900字范文 > 交叉法 interior extrapolation英语短句 例句大全

交叉法 interior extrapolation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-22 14:01:55


交叉法 interior extrapolation英语短句 例句大全

交叉法,interior extrapolation

1)interior extrapolation交叉法

1.Based on many years of study,such methods as visual observation,interior extrapolation method and GPS positioning method used by look-outs for reporting fire are summarized.通过多年的研究,总结了瞭望员安全报火的方法,即目测法、交叉法、航点法。

2)crossover algorithm交叉算法

1.By analyzing the thought of basic genetic algorithm in solving the Traveler s Sale Problem,roulette wheel selection is also chosen;crossover method is a the heuristic method ofcrossover algorithm,the crossover location is random,this algorithm generates a better answer by fixed chances,the chance of crossover is 0.利用基本遗传算法的思路解决旅行商问题,选择仍然采用轮盘选择方法;交叉算法采用一个启发式交叉算法,交叉位置随机,该算法以一定的概率生成一个比父代好的解,交叉概率取0。


1.Cross Interacted Algorithm of Multiobjective and Multidimensional Fuzzy Making Decision;多目标多维模糊决策模型的模糊交叉算法

2.The Research of Algorithm and Model of Traffic Control at Signaled Intersection;平面交叉口交通控制算法与模式研究

3.Application of PSO Algorithm in Intersection OD Matrix EstimationPSO算法在交叉口OD矩阵推算中的应用

4.Learning Selective AODE for Classification Based on Cross-Entropy Method基于交叉熵方法的选择性AODE算法

5.Algorithm Research on Web Dynamic Crosstab Based on Asp;基于ASP的Web动态交叉表生成算法研究

6.Study on the Hybrid Crossover Strategy Genetic Algorithm and Its Application混合交叉策略遗传算法及其应用研究

7.Application of MUSIC Algorithm to Cross Interferometer Direction FindingMUSIC算法在交叉干涉仪测向中的应用

8.Path Searching Algorithm for PKI Cross-certification Based on Dijkstra基于Dijkstra的PKI交叉认证路径搜索算法

9.Fuzzy Control and Algorithm of Intersections in ITS;智能交通系统中交叉口的模糊控制及算法

10.Research on the Buffered Crossbar Switching Fabrics and Its Scheduling Algorithm;交叉节点带缓存的Crossbar交换结构及调度算法研究

11.The Adaptability Analysis of Algorithm of Mixed Traffic Control at Signalized Intersection信号交叉口混合交通控制算法的适用性分析

12.The solution to TSP problem based on crossover operator-improved Genetic Algorithm基于交叉算子改进的遗传算法求解TSP问题

13.A Method for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Based on Alternative Covering Algorithm基于交叉覆盖算法的蛋白质二级结构预测方法

14.Cross-Coupling Algorithm Based Servo Control of Ultra-precision CNC Machine Tool交叉耦合算法的超精密数控机床伺服控制

15.Upper limits of crossover and mutation rate of genetic algorithm based on schema theorem基于模式定理的遗传算法交叉和变异概率上限

16.Research on Euclidean Distance and King-crossover-based Immune Algorithms;基于欧氏距离和精英交叉的免疫算法研究

17.The Theories and Algorithm of Hierarchial Decision System and Interaction System;主从决策与交叉规划问题的理论与算法

18.Intersection Intelligent Control Based on Fuzzy Control and Genetic Algorithm;基于模糊控制和遗传算法的交叉口智能控制


crossover algorithm交叉算法

1.By analyzing the thought of basic genetic algorithm in solving the Traveler s Sale Problem,roulette wheel selection is also chosen;crossover method is a the heuristic method ofcrossover algorithm,the crossover location is random,this algorithm generates a better answer by fixed chances,the chance of crossover is 0.利用基本遗传算法的思路解决旅行商问题,选择仍然采用轮盘选择方法;交叉算法采用一个启发式交叉算法,交叉位置随机,该算法以一定的概率生成一个比父代好的解,交叉概率取0。

3)cross connection交叉校法

4)crossed beam method交叉束法

5)interlocking ligature交叉扎法

6)cross moment method交叉矩法


十字交叉法(注:只适用于由两种物质构成的混合物 m甲:甲物质的摩尔质量 m乙:乙物质的摩尔质量 m混:甲乙所构成的混合物的摩尔质量 n:物质的量,m乙<m混<m甲)据:甲:m甲 m混-m乙m混乙:m乙 m甲-m混得出:n甲:n乙=(m混-m乙):(m甲-m混)
