900字范文 > 法治进程 process of monocracy英语短句 例句大全

法治进程 process of monocracy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-21 14:23:49


法治进程 process of monocracy英语短句 例句大全

法治进程,process of monocracy

1)process of monocracy法治进程

1.Legal psychological qualities that can stem theprocess of monocracy contains: refuse the claim, no laws, non-master, evade law, no law snit, force to obey the law, administrate masses by law, omnipotence of law and perfect monocracy.阻滞法治进程的法律心理因素有如下几种:拒斥法律心理;无法心理;非主人心理;规避法律心理;无诉心理;被迫守法心理;法治民心理;法律万能心理及法治完美心理。


1.A Roundabout Road of Law --An Analysis of China"s Legal Process in and Prospects for the Future法治的迂回——中国法治进程分析

2.Advocate Notion of Administrative Rule of Law,Toward the Governm ent By Law树立依法行政理念,推进行政法治进程

3.Idealism and Realism in Rule of Law.-A Review on Civil, Governance in the Process of Rule of Law;法治理想主义与法治现实主义——读《法治进程中的“民间治理”》有感

4.On Legal Resources Sharing in China s Legal Process;中国法治进程中的法律资源分享问题

5.Traditional Chinese Legal Culture in the Course of Modern Rules of Law;现代法治进程中的中国传统法律文化

6.Legal History Research (1978―) in the Process of China"s Rule of Law中国法治进程中的法律史学(1978-)

7.Local Factor Influence to the Promotion of the Rule of Law in Chinese Rule of Law s Construction;中国法治建设中本土因素对法治进程的影响

8.Partial view of process governed by law in our country bases on the law of punishment in public security management;从《治安管理处罚法》的出台管窥我国的法治进程

9.Strengthening Citizen s Rational Legal Awareness to Propel the Legalizing Course of China;塑造公民理性法律意识推进中国法治进程

10.A Study on Influence of Nationalism in the Course of Rule by Law in China;国家主义对我国法治进程的影响研究

11.Insufficiency of Infrastructural Power of Our Country: Obstacles in Law-ruling Course in China;国家能力不足:中国法治进程的障碍

12.Promoting Process of Governing a Country by the Rule of Law and Making Progress of Political Civilization;推进依法治国进程,促进政治文明进步

13.Tightening up legal System and Running Enterprise According to Law;加强企业法制建设 推进依法治企进程

14.Following Stragedy of Ruling Country by Law, Making Progress of Legal System Country;贯彻落实依法治国方略,推进法治国家进程

15.Suggestions on Improving School Regulation;必须重视推进高校校规的法治化进程

16.Propagandizing and carrying out laws and codes pushing the process of managing enterprises legally;积极宣传贯彻法律法规 推进依法治理企业进程

17.The Relationship between the Ruling Party and the Constitution Process in the Country According to Law依法治国进程中执政党与宪法的关系

18.Emergence of modern legal state --Also on the development of China s legal construction;现代法治国家的产生——兼论中国法治建设的进程


progress of law法治化进程

1.Research on theprogress of law in Chinese police administrative power;中国警察行政权法治化进程考论

3)evolution of nomocracy法治进化

4)procedure rule of law程序法治

1.This paper talks about related problems with"human-centeredness"and administrationprocedure rule of law.本文对"以人为本"与行政程序法治的相关问题加以论述。

5)the course of building law system法治历程

6)procedural rule of law程序法治

1.But if we put the power of investigation in the fields of "human right" and "rule of law", especially the "procedural rule of law", we will find that we should put the focus on the control of power of investigation.虽然侦查权行使的意义如此重大,但是在“人权”和“法治”尤其是“程序法治”的理论视野中,基于侦查权本质的逻辑分析及其在我国实践中运作现实的实证考察,如何控制和规范侦查权的行使却应当成为我们关注的重点所在。


《丹溪心法治要》《丹溪心法治要》 《丹溪心法治要》 综合性医书。八卷。元·朱震亨述,明·高叔宗校正。此书原为朱氏门人整理而成,明嘉靖间高氏予以校正重刻。全书论述了以内科杂病为主,兼有外科、妇产科、儿科、五官、口腔等多科病证。介绍治法比较具体,选方颇精,并附医案。确实在一定程度上反映出朱丹溪的学术思想。本书宜于《丹溪心法》、《脉因证治》、《活法机要》等书互相参阅。1909年肖树霖又予重校刊行。
