900字范文 > 调压 voltage regulation英语短句 例句大全

调压 voltage regulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-06 12:23:42


调压 voltage regulation英语短句 例句大全

调压,voltage regulation

1)voltage regulation调压

1.Seletion of switch with on-loadvoltage regulation of 110kV direct step-down rectifying equipment;110kV直降式整流装置有载调压开关的选择

2.Thevoltage regulation action of controlled reactor in distribution network is introduced.介绍了可控电抗器在配电网中的调压作用 ,它可以有效抑制电网电压的波动 ,改善供电质量。

3.Then on basis of the binary Trans- former Regulator system, the hardware circuit of thevoltage regulation system is given, including the main circuit and the control circuit.对二进制变压器组稳压系统进行了研究,给出了调压系统硬件电路,包括主电路和控制电路,并进行了软件设计。


1.adjustable density chamber可调压捆密度的压捆室

2.ring auto regulating transformer环形自动调压变压器

3.low pressure cylinder regulator低压石油气瓶调压器

4.on-load tap-changer of transformer变压器有载调压开关

5.auxiliary transformer regulation辅助变压器调压装置

6.Plan and Analysis on 35 kV Grade Transformer Voltage Regulation Changed from Off-Load to On-Load35kV级变压器无载调压改有载调压的方案及分析

7.induction regulator感应调压器感应调整器感应调节器

8.tap changer servomotor调压开关伺服电动机

9.hydraulic efficiency governor液压调速器液压调节器

10.pneumatic and hydraulic pressure regulator气动及水压压力调节器

11.load ratio control transformator有载电压调整变压器

12.oil-operated voltage regulator油压操作电压调整器

13.high-tension winding ragulating transformer高压绕组调节变压器

14.pressure controlled valve压力调节阀压力控制阀

15.back pressure regulator背压调节器吸入压力调节阀蒸发压力调节阀

16.Tighten the pressure regulator.请拧紧压脚调节螺丝。

17.""blister" type man-lock"“隔舱”式员工气压调节室

18.automatic frequency control transformer自动频率调整变压器


voltage adjustment调压

3)Voltage regulating调压

4)pressure adjustment调压

1.Based on comprehensive study of air seepage in the workings and pipe flow of ventilation system,a mathematic model for airpressure adjustment in a fire over a great extent to describe completely and accuratily the mechanism and process of airpressure adjustment.以采场渗流与通风系统的管流进行一体化分析为出发点,建立的大面积火区调压仿真模型从数学上完整、准确地描述了大面积火区调压机理及过程。

5)voltage regulator调压

1.The principle of thyristorvoltage regulator was discussed.阐述了晶闸管调压电路的原理,研究了异步电动机功率因数角随转速变化的规律以及功率因数角的检测方法。

2.AC choppingvoltage regulator is characterized of high performance,now being extensively applicable in small and medium voltage regulation .交流斩波控制调压技术是一种新型高性能的交流调压技术 ,在中小交流调压领域获得广泛应用。

3.AC choppingvoltage regulator is characterized of high performance, now being extensively applicable in small and medium voltage regulation By comparison of the topologies having been given in reference, this paper gives their advantages and disadvantages , applying occasions respectively Based on the comparison, one of the topology is chosen for a novel water heater .交流斩波控制调压技术是—种新型高性能的交流调压技术,在中小交流调压领域日益获得广泛应用。

6)variable voltage speed regulation调压调速


