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修订版 revised edition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-26 20:36:56


修订版 revised edition英语短句 例句大全

修订版,revised edition

1)revised edition修订版

1.Put an Artful Cherry on the Top,Make Perfection More Perfect——Review on Roman History Outline (Revised Edition)画龙巧点睛,锦上更添花——评《罗马史纲要》修订版


1.revised standard version《圣经》标准译本修订版

2.Many new words and phrases have been included in the revised edition.修订版收入许多新词语。

3.The publishing house brought out another revised edition of the book.出版社推出这部书的又一个修订版。

4.A revised edition of the encyclopedia was published.那本百科全书的修订版已出版了。

parative Studies on the Revised and the Original Edition of "Bai Lu Yuan";《白鹿原》修订版与原版删改比较研究

6.A newly revised edition of a standard reference work.一本参考书的最新修订版

7.This is a revised edition of the encyclopaedia.这是那部百科全书的修订版。

8.Damage Assessment: Impact of the "Redacted" Cox Committee Report破坏性评估:《考克斯报告》修订版的冲击

9.The Study of Reliability and Validity of the Aggression Questionnaire(Revised Edition);攻击问卷(修订版)的信度和效度研究

10.Evaluation of the Self-rated Health Measurement Scale-the Revised Version 1.0;自测健康评定量表修订版(SRHMS V1.0)的考评

11.Correcting Faults of Quotations in A Dictionary of Common-used Ancient Chinese Words (Revised Edition);《古汉语常用字字典》(修订版)引文勘误

12.Wangxijie New Edition of the "Chinese Rhetoric" Amendment Principle;王希杰新版《汉语修辞学》的修订原则

13.The Revision of WISC-IV Chinese Version韦氏儿童智力量表第四版(WISC-IV)中文版的修订

14.submit the revision of a novel for publication送交小说的修订本准备出版.

15.an incorrupt edition prepared from the original text根据原始稿本修订的未窜改版本

16.A revision of that dictionary has been published.那本词典的修订本已经出版。

17.Revision of Dewey 21 Ed.:Features and Enlightenment《杜威十进分类法》21版修订:特点和启示

18.The Reliability and Validity of Chinese Version of HDSQ;无望抑郁症状问卷(HDSQ)的中文版修订


new edition修订重版

1.New Development of the System Dialectics——The preface ofnew edition of System Dialectics;系统辩证学的新发展——《系统辩证学》修订重版序

3)revision number修订<版本>号

4)revised and enlarged edition修订增补版

5)newly revised edition新近修订版

6)RSV (Revised Standard Version)修订标准版


