900字范文 > 学生的主体地位 the students principal part position英语短句 例句大全

学生的主体地位 the students principal part position英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-18 09:00:12


学生的主体地位 the students principal part position英语短句 例句大全

学生的主体地位,the students principal part position

1)the students principal part position学生的主体地位


1.How to Construct Students Main Body Position in PE Teaching;体育教学中如何构建学生的主体地位

2.Espect the Students Status of Principal Part and Promote Their Development All by Themselves;谈学校体育中的“两主”教育—尊重学生的主体地位,促进学生主动发展

3.The Students s Principal Part and the Teachers?Directing Role in History Teaching;历史教学中学生的主体地位和教师的主导作用

4.The subject status of student should be stressed in the management of higher vocational education;高职教育管理应突出学生的主体地位

5.Discussion on How to Make the Student Be the Main Body in PE Teaching;体育教学中如何实现学生的主体地位探析

6.How to Establish Students Main PositionIn College Physical Education;如何确立高校体育教学中学生的主体地位

7.Slightly Analyse the Subject Status of Establishing Students Promote Students All-round Development;略析确立学生的主体地位 促进学生的全面发展

8.Talking about How to Implement Students Position as Principal Parts in Mathematical Teaching Class;浅谈学生的主体地位在数学教学课堂的落实

9.On the Status of Students as Subjects and Its Realization in Teaching;论学生的主体地位在教学活动中的建构

10.Exerting Students Principle Part in "Dialogue"Teacing;发挥学生在“对话式”教学中的主体地位

11.A Brief Discussion on the Subject Position ofthe Students in Classroom Teaching;浅谈课堂教学中学生主体地位的落实

12.Emphasis on College Students Initiativein Laboratory Teaching;实验教学必须突出学生的主体性地位

13.The Enlightenment of Dissertation about Student"s Status in Xue Ji《学记》对学生主体性地位论述的启示

14.An Investigation into the Subject Status and Dominant Role of Student CPC Members in Colleges and Universities;大学生党员主体地位、主体作用的调查分析

15.An Analysis of Students Dominant Role in Management;浅析学生在管理过程中的主体性地位

16.The hidden value of establishment of principal status of senior students in physical education;体育教学中学生主体地位确立的隐蔽性价值

17.Loss of Students Main Body Position in the Management of Student Mass Organizations in HEIs:Its countermeasures;高校学生社团管理学生主体地位的缺失及对策

18.On Dialectical Relationship between Teacher-Leading-Factor and Student-Subject-Position;论教师主导作用与学生主体地位的辩证关系


students status as the subject学生主体地位

1.From the perspective of the six rights,this paper,after comparing the ways to realizestudents status as the subject and the deep influence,obtains a result that there are differences not only in these two respects but in innovative awareness and spirit in the institutions of higher learning between China and the U.高校学生主体地位问题是高校改革发展的核心问题。


1.Studying of dialectical relationship between teacher-leading-factor andstudent-subject-position in higher vocational college, is in favor of building good interactive relationship between teacher and student, inspiriting participation consciousness of student and embodying idea of running a school of higher vocational education.通过高职教育教学中教师主导性作用与学生主体性地位辩证关系的研究,有利于建立良好的师生互动关系,有利于调动师生教与学的参与意识,有利于体现高职教育与时俱进的办学理念。

4)subjective position in learning学习主体地位

5)human"s subject status人的主体地位

6)female"s identity女性的主体地位


《军队要把教育训练提高到战略地位》《军队要把教育训练提高到战略地位》Army Should Raise Its Education and Training to a Strategic Position, Thelundui Yao Ba Iiaoyu Xunlian TiDQO ZhanlUe Diwei《军队要把教育训练提高到战刚位))(Arm,s人ouz‘尺ais。,,:翻ueaand Training to a Strategie Posirion,Th邓小平关于加强人民解放军教育训练(的军事著作。是邓小平于1977年8月2在中国共产党中央军事委员会座谈会_话的一部分,约3900字,以现名收人!年10月出版的《邓小平文选》第2卷该文针对林彪、江青两个反革命」对中国人民解放军的长期破坏,造大事、政治素质明显下降的状况,重申没有战争的条件下,要把军队的教育i提高到战略地位的重要方针。该文强i为了使这一方针具体化,要从两个方「做:一是部队本身要提倡苦学苦练。‘要能打仗,靠提高政治觉悟,靠勤决练。要通过勤学苦练,培养和恢复女统、好作风。各级干部都要从苦练中J指挥能力和管理能力。二是通过办学专决干部问题。要把原有的学校除个别rlQo地ion)题川拼)94团军在练,去队苦传长解外基本上恢复起来。军队学校要训练干部、选拔干部、推荐干部,起到集体政治部、集体干部部的作用。要使学员掌握现代化战争的知识,养成艰苦奋斗的作风,实事求是的作风,群众路线的作风,并把它带到部队,发扬光大。全军各级学校要形成体系,要选好办学校的干部,统一教材。要选好教员和学员,通过学校教育实现作战部队干部的年轻化。《军队要把教育训练提高到战略地位》对于全军提高对教育训练的认识,推动全军教育训练的顺利开展起了重要作用。(王长炎)
