900字范文 > 周围神经再生导管 peripheral nerve conduit英语短句 例句大全

周围神经再生导管 peripheral nerve conduit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-04 18:36:02


周围神经再生导管 peripheral nerve conduit英语短句 例句大全

周围神经再生导管,peripheral nerve conduit

1)peripheral nerve conduit周围神经再生导管

1.Contrast of radial compressive property of braidingperipheral nerve conduit in vivo degradation;体外降解过程中编织结构周围神经再生导管的径向压缩性能对比

2.Peripheral nerve should sustain various deformation,thusperipheral nerve conduit should be bradied with certain mechanical property.周围神经在体内承受多种多样的变形作用,因此周围神经再生导管必须具备良好的力学性质。


1.A Study on the Structure and Properties of Knitted Regeneration Conduits for Peripheral Nerve Repair;针织结构周围神经再生导管的结构和性能研究

2.Structure and Properties of Braided Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Conduit;编织结构周围神经再生导管的结构和性能研究

3.Research on Radial Compressive Properties of Peripheral Nerve Conduits in Vivo Degradation体外降解过程中周围神经再生导管径向压缩性能的研究

4.Primary Study of Effect on Chitosan Nerve Conduits in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration壳聚糖神经导管对周围神经再生影响的研究

5.Study the Effects of Nerve Growth Factor on Angiogenesis of Regenerative Peripheral Nerve and Its Mechanisms;NGF促进再生周围神经血管生成及机制研究

6.Experiment Study of PDLLA/NGF Compound Conduit Bridging Peripheral Nerve Defect;外消旋聚乳酸/神经生长因子复合导管修复周围神经缺损实验研究

7.Preliminary Experimental Study of Brid ging Peripheral Nerve Defect with Biodegradable PDLLA/NGF Compound Conduit;聚乳酸/神经生长因子复合导管修复周围神经缺损的初步实验研究

8.Experimental Study on Using a Heterogeneous Biological Nerve Conduit to Repair Peripheral Nerve Defect异种生物型神经导管修复周围神经缺损的实验研究

9.The Experimental Study of the Semiconductor Laser Therapy on Nerve Regeneration after Peripheral Nerve Injured;半导体激光促进周围神经损伤后再生的实验研究

10.The Construction and Application Research on Peripheral Nerve Defect Reparation of the Compound Nerve Conduit;复合神经诱导管的构建及其在外周缺损神经再生中的应用研究

11.Study on Using PLGA Three-dimensional Conduit to Repair Rat s Peripheral Nerve Defect;PLGA三维神经导管修复周围神经缺损的实验研究

12.Progress of chitin nerve conduit in peripheral nerve repair甲壳素类神经导管修复周围神经的研究与进展

13.The Experimental Study of Repairing Peripheral Nerve Damage with Schwann Cells and the Vein Conduit;雪旺细胞及静脉套管对周围神经缺损再生影响的实验研究

14.An Medical Regulation and Control Experimental Study on Nerve Regeneration and Changes of Neurons of Spinal Cord Anterior Horn Following Peripheral Nerve Injury;周围神经损伤后神经再生及中枢神经元变化的中药调控实验研究

15.An experimental study on pulsing electromagnetic field therapy in peripheral nerve脉冲电磁场促进周围神经再生的实验研究

16.Experimental Study of the Effect of Ginkgo Biloba Extract (EGb_(50)) on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration;银杏酮酯对周围神经再生影响的实验研究

17.Experimental Study of Enhancing Peripheral Nerve Regeneration by Combined Physical Factors;复合物理因子促周围神经再生的实验研究

18.The Comparison of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration between Extracellular ATP and NGF: An Experimental Study;ATP与NGF对周围神经再生作用的比较研究


Peripheral nerve regeneration周围神经再生

1.Traditional Chinese medicine and formulas of improving peripheral nerve regeneration;促进周围神经再生的中药及复方

2.Study for Effect of Neurotrophic Factors in Combination on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration and Its Visualization;联合应用神经营养因子对周围神经再生的影响及其可视化研究

3.[Objective]To discuss the effects of angiogenesis about nerve growth factor(NGF) during the peripheral nerve regeneration.[结论]虽然NGF对周围神经再生的促进作用不及CNTF,但其在神经再生的早、中、晚期均具有较为明显的血管形成作用,其作用机制可能与成纤维细胞增殖密切相关。

3)nerve regeneration周围神经再生

4)nerve regeneration conduit神经再生导管

1.This article mainly introduces the making method and the configuration of braidednerve regeneration conduit.介绍编织型神经导管的编制方法及其形态结构 ,并对编织型神经再生导管进行表面涂层 ,研究涂层剂对导管厚度和形态稳定性的影响。

5)Nerve guide conduits(NGCs)神经再生导管室

6)Perivascular nerve fiber血管周围神经


