900字范文 > 种性记忆 memory of human race英语短句 例句大全

种性记忆 memory of human race英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-16 08:50:22


种性记忆 memory of human race英语短句 例句大全

种性记忆,memory of human race

1)memory of human race种性记忆

2)racial memory种族记忆

1.In this way,Amy Tan suggests that restoring one sracial memory and psychological return to one s ancestral culture be the only ways to solve the Chinese American s identity problem.谭恩美在《百种隐秘感官》中营造的诡秘气氛具有特殊含义:姐姐琨实际上是妹妹奥利维亚的“种族影像”,即第二自我;通过琨为奥利维亚寻找记忆从而帮助她回归完整的自我这一贯穿全书的主线,作者暗示了重拾种族记忆和向祖居国的心理回归才是解决美籍华裔身份焦虑的出路。

3)the two memories theory两种记忆说

1.Based on“the two memories theory”and“the depth and elaboration of processing theory”,the author reports an exploration on business vocabulary learning strategies employed by business English majors.本文通过问卷调查和词汇测试,以“两种记忆说”和“加工水平说”为理论依据,运用教育统计学原理,使用教育统计软件(SPSS11。


1.Relationship between the configurational dimensionmemory of OPTIM and its structure;OPTIM形态尺寸记忆性与其结构之间的关系

2.It is found that the sequences exhibit non-negligiblememory and persistence characteristics.应用重标度分析方法(R/S方法)研究小麦岛海洋观测站1961-1980年二十年海浪日最大波高序列时发现:该序列并不是相互独立的,而是具有记忆性(memory)和持久性(nersistence);详细的论证表明分式布朗运动(FractionalBrownianMotion)模型是描述海浪日最大波高序列的一个较好的模型。


1.The Memory Properties of Fe-Mn-Si Shape Memory Alloys;Fe-Mn-Si形状记忆合金的记忆性能分析

2.The SME of the sample made by OCC is better than the ones made by directional casting,and it can preponderate over the single crystal CuAlNishape memory alloys.热型连铸试样记忆性优于定向凝固,并且超过单晶的CuAlNi形状记忆合金的记忆性。

3.Study on Composition Optimization and Memory Performance of Fe-Mn-Si SMA;Fe-Mn-Si形状记忆合金成分优化及记忆性能的研究

4.The Memorylessness of Memory Time with Its Application in Real Random Simulation;抽象记忆时间的无记忆性及其在真随机模拟中的应用

5.Another useful distinction can be made between two dimensions of long-term memory: semantic memory and episodic memory.陈述性记忆又分为两类:语意记忆和事件记忆。

6.The Emotional Dependence in Covert Memory and Penetrate Memory;内隐记忆和外显记忆中的情绪依存性

7.Investigation on Two-way Shape Memory Effect and Driving Characteristics of Shape Memory Alloys;形状记忆合金双向记忆效应及驱动特性研究

8.An fMRI Study of Item Memory and Source Memory;内容记忆和来源记忆的功能性磁共振成像研究

9.The Study on the Relationship between Implicit Memory and Familiarity in Explicit Memory;内隐记忆和外显记忆中熟悉性提取关系的研究

10.The Difference between Source Monitoring and Recognition of Auditory Words;听觉词源记忆与再认记忆的差异性研究

11.The Importance of Memory about History Derived From the Memory about WWⅡ;从对二战的记忆思考历史记忆的重要性

12.Memory “lingered”;记忆“纠缠”现象——引发应激障碍的创伤性记忆

13.Emotional Implicit Memory: Emotion Index of Implicit Memory;情绪性内隐记忆:内隐记忆中的情绪指标

14.Of, relating to, or being in memory.记忆的记忆的,有关记忆的,在记忆中的

15.The Relationship between Conceptual Implicit Memory and Familiarity of Explicit Memory;概念性内隐记忆和外显记忆中熟悉性的关系研究

16.Martensitic Transformation Behavior and Shape Memory Effect of Co-Fe Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys铁磁性Co-Fe记忆合金的马氏体相变特性及形状记忆效应

17.molecular theory of memory记忆分子论 记忆分子论

18.impermanent memory非永久记忆,短期记忆


racial memory种族记忆

1.In this way,Amy Tan suggests that restoring one sracial memory and psychological return to one s ancestral culture be the only ways to solve the Chinese American s identity problem.谭恩美在《百种隐秘感官》中营造的诡秘气氛具有特殊含义:姐姐琨实际上是妹妹奥利维亚的“种族影像”,即第二自我;通过琨为奥利维亚寻找记忆从而帮助她回归完整的自我这一贯穿全书的主线,作者暗示了重拾种族记忆和向祖居国的心理回归才是解决美籍华裔身份焦虑的出路。

3)the two memories theory两种记忆说

1.Based on“the two memories theory”and“the depth and elaboration of processing theory”,the author reports an exploration on business vocabulary learning strategies employed by business English majors.本文通过问卷调查和词汇测试,以“两种记忆说”和“加工水平说”为理论依据,运用教育统计学原理,使用教育统计软件(SPSS11。


1.Relationship between the configurational dimensionmemory of OPTIM and its structure;OPTIM形态尺寸记忆性与其结构之间的关系

2.It is found that the sequences exhibit non-negligiblememory and persistence characteristics.应用重标度分析方法(R/S方法)研究小麦岛海洋观测站1961-1980年二十年海浪日最大波高序列时发现:该序列并不是相互独立的,而是具有记忆性(memory)和持久性(nersistence);详细的论证表明分式布朗运动(FractionalBrownianMotion)模型是描述海浪日最大波高序列的一个较好的模型。

5)shape memory effect记忆性

1.The influence of thermal cycles on martensitic transformation andshape memory effect of Ni 47 Ti 44 Nb 9 alloy was studied by simultaneous measurement of electrical resistance and shape memory change.用电阻、恢复率同步测量的方法,研究了热循环对Ni47Ti44Nb9合金马氏体相变和记忆性的影响,并通过X-射线衍射、金相观察等方法对其微观机理进行了探讨。

6)memory behaviour记忆性能

1.The microstructure andmemory behaviour of Cu-Zn-A1 alloy after thermal-cycling and re-training were studied by optical microscope, X-ray diffraction and TEM.用透射电镜、X射线衍射仪和光学显微镜研究了Cu-Zn-Al合金热循环和新重训练后的组织与记忆性能。

2.The microstructure andmemory behaviour of Cu-Zn-Al alloy after aging and re--training were studied by X-ray diffraction, SEM and TEM.用扫描和透射电镜及X射线衍射仪研究了Cu—Zn—Al合金时效和重新训练后的组织结构与记忆性能。


