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电极 electrode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-24 10:09:54


电极 electrode英语短句 例句大全



1.Accelerated tests forelectrodes and characterization of their chlorine-evolution lifetime;电极的强化测试与析氯寿命的表征

2.Intelligent prediction modeling and application research on the Angang FSFelectrode;安钢FSF电极智能预测建模及应用研究

3.Application of PLC in the Electrode Automatic Adjusting System for EF Melting;浅析PLC在电弧炉炼钢电极自动调节系统中的应用


1.monopolar needle electrode单极针电极 单极针电极

2.collector-emitter current gain集电极-发射极电流增益

3.belt electrode and arc-electrode陀螺球带电极和弧电极

4.collector to emitter conductance集电极 发射极电导

5.collector-base current gain集电极基极电流增益

6.collector to-base current gain集电极-基极电流增益

7.electrode (retaining) collar电极圈[环],电极夹持环

8.A complete series of flame electrodes, electrode assemblies, spark electrodes etc.全系列火焰电极,电极配件,火花电极等。

9.A positively charged electrode, as of an electrolytic cell, a storage battery, or an electron tube.阳极,正极电解电池、蓄电池或电子管的正电电极

10.having an indicated pole (as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges).有指示极(电极正极和负极的不同)。

11.A negatively charged electrode, as of an electrolytic cell, a storage battery, or an electron tube.阴极负电极,如电池、蓄电池或电子管的负极

12.collector-emitter breakdown集电极-发射极击穿

13.An electric terminal with positive polarity.带正极性的一个电极

14.A carbonaceous electrode in an electric cell.碳(精电)极电池里的碳质电极

15.grounded collector集电极接地共集电极电路

16.An electrode, as in a storage battery or capacitor.极板蓄电池或电容器中的电极

17.Containing or producing the type of electric charge carried by electrons(电)阴极的,负极的

18.positive terminal of an electric battery;anode(电池的)正极,阳极.



1.Influence of binder on properties of carbon nanotubeelectrodes;粘结剂对碳纳米管电极性能的影响

2.Electrodes Experiment Studying of the Direct Current Plane Electromagnetism Pump;直流平面电磁泵电极实验研究

3.Study on electrochemical properties of theelectrodes coated with the gradient functional oxide;梯度功能氧化物电极的电性能研究


1.It points out that the direct spot welding of pure copper can be realized by the correct choice ofpole material,pole form,welding equipment and criterion.找出了用通常方法不能点焊纯铜的原因 ,介绍了纯铜点焊焊核形成的过程 ,指出以本文为依据正确地选择电极材料、电极形状、焊接设备和确定焊接规范 ,就可实现纯铜的直接点

2.Having a discussion on the highresistance of insulating material and the way to measure the volume resistivity,introducing the produce method of examingpole influenced by leakageproof current,and adopting different ways to measure certain insulating material practically,obtaining a good result.对绝缘材料的高电阻和体积电阻率的测量方法进行了探讨,介绍防漏电流影响检测电极的制作方法,并采用不同方法对某型绝缘材料进行实际测量,得出了较好的结果。

3.With the thought of "perturbation", this paper analyes the solution of Laplace equation forpoles having irregular boundary.研究电极的位移形变所产生的误差时 ,需要在不规则边界条件下求解拉普拉斯方程 。


5)cathode electrode阴极电极

1.A preparation method of ZnO/Ag bilayer negative feedbackcathode electrodes was proposed,which can remarkably improve the field emission properties of carbon nanotube(CNT) films.提出了一种可显著改善碳纳米管(CNTs)场致发射性能的ZnO/Ag双层膜负反馈阴极电极的制备方法。

2.A new type of single-chamber direct microbial fuel cell was constructed successfully on the basis of studying thecathode electrode containing Fe3+.在研制含铁离子阴极电极板的基础上,构建了单室直接微生物燃料电池。

6)electrode Polarization电极极化

1.Micro-electrode polarization behaviors of electroless reaction in metal surface;金属表面自催化反应的微电极极化行为


