900字范文 > 书法艺术观 Calligraphy Art View英语短句 例句大全

书法艺术观 Calligraphy Art View英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-05 12:01:45


书法艺术观 Calligraphy Art View英语短句 例句大全

书法艺术观,Calligraphy Art View

1)Calligraphy Art View书法艺术观

1.On Mi Fu and HisCalligraphy Art View under the Influence of the Aesthetic Spirit of the Calligraphy in the Song Dynasty略论宋代书法美学精神影响下的米芾及其书法艺术观


1.Dong Qichang View of Calligraph from "Hua chan Shi Sui Bi";从《画禅室随笔》读董其昌的书法艺术观

2.On Mi Fu and His Calligraphy Art View under the Influence of the Aesthetic Spirit of the Calligraphy in the Song Dynasty略论宋代书法美学精神影响下的米芾及其书法艺术观

3.Traditional Features of Calligraphic Art and Views on Esthetics of Calligraphy;书法艺术的传统特质与书法美学的文化观照

4.Calligraphy: Art of handwriting or script drawing.书法:书写字体的艺术。

5.Its many attributes show us that calligraphy is a comprehensive art, expressing the subjective feeling of the writers.书法,是具有更强的综合性艺术,是更倾向于表现主观精神的艺术。

6.Calligraphy is a form of art, and Maos artistic views about calligraphy concentrate on 1) the effective role of calligraphy;其书法观概括起来有如下几点:①指出书法是一门艺术;

7.The criticism in Book Charts of persona is influenced by Confucian arts idea.《书谱》对书法的人格主义批评也受儒家艺术观的影响。

8.There are four kinds of means about penmanship and painting art"s aesthetic consideration of nature.书法艺术和绘画艺术对大自然的审美观照方法一般有四种:一是对审美客体外观的审美追求;

9.The art, skill, style, or manner of handwriting; calligraphy.书写,书法书写的艺术、技巧、风格或方式;书法

10.The impact of Chinese art of calligraphy on art of modern design中国书法艺术对现代设计艺术的影响

11.An Brief Analysis of "Cloth Blank" of Calligraphy Art and Design Art浅析书法艺术与设计艺术中的“布白”

12." The Chinese word for calligraphy is shufa, which means "writing method"or "writing art. "在汉语中,书法表示"书写方法"或"书写艺术"。

13.Calligraphy are valued for its true qualities--analysis of beauty of the true qualities of calligraphy art书贵本色——试析中国书法艺术的本色美

14.Practicality and innovation-A preliminary discussion of chirography of Chinese characters and calligraphic art;实用与创新——浅论汉字书体与书法艺术

15.RESEARCH FOR THE HANDWRITING′S TRUTH--Discussion on the Spirit of Aesthetics in the Art of the Chinese Handwriting;书道原微——论书法艺术的美学精神

16.The Influence of Italian Renaissance Art Conception on French Art意大利文艺复兴艺术观念对法国艺术的影响

17.The graphic arts olor=# cc0066>include calligraphy and lithography.平面造型艺术包括书法和平版印刷术。

18.The Contrast and Investigation between the Calligraphy Art of China and Modern Painting Art of Occident;中国书法艺术与西方现代绘画艺术的比照研究


On Mi Fu s Viewpoint of the Chinese Calligraphy Art米芾的书法艺术观

3)art of calligraphy书法艺术

1.Hisart of calligraphy became mature in the 1960s,reached summit in the 1970s,stabilized in the 1980s,and finally reached the realm of Nirvana.林散之书法艺术在上世纪六十年代成熟,七十年代达到高潮,八十年代转静,最终至涅槃境界。

2.This paper, in a serious and scientific manner, researches into the Shens grave steles, their official position and reputations by inscriptions on the tablets and theirart of calligraphy.文章以严谨、科学的态度 ,对《沈府君阙》阙主的官职名讳、碑亭记以及书法艺术等进行了充分的考证与研


1.On Subject Emotion Beautifying Spirit ofCalligraphy;浅谈书法艺术的内在精神与主体情感

2.Correlation Study on the Character Design and Chinese Calligraphy;字体设计与中国书法艺术相关性研究

3.The functions ofcalligraphy in modern design were explained from three aspects,which are the cultural verve,the graceful line design,and practical application.论述了书法表现文化神韵、书法艺术本身就是优美的线形设计和书法艺术在包装设计中的应用3个方面,来说明抽象的书法艺术在现代设计中的作用,让从事设计工作的人应当重视书法艺术的学习和修养,让抽象的书法艺术在现代设计中产生更大的魅力。

5)calligraphy art书法艺术

1.Viewing the supersession of the old by the new in cultural morphology from the development ofcalligraphy arts;从书法艺术发展看文化形态的新陈代谢

2.Calligraphy are valued for its true qualities——analysis of beauty of the true qualities ofcalligraphy art;书贵本色——试析中国书法艺术的本色美

3.Thecalligraphy art as China traditional essence and the traditional garden art as a unique style in the architecture history of the world, both of them are synthetic arts and tend to be closely combined with other category of arts.该论文分析了两者之间的亲缘关系;研究论证了中国园林艺术(以苏州园林为例)与书法艺术的文化渊源、创作思想,并对各自所表现出来的艺术风格和文化内涵进行了类比,寻找出二者的共同规律,挖掘其深层次的文化内涵,揭示中国园林艺术与书法艺术之间的关联,以期对传统园林文化的继承与发展起一定的启发作用。

6)the art of calligraphy书法艺术

1.Though impacted by western modernist painting,the art of calligraphy shouldn t forsake, as painting has done, the tradition and be bent on something unorthodox, instead it should endeavor to be innovative while inheriting the tradition.在现代派西方绘画的冲击下,书法艺术不能象绘画那样抛弃传统,一味地标新立异。

2.Chinese people using Chinese characters have formed an excellent tradition of handwriting,the art of calligraphy, which is the calligraphic expression and shows the beauty of people s spirit.使用汉字的中国人,在汉字书写、书法艺术、书法表现和传达人的精神美等方面形成了优秀传统。

3.The structural and aesthetical systems ofthe art of calligraphy peculiar to China exerts a subtle influence on modern planar designing.中国独特的书法艺术以其独立的艺术结构体系和美学体系,对现代平面构成产生潜移默化的影响。


