900字范文 > 检验技术 inspection technology英语短句 例句大全

检验技术 inspection technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-03 00:55:27


检验技术 inspection technology英语短句 例句大全

检验技术,inspection technology

1)inspection technology检验技术

1.Installation qualityinspection technology and engineering application of 600MW super critical boiler;600MW超临界机组锅炉检验技术及工程应用探讨

2.The common use of inspection methods and the future development of theinspection technology were discussed, too.比较了不同标准对焊接接头弯曲性能的要求 ;讨论了钛设备常用的检验方法以及检验技术未来发展应注意的问题。


1.Primary Exploration on Teaching Reform of Medical Pharmacy and Examination;高职医学检验技术专业教学改革初探

2.The progress of evidence character and analysis technique of human body odor;人体气味的证据价值及检验技术进展

3.Easy for 1~(st) international forum of rapid drug test首届国际药品快速检验技术论坛随笔

4.Research on Model Checking Based Source Code Analysis基于模型检验技术的源程序分析研究

5.Purity of Variety Examination Technology and the Application in Agricultural种子纯度检验技术及在农业中的应用

6.Review of Fast Animal Product Quarantine and Detection Technology;动物产品快速检疫检验技术研究及应用

7.Air Registration Board飞机技术检验注册局

8.These techniques are known as distribution-free or, more commonly, nonparametric tests.这些技术叫无分布检验,或非参数检验。

9.Model checking is a technique for automatically verifying finite-state concurrent systems.模型检验是自动检验有限状态并发系统的技术.

10.Beijing Vouched Machinery Quality Technical Inspection Centre (VMQTI)北京华欣德机械质量技术检验中心(VMOTI)

11.35mm cinematography--Magnetic sound test film--Technical specificatioGB/T13919-199235mm电影磁性声带检验片技术规范

12.Application of FTIR Spectra Techniques to Papaver Seeds Identification红外光谱技术在罂粟籽检验中的应用

13.The Experimental Facility for Single Sample Based on SPR Biosensor Technology;基于SPR技术的单样本检测实验装置

14.The Application of Workflow in Sanitation Tese Management;工作流技术在卫生检验管理中的应用

15.A Test on the Effectiveness of China s High-tech industrialization Plans;我国高技术产业化计划实施效果检验

16.Experiments of Trace Examination and the Features of Police Training;痕检技术实验教学如何体现公安特色

17.Theoretical & Experimental Researches on a Novel Detecting Technology for Safety Valve安全阀检测新技术的理论与实验研究

18.Application of Tofd Detection Technology to Periodical Inspection of Pressure VesselsTOFD技术在球罐定期检验中的应用


test technology检验技术

1.It applies the latest technology standard, arranges practical training scientifically, pays attention to teaching instruction and emphasizes practical use.张振宇主编《化工产品检验技术》教材,内容体系有所创新,贯彻最新技术标准, 合理安排实训,注重教学指导,强调实际应用,是高职不可多得的一本好教材。


1.By the manufacture andtesting of foreign constant pressure steel vessel and construction parts,it brings forward that the randomness on the manufacture andtesting in China should corrected,and corrective measures are given.介绍了本厂承接的日本三浦事务所、美国贝克公司 (EIMCO)两批钢制常压容器和结构件的制造、检验技术要求 ,提出对现阶段常压容器、结构件制造、检验的随意性应该纠正 ,并提出了纠正措施的思考。

4)technical inspection技术检验

1.In this paper,thetechnical inspection items and the evaluation criteria of 40MPa high pressure vessel are concluded,and the technique and loading process of acoustic emission detection are especially introduced.对40MPa高压气瓶的技术检验项目和评定标准进行了小结,重点介绍了声发射检测的方法和加载程序。

5)technical check point技术检验点

6)laboratory detection methods实验室检验技术

1.Then,mostly according tolaboratory detection methods to PCV in existence.主要就实验室检验技术,如免疫组织化学技术、间接免疫荧光试验、酶联免疫吸附试验、聚合酶链式反应、原位核酸杂交试验等研究进展进行了综述。


