900字范文 > 商业广告 commercial advertisement英语短句 例句大全

商业广告 commercial advertisement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-13 23:33:59


商业广告 commercial advertisement英语短句 例句大全

商业广告,commercial advertisement

1)commercial advertisement商业广告

1.The History of Early Chinese Commercial Advertisement from 1907 to 1937;中国早期商业广告发展史(1907~1937)

2.Research on the Missing of Humanistic Care in Commercial Advertisement;商业广告人文关怀缺失研究

3.A Research on Humanism in Commercial Advertisement;商业广告的人文关怀研究


1.a commercially sponsored ad on radio or television.广播电视里的商业广告。

2.Being With Fear to “Regarding Advertisement As the King” --Talks on Business Advertisement and Culture Responsibility;论“广告为王”——谈商业广告与文化责任

3.Sometimes he painted commercial posters.有时他会画商业广告。

4.There"re too many commercials on TV.电视上商业广告太多了。

5.The Wisdom of Tradesmen Reflected in the Commercial Advertisements in the Fiction <The Lamp for Forked Roads>;《歧路灯》中商业广告所反映的商人智慧

6.Cross-cultural Communication and Commercial Advertising in China and Western Countries;跨文化交际与中西商业广告——以电视平面商业广告为例

7.Visual Consumption Sign: Metropolitan Space Ad视觉消费符号:都市空间中的广告 以上海徐家汇广场商业广告为例

8.We is putt a series of prime time commercial.我们播出了一系列黄金时间商业广告。

9.Let"s do a dry run of the commercial again.让我们再做一次商业广告的彩排。

10.I don"t like so many commercial breaks on TV.我不喜欢电视上有这么多商业广告。

11.There are always so many commercials on TV .电视里老是有这么多商业广告。

mercial on tv is really a nuisance.电视里的商业广告真是讨厌。

mercial breakph.1. 插播商业广告的间歇

14.the division of a business that is responsible for advertising.负责广告的商业部门。

15.trade advertising商业性刊物上的广告

16.The design and choice of business public relations ads & commercials tactics;企业公共关系广告、商品广告策略的设计与选择

17.Class35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions.类别35:广告;商业管理;商业行政;办公室职能。

18.Research on the coordination between commercial buildings and billboards in the commercial street;论商业建筑与广告牌在商业街中的协调性


commercial advertising商业广告

1.A Study on the Language Design of Chinese and English Commercial Advertising in Pragmatics;中英文商业广告语言设计的语用研究

2.Textual Function and Commercial Advertising Translation;文本功能与商业广告翻译

3.Although thecommercial advertising and the charitable advertising have a lot of difference in the primary purpose, the subject content, the goal community, the society affect, they have somewhat similar aspects between the advertisement performance skill and the dissemination way.商业广告与公益广告虽然在根本目的、主题内容、目标群体、社会影响方面存在很大的差异,但二者在广告表现技巧、传播途径等方面也有些类似之处。

3)Commercial advertisements商业广告

1.Commercial advertisements and advertisements for public good are different in object and function.商业广告和公益广告是目的、功能均不相同的广告,在讨论完美的商业广告应具有公益内容的必要性基础上,提出了设计制作具有公益内容的商业广告的措

2.There are numerous incorrect spellings in English commercial advertisements.英语商业广告中充斥着误拼现象 ,有人谴责这是一种文化上的堕落。

3.The title of this thesis is The research of the propagandistic strategy of Shen Bao s commercial advertisements (1927-1937).本论文的题目是《<申报>商业广告宣传策略研究(1927-1937)》。

4)Commercial ads商业广告

1.In translating commercial ads,in order to make the target corresponding to the original,we should abide by equivalent principles,such as parody,converted translation and free translation to show the power of expression and appealing of the original.在商业广告翻译中 ,为使译文与原文的契合对应 ,应遵循对等原则 ,运用仿拟、转译、意译等基本技巧 ,体现原文的表现力和感染力。

2.The purpose of the commercial ads is to provide the information of the goods and services and inspire the desire for consumers to consume as much as possible, so it is very important to work out the plot meticulously.商业广告要把有关的商品或提供服务的信息传播给消费者, 并尽可能激发消费者的需求欲望,就必须有精心的构思与独特的创意。

5)commercial advertising board商业广告牌

1.The paper introduces the present situation, the development trend and the representation of the design of current commercial building andcommercial advertising board, and points out the problems existing in their design.介绍当前商业建筑与商业广告牌设计的现状、发展趋势、表达形式以及存在的矛盾、缺点和问题,提出了商业建筑在完成功能设计的同时,要考虑其商品流通的特点,将商业广告牌设计与建筑物设计相结合,使之功能完备,性能可靠,完成在造型、结构、构造等方面一体化设计。

6)commericial small advertisement商业"小广告"


商业广告商业广告commercial advertising商业广告(eommereial advertising)亦称“经济广告”。广告主通过大众媒体传播特定产品或劳务的信息,说服消费者购买和使用的广告。它具有明确的信息来源和商业目的。(张玉峰撰马谋超审)
