗弯刚度的计算方法进行了探讨。

6)initial shearing stiffness初始剪切刚度

1.The testing result shows that the conditions(dry or saturated) have more significant effect on the shear strength than soil type or base,and the conditions(dry or saturated) and base are significant factors ofinitial shearing stiffness.试验研究表明:砂的干湿状态对抗剪强度(竖直附加力的峰值)影响最大;砂的干湿状态,基底对初始剪切刚度的影响均较显著。


JPZ型三向等刚度橡胶减震器分子式:CAS号:性质:JPZ-type tridirective equal rigid rubber mounting 橡胶减震器的一种。具有x、y、z三个方向等刚度、等自震频率。按负荷大小可分为JPZ-1、JPZ-2两种型号。由中央金属芯柱、伞形金属罩及橡胶连接而成,模压法生产。可满足导弹控制仪等设备的隔震和抗冲击要求。
