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柱实验 column experiment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-14 04:20:56


柱实验 column experiment英语短句 例句大全

柱实验,column experiment

1)column experiment柱实验

1.Based oncolumn experiments,we investigated the potential using sulfate reducing bacteria(SRB) and zero-valent iron(ZVI) to synergetic treat contamination in wastewater such as sulfate,uranium,etc.本工作通过柱实验研究了硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)和零价铁(ZVI)协同去除废水铀和硫酸盐等污染物的潜力。

2.As an example for some in situ leaching uranium mine in Xinjiang, China, the potential of removal of contamination such as U and SO24-in groundwater by Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) was studied throughcolumn experiments.以新疆某地浸采铀矿山为实例,通过柱实验研究了硫酸盐还原菌去除地浸采铀污染地下水中铀和硫酸盐等污染物的潜力。

2)Testing Soil Column实验土柱

3)soil pillar experiment土柱实验

1.The process of acid mine drainage is presented by thesoil pillar experiment that is don indoor and take a analysis for practice observation data.以溶质运移理论为基础,分析了酸性矿井水在含水层中运移的规律,通过室内土柱实验模拟了酸性矿井水对地下水污染的动态过程,并结合实际观测数据进行对比分析。


1.The Study of Diesel Oil Migration in Sand Soil by Column Experiments and Benzene Biodegradation under Denitrifying Condition by Laboratory Microcosms;砂土中柴油迁移土柱实验与反硝化条件下苯生物降解微环境实验研究

2.Experimental Study on Seismic Behaviour of Core Steel Reinforced Concrete Columns;核心型钢混凝土柱抗震性能实验研究

3.Tests on the Behavior of High-Strength Concrete Beam-Column Connections;高强混凝土梁柱节点承载力实验研究

4.Study on Dyestuff Waste Water Treatment with Post-propped up Acid-activated Alta-mud柱撑酸化膨润土对染料废水的处理实验研究

5.Experimental Research on Bearing Capacity of Different-strength Concrete Beam-column Joints;不同强度等级混凝土梁柱节点承载力实验研究

6.Quantitative Evaluation of Preferential Flow Based on Laboratory Breakthrough Experiments of Soil Columns基于室内土柱穿透实验的优先流定量评价

7.Experimental study of the axial compression of short columns of solid clay bricks strengthened with FRP sheetsFRP加固实心黏土砖短柱轴心受压试验研究

8.Preparation for C30 core-column self-compacting concrete by orthogonal test采用正交试验配制C30芯柱自密实混凝土

9.Self-compacting concrete-filled steel tubular columns were tested for the fire resisitance高温下钢管自密实混凝土柱抗火性能试验研究

10.Experimental Studies on Cyclic Behavior of R.C. Beam to Steel Tube Confined Concrete Columns Connections;钢管约束混凝土柱—钢筋混凝土梁节点滞回性能实验研究

11.The Experimental Research and Reliability Analysis about the Axial Compressed Reinforced Concrete Column with Steel Plate;粘钢加固钢筋混凝土轴心受压柱的实验研究及其可靠度分析

12.Blind Analysis of the Benchmark Tests on RC Beam-Column Joints under Cyclic Loading;钢筋混凝土框架梁—柱节点循环荷载反应基准实验的盲测

13.Experimental Study and Simulation on Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Column under Lateral Impact with Fixed-fixed Boundary Condition;侧向冲击两端固定钢管混凝土柱动力响应的实验研究与仿真分析

14.Experimental research on real-time crack monitoring of eccentric compression concrete columns based on piezoelectric sensors利用压电波动法对混凝土偏心受压柱裂缝实时监测的试验研究

15.Experimental research on pile material"s engineering characteristics of rammed concrete piles thrusted-expanded in column-hammer柱锤冲扩夯实混凝土桩桩身填料工程特性试验研究

16.Lab research on bauxite by cyclonic static microbubble flotation column利用旋流-静态微泡浮选柱选铝土矿的实验室研究

17.Experimental Investigation on Reinforced Concrete Frames of "Stronger Beam with Weaker Column" and "Strong Column with Equally Strong Beam";“梁强于柱”、“等强梁柱”混凝土框架试验研究

18.Seismic response of edge slab-column connection with T-shaped column混凝土T形边柱的板柱连接抗震性能试验研究


Testing Soil Column实验土柱

3)soil pillar experiment土柱实验

1.The process of acid mine drainage is presented by thesoil pillar experiment that is don indoor and take a analysis for practice observation data.以溶质运移理论为基础,分析了酸性矿井水在含水层中运移的规律,通过室内土柱实验模拟了酸性矿井水对地下水污染的动态过程,并结合实际观测数据进行对比分析。

4)Soil column experiment土柱实验

1.The transport of atrazine in soil was investigated with soil column experiments.用土柱实验模拟莠去津在土壤中的运移。

5)semi-column testing半圆柱实验

6)soil columns"experiˉments by layers分层土柱实验


保险商实验室安全标准(见保险商实验室)保险商实验室安全标准(见保险商实验室)safety standards of UL: see Underwriters Laboratories; ULBaoxianshang Sh啊nshi anquan bicozhun保险商实验室安全标准(saJ七ty stand助dsofUL)见保险商实脸室。
