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原则性 principle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-10 19:22:37


原则性 principle英语短句 例句大全



1.To Discuss the Localization and Principle of Research Object in Library Science;图书馆学研究对象的本土化与原则性

2.A high degree of unity with more tactical considerations,reconcile,humane,principled and flexibility is the basic characteri.举轻若重、多从战术上考虑,调和性、人性化、原则性和灵活性的高度统一是其基本特征;"贵和执中"是其基本内涵。

3.Based on the discussion of general theory of non-government funded education fees,this paper analyses the policy environment and the relation between theprinciple .本文针对民办教育的收费环节展开讨论,在对收费方式一般理论讨论的基础上,分析了国家关于民办教育收费的政策环境以及民办教育收费的原则性与合理性关系,并以之为基础初步讨论了民办教育收费模式改进对策。


1.high - principled原则性强的, 有高度原则的

2.loose - principled原则性差的, 无主见的

3.There must be flexibility in applying principles.原则性要灵活执行。

4.The principle steps are:这些原则性的步骤如下。

5.actions that were expedient rather than principled非原则性的权宜手段.

6.principle of contemporaniety现行性原则 现行性原则

7.We should keep to the principle of main body, human nature, macrocosm, sustainable and prospective methodology.其中应遵循的方法论原则主要有主体性原则、人本性原则、整体性原则、持续性原则、前瞻性原则。

8.The basic principles mainly co ist of legality and reasonablene.基本原则主要包括合法性原则和合理性原则。

9.Broadly-defined Principle of proportion includes appropriate principle, necessity principle and narrowly-defined Principle of proportion.广义的比例原则包括适当性原则、要性原则和狭义的比例原则。

10.The designing of information follows the principles of objectivity, systematicness, purposefulness, humanization and advancement.信息设计具有客观性原则、系统性原则、目的性原则、人性化原则和先进性原则。

11.The principle of Party property is the fundamental principle of jural news.党性原则是法制新闻的基本原则。

12.principle of non-discrimination on the grounds of gender不得有性别歧视的原则

13.principle of party spirit in journalism新闻工作的党性原则

14.The Possible Reason for Marx s Subjective Principle Being Named as Scientific Subjective Principle;马克思的主体性原则何以称为科学主体性原则

15.A Discussion on the Teaching Principles of the Difficulty Scope and the Systematic Organizing in the Second Foreign Language Teaching;第二外语教学中的系统性原则、深度原则与广度原则

16.Cumulation Rules in Preferential Rules of Origin;优惠性原产地规则中的累积规则研究

17.Preference Rule Based on Strong Pareto Regulation and The Corresponding Character;基于强Pareto原则的偏爱规则及其性质

18.The fourth principle is probably the most self explanatory and logical of all.第四条原则可能是所有原则中最具逻辑性的。


Party spirit principle党性原则

1.The Dialectical Unity of Socialist Market Economy and Party Spirit Principle;论社会主义市场经济与党性原则的对立统一

2.That news work is an important component of Party s entire cause,must insist onParty spirit principle.新闻工作是党的整个事业的一个重要组成部分,必须坚持党性原则。

3)the principle of the Party spirit党性原则

1.Jiang Zemin s basic working principles in news dissemination emphasize that we should stick to the leadership of the Party andthe principle of the Party spirit,and strengthen the construction of journalists with the correct guidance of the media.江泽民在新闻宣传工作方面确立的一系列基本原则主要表现在新闻宣传工作的党性原则、主流原则和主体原则等三个方面。

4)Poetic Principles诗性原则

5)principle of bi-sexual两性原则

6)principle of five qualities五性原则


