900字范文 > 废科举 Abolition of Imperial Examination System英语短句 例句大全

废科举 Abolition of Imperial Examination System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-16 20:23:46


废科举 Abolition of Imperial Examination System英语短句 例句大全

废科举,Abolition of Imperial Examination System

1)Abolition of Imperial Examination System废科举


1.From Changing Imperial Civil Examination System to Abolishing it-On the Education Reform in Late Imperial China;从“变科举”到“废科举”——论晚清新政下的教育改革

2.Qing government’s measures and the Problem of Gentry’s Unemployment after Abolition of the Traditional Chinese Examination System;政府行为与废科举后举贡生员的出路问题

3.A Tentative Study on the Ways out of the Outdated Jugongshengyuan around the Abolition of the Imperial Examination System;废科举前后关于旧有举贡生员出路初探

4.The Power Transfer of the Countryside School System in the Late Qing After the Abolishment of the Imperial Examination System废科举后清末乡村学务中的权势转移

5.At home, the imperial examinations were abolished and modern schools sprang up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain; every effort was made to learn from the West.国内废科举,兴学校,好像雨后春笋,努力学习西方。

6.The Deviation Of the Approach of Modern New Education Development After the Abolition Of the Imperial Examination System近代新教育在废科举后发展取向的偏差

7.Considering Abolished Imperial Examination in "New Policy of Late Qing Dynasty" Period from a "Zhongdi Bulletin Paper";从一张“中第喜报”看“清末新政”时期的废科举

8.The Great Ideality in Society of Election选举社会的伟大理想——纪念废止科举一百年

9.On Abolishment of Imperial Examination System and Neotric Educational Streaming科举制度的废除与近代教育的分流

10.Influences of Abolishment of Imperial Examination System on the Academy of Classic Learning in Late Qing Dynasty;清末科举革废对书院改革的影响探析

11.Abolition of the Imperial Examinations (Keju) and Subsidence of Hiunanistic Spirits;科举制之遽废与传统人文精神之消退

12.The Abolishment of Imperial Civil Examination System: A Policy Chooses of failure in Modern China科举制的废止:一项失败的政策选择

13.A System with both Selecting and Controlling Functions--Reflecting on the Imperial Examinations on the 100th Anniversary of its Abolition;科举:选拔与控制功能并存的制度——科举废除100年之际的反思

14.The Abolishment of the Imperical Examination System and Its Results;科举制度之废除及其后果——兼析科举制度的合理内核

15.After the abolishment of imperial examination system, traditional officer selection and mechanism renewal appeared fault.科举制废除后,传统的官员选拔体制出现断层。

16.The Abolishment of Civil Exam and the sears of Chinese Culture in the Early of 20th century科举制的废除与二十世纪初中国文化的断层

17.When the Dowager abolished the old examination system, he had begun to fade.自从西太后废除旧科举制度,他就心灰意懒了。

18.An Effect of the Abolition of Imperial Civil Examination System on the Society from the End of Qing Dynasty to the Early of the Republic of China科举制度的废除对清末民初社会的影响


Abolishment of Imperial Examination废除科举

3)Innovation and Abolition of the Imperial Examination科举革废

4)abolishing the imperial examinations废科举兴学堂

5)abolition of imperial examination清末科举制的废除

1.This article discusses the role Yuan Shi-kai played in theabolition of imperial examination at the end of Qing Dynasty an analyses the motivation for him to do so.但是 ,总体上的评价并不能替代具体事件上的评价 ,本文就事论事 ,探讨袁世凯在清末科举制的废除中所起到的作用 ,并力求分析他废除科举制的主观动

6)The Influence of Abolishing Imperial Examination on Education废科举的教育影响


