900字范文 > 山水画理论 theory of landscape painting英语短句 例句大全

山水画理论 theory of landscape painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-28 05:56:27


山水画理论 theory of landscape painting英语短句 例句大全

山水画理论,theory of landscape painting

1)theory of landscape painting山水画理论

1.Landscape painting is a main part of Chinese painting,and thetheory of landscape painting is also an important part of Chinese academic history.山水画乃中国绘画之大宗,山水画理论也是中国学术史的重要组成内容。


1.Interpretation on Mature Form of the Theory of Landscape Painting: Huashanshui Xu and Xuhua解读山水画理论的成熟形态——《画山水序》和《叙画》

2.On Zong Bing & Wang Wei’s Landscape Painting Theory and Its Cultural Implications;论宗炳、王微的山水画理论及其文化意蕴

3.Some Ideas Concerning Constructing Theoretical System of Xinjiang Large Landscape Paintings;关于构建新疆大山水画理论体系的思考

4.Discussion and Construct Space Theory on Classical Landscape Painting;古典山水画空间理论研究述评及建构

5.The Thinking、Analysis and Exploration to the Spectacle Viewing Brushwork Theory of Sinitic Landscape对山水国画中应物象形理论的思考与探析

6.On the Spatial Consciousness of Chinese Landscape Poetry and Landscape Paintings;略论中国山水诗与山水画之空间意识

7.On the Formation of the Idea of Adoring Abstraction in the Landscape Paintings and the Poems for Them in Song Dynasty;论宋代山水画及题山水画诗中尚意观的形成

8.The Skills of Paintings of Traditional and Modern Mountains-Waters --On the Development of Painting Skills;传统山水画与现代山水画——试论笔墨的发展变化

9.The Poets’ Self-presence in the Poems for Landscape Paintings in the Song Dynasty;论宋代题山水画诗“画中有我”的自寓性

10.A "Painting Master of the Time":the Zenith of Classical Landscape-(On the painting art of Wang Shigu);“当代画圣”:古典山水画的巅峰——王石谷绘画艺术论

11.Discussion on the Decorating and Realistic Beauty of the Curving Method in Chinese Landscape Paintings;试论山水画勾水法的装饰美与现实美

12.The Influence of the Geomantic Omen on Landscape Paintings of Five Dynasties to Early Song Period;由五代宋初山水画论看风水学对山水画成熟的影响

13.Establishing the Language System of Space Theory of Classic Landscape Paintings:-Interpreting the Thinking Wisdom of Observation;建构古典山水画空间理论的话语体系——释"以大观小"的思维智慧

14.Automatic rendering for Chinese landscape painting using texture synthesis基于纹理合成的水墨山水画自动绘制

15.To Discuss the Painting Art of The Landscape Painter Shitao in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty;试论明末清初的山水画家石涛的绘画艺术

16.Changes of Painting Materials and Changes of Ideas and Techniques of Landscape Painting in the Yuan Dynasty;论绘画材质之变与元代山水画观念和技术之变

17.Talk about the Poem Inscribed on Painting and the Development of Aesthetic Spiritof Landscape Paintings in Tang and Five Dynasdies;论唐五代题画诗与同期山水画审美精神的发展

18.In the Discussion of the "Screenwriter", "Directing" and "Performance" in Chinese Traditional Painting of Mountains and Waters;试论山水画创作中的“编”“导”“演”


the theory on landscape painting山水画论

3)Geomantic Omen and Chinese Landscape Painting风水理论与山水画

4)the theory of painting artistry山水画艺论

5)the theory of the Southern and Northern schools of painting山水画南北宗论

6)On Space of Chinese Landscape Painting山水画空间论


