900字范文 > 土壤干湿交替模式 Soil wet/dry cycle英语短句 例句大全

土壤干湿交替模式 Soil wet/dry cycle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-20 05:42:09


土壤干湿交替模式 Soil wet/dry cycle英语短句 例句大全

土壤干湿交替模式,Soil wet/dry cycle

1)Soil wet/dry cycle土壤干湿交替模式

2)soil drying-wetting alternation土壤干湿交替


1.Influence of Wet/Dry Cycle on Soil Microbial Activity and Community Flora in Broadleaved Korean Pine Forest in Changbai Mountains土壤干湿交替对长白山阔叶红松林土壤微生物活性与区系的影响

2.Dynamic Variation of Mercury Species in Soil in Wet-Dry Rotation Environment;干湿交替环境土壤汞赋存形态及其动态变化

3.Experimental Study on Soil Shrinking and Swelling Characteristics during the Alternative Drying and Wetting Processes;干湿交替过程中土壤胀缩特征的试验研究

4.Modeling soil respiration using temperature and soil moisture under alteration of dry and wet at a wheat field in the Loess Plateau,China干湿交替格局下黄土高原小麦田土壤呼吸的温湿度模型

5.Laterite A hard crust that may form on the surface of the SOIL in tropical regions with alternating wet and dry seasons.红土:在热带地区,土壤表面由于干湿交替而行成的具有坚硬外壳的一种土壤。

6.Soil Biophysical Processes Involved in Decomposition of Rice Straw Incorporated in Upland Soils under Wetting and Drying Cycles for Stabilization of Soil Carbon Pools and Soil Structure;干湿交替强度对旱地土壤结构形成及水稻秸秆分解过程的相互作用的影响

7.Research on the Cumulative Damage to Expansive Soil in Wetting-Drying Cycle Condition;干湿交替环境下膨胀土的累积损伤研究

8.Dry-wet circulation and carbonation influencing on the concrete sulfate attack干湿交替和碳化对混凝土硫酸盐侵蚀的影响

9.alternating dry and wet test with sea water海水干湿交替腐蚀试验

10.In general, concrete foundation is almost in dry and wet alternate area while the conerete pile is in liquid phase area.通常混凝土基础多处于干湿交替带,混凝土桩多处于液相带。

11.In the alternation of wetting-dry sulfate corrosion environment,the Portland cement concrete is not suitably used.在干湿交替的硫酸盐侵蚀环境中,不宜采用普通水泥混凝土.

12.Durability of concrete beams reinforced with CFRP sheet under wet-dry cycles and loading干湿交替与荷载作用下CFRP加固混凝土梁的耐久性(英文)

13.Field inspection on chloride ion-intrusion effect of seawater in dry-wet cycling zone of concrete structures海水干湿交替区氯离子对混凝土侵入作用的现场检测和分析

14.Chloride ion distribution in concrete of dry-wet cycling region along elevated altitude干湿交替区域混凝土中氯离子分布随高程的变化规律

15.alternate automatic drencher system干湿管交替自动水幕系统

16.In the alternation of wetting-dry water corrosion environment,the Portland cement concrete and the anti-sulfate cement concrete are not suitably used;在干湿交替的水侵蚀环境中,不宜采用普通水泥混凝土和抗硫酸盐水泥混凝土;

17.The Effect of Alternative Freezing and Thawing on Soil Organic Matter and Nitrogen Potassium Nutrition of Black Soil;冻融交替对黑土土壤有机质及氮钾养分的影响

18.Corrosion Behavior of Q235 Steel with Alternated Dry and Wet Period in Simulated Environment;Q235钢在模拟环境下干湿交替大气腐蚀行为特征


soil drying-wetting alternation土壤干湿交替

3)expourse-immersion pattern"干湿交替"模式


1.Effect of continuous submerging andwetting-redrying on cadmium speciation and uptake by Sorghum hybrid Sudangrass in a Ferric-accumulic Stagnic Anthrosol and a Tipical Hapludult collected from the Taihu Lake region and the rolling downs of Yingtan,Jiangxi,China respectively,was studied by pot experiment with Cd spike in .采用盆栽试验的方法,研究了前期持续淹水和干湿交替预培养对2种水稻土———太湖地区黄泥土、江西鹰潭红壤性水稻土中外源Cd形态分配及高丹草吸收Cd的影响。

5)dry-wet circulation干湿交替

1.Study on corrosion effects under sulfate attack of concrete at adry-wet circulation environment;干湿交替环境下混凝土硫酸盐侵蚀的试验研究

2.Sulfate attack is a very important effect to the concrete durability,however,the environment of concrete is not only sulfate attack,in fact,the concrete sometimes gets two factors of external environment and sulfate attack,such asdry-wet circulation etc.硫酸盐侵蚀对混凝土的耐久性有重要影响,但在实际工程中混凝土往往不是处于硫酸盐单一的作用环境中,混凝土往往受到外界环境条件和硫酸盐侵蚀双重因素的作用,如干湿交替等。

3.Based on the situation of the concrete sulfate attack always exists in complex factors,the present research of the concrete sulfate attack is elaborated at adry-wet circulation and carbonation environment,and experiments are used to prove that thedry-wet circulation and carbonation can accelerate the sulfate attack,some ideas for the future research are provided.依据现实情况中混凝土硫酸盐侵蚀往往是在多因素的作用下,阐述了国内外对于环境因素中的干湿交替和碳化对混凝土硫酸盐侵蚀的研究现状,并通过试验证明了干湿循环和碳化对混凝土硫酸盐侵蚀的加速作用,为以后的研究提供一些参考。

6)Alternate drying-wetting干湿交替

1.Correlative analysis among water use efficiency and others traits of wheat varieties A115 and 4185 was studied by pot cultivation under rainproof shelter with 3 alternate drying-wetting treatments.在防雨棚盆栽试验条件下,以“A115”、“4185”为材料,用干湿交替方法研究了3种水分组合下小麦的水分利用效率与生物学性状的相关关系。


