900字范文 > 电力建设项目 power construction project英语短句 例句大全

电力建设项目 power construction project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-01 19:44:21


电力建设项目 power construction project英语短句 例句大全

电力建设项目,power construction project

1)power construction project电力建设项目

1.In recent years, manypower construction projects have been put into operation due to short electric power supply.近几年来,由于电力供应紧缺,电力建设项目纷纷上马。

2.This paper provides an overall analysis on impact of engineering modification topower construction project as well as the current situation of engineering modification management of thepower construction project in our country at present stage.全面分析了工程变更对电力建设项目的影响以及我国现阶段电力建设项目工程变更管理的现状,提出了对电力工程变更管理的若干思考,即实施工程变更的分类控制,运用现代信息化技术改造传统的电力建设项目工程变更管理方法和流程,合理确定工程变更价款以及促进工程变更管理信息化。

3.With the further development of reform on China\"s power investment system and reform of investment and financing mechanism,investment inpower construction projects has been converted to a diversified investment with central and local governments,state-owned and collective enterprises,citizens and foreign investors participating instead of the previous single investment from central government.随着我国电力投资体制改革的进一步深入和我国投融资体制的改革,电力建设项目由以前单一的中央政府投资,转为中央和地方各级政府、国有和集体企业、公民和外国投资者都可参与电力建设项目投资。


1.Several View Points about Post-evaluation of Electric Power Construction Projects;电力建设项目后评价工作的几点认识

2.Research in the Human Resource Management and Evaluation of Power Enterprise Construction Projects;电力建设项目人力资源管理理论及评价研究

3.Research on Cost Control for Power Construction Projects during Design Phase;电力建设项目设计阶段的造价控制研究

4.No power equipment and technology declared obsolete by formal decree of the State shall be used for power construction projects.电力建设项目不得使用国家明令淘汰的电力设备和技术。

5.Economic Evaluation Research of Electric Construction Project under the New Investment System;新投资体制下电力建设项目经济评价研究

6.Application and Research of Financial Evaluation in Electric Power Construction Projects;财务评价在电力建设项目中的应用与研究

7.Study on Interval-based Economic Evaluation Methods for Power Construction Projects;基于区间的电力建设项目经济评估方法研究

8.An Improved Research on Bid of Electrical Construction Project Material of Hebei Province;河北省电力建设项目物资招标改进研究

9.Brief discussion on joint between electric construction project management and international tradition;浅谈电力建设项目管理与国际惯例接轨

10.Key Points of the Whole Process Tracking Audit of Power Construction Project;谈电力建设项目全过程跟踪审计的要点

11.The Space-time Cooperative Management and Control of Power Construction Project;电力建设项目的“时空”协调管理控制浅探

12.Management and Control on Engineering Modification for Power Construction Project;试论电力建设项目工程变更的管理与控制

13.Research on the Design of FCI Project in Power Market Construction;电力市场建设中FCI项目设计研究

14.Capacity-building for Electronic Communications in Africa project非洲电子通讯能力建设项目

15.The Study on Power Construction Project with a Perspective of Quality Control;电力工程建设项目质量管理控制研究

16.The Project Post-evaluation for Hebi Power Plant;鹤壁万和火力发电厂建设项目后评价

17.Research on the Quality Control and Management of Power Construction Project电力建设工程项目质量监督管理研究

18.Characteristic Management of Power Grid Projects in Guangdong Electric Design Institute广东省电力设计研究院电网多项目管理建设


electric construction project电力建设项目

1.Brief discussion on joint betweenelectric construction project management and international tradition;浅谈电力建设项目管理与国际惯例接轨

2.The economic evaluation of theelectric construction project under the newinvestment system is studied in this thesis.本文对新投资体制下电力建设项目的经济评价进行了系统地研究。

3)electric power engineering construction project电力工程建设项目

4)substation construction project变电建设项目

1.It is necessary to evaluate scientificallysubstation construction project of the electric power supply company with comprehensive fuzzy appraisal.运用模糊综合评价方法对电力企业变电建设项目进行科学评价,构建基于模糊理论的多级综合测评模型,为电力企业变电建设项目提供快捷可行的评价方法和指导依据。

5)power transmission line construction project输电建设项目

6)hydropower construction project水电建设项目

1.Analysis on several problems in the estimate of power tariff forhydropower construction project;关于水电建设项目上网电价测算若干问题的浅析

2.Forhydropower construction projects,achieves classification and number preparation is a critical issue in sorting-out and voluming of project documents.水电建设项目工程档案的分类方案与档号编制,是工程文件归档整理、组卷的关键问题之一。


