900字范文 > 地方制度 local system英语短句 例句大全

地方制度 local system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-08 22:47:41


地方制度 local system英语短句 例句大全

地方制度,local system

1)local system地方制度

1.Local finance system is the core oflocal systems and the democratization oflocal systems is the condition and guarantee of the democratization of local finance system.地方财政制度是地方制度的核心问题,而地方制度的民主化又是地方财政民主化的条件和保障。


1.Local system reform in 1898 and local political thought of reformation group戊戌地方制度改革与维新派的地方政治思想

2.where slavery was legal.奴隶制度合法的地方。

3.Land annual rent system:an effective choice of the reformation of urban housing land use system in China;土地年租制:住宅用地制度改革的方向

parison Research of Local Government System Reform between Chinese and the Main Western Countries;中西方地方政府制度改革之比较研究

5.The Roles and Ways of Institutional Innovation of Local Government in China;中国地方政府制度创新的角色及方式

6.On Qianxia System in Local Leading Soldiers System of the Northern Song Dynasty北宋地方统兵体制中的钤辖制度研究

7.The Generative Mechanism of the Local NGO in China from the Perspective of Institution中国地方NGO生成机制的制度分析

8.On Formal System And Informal System In Right Distribution Between Central Government And Local Government;论中央与地方分权中的正式制度与非正式制度

9.Land Shareholding System:the Way of China s Rural Land System Reform;土地股份制:中国农村土地制度改革的方向

10.Such distribution system had both advantages and disadvantages.这种分配制度有好处,也有不好的地方。


12.Local Self-government and National Autonomy under the Feudatory System藩属制度下的地方自治与民族自治

13.A deposit insurance system for local small and medium-sized financial institutions地方性中小金融机构存款保险制度

14.Local Governments, Institutional Changes and the Development of Private Economy;地方政府、制度变迁与民营经济发展

15.Institutional Foundation and Innovation of Local Government Competition in China;中国地方政府竞争的制度基础与创新

16.Study on Institutional Innovation in the Central and Local Government Relations in China;我国中央与地方关系的制度创新研究

17.The Domicile System Reform in the Practice of Local Government s Management Innovation;地方政府管理创新中的户籍制度改革

18.Studies on Ubran Remising-land Institution and Running Mechanism;城市土地出让制度及其运行方式研究


Local Debt System地方债制度

1.Establishing the External Condition of OurLocal Debt System and Enforcement Tactful Conception;建立我国地方债制度的客观条件与实施策略构想

3)local system地方性制度

1.In the interpretation oflocal systems, an attempt is made to evade such abstract structuralist ideas as social structure, social stratification and social transformation and thus to adopt the "on-the-spot"method of participation and investigation so as to enter into the world of "others" experiencing thelocal systems practiced by.地方性制度解释的研究策略 ,正是要试图抛弃以往的诸如社会结构、社会分层、社会变迁之类的结构主义式的抽象概念 ,真正地以“在场”式参与观察的方法 ,走进“他者”的世界 ,去用心解读当地民众在日常生活中不断实践着的地方性制度 ,进而再现地方性制度的实践形态 ,并在叙事中发现人的社会主体

4)French local system法国地方制度

1.This paper analyzes the characteristicsFrench local system and gives some be.而中国和法国都是单一制国家,并且均是有着传统中央集权的国家,两国在中央与地方的权力分配方式、中央对地方的控制机制等方面的诸多共性决定了法国地方制度对中国地方制度以及中央与地方关系的改革具有宝贵的借鉴意义,从法国地方制度的特点和价值切入,结合中国地方制度的现实进行客观的思考,从法国经验中获得有益的启示。

5)local military system地方武官制度

1.On thelocal military system of the later Tang and historical changes of Tang and Song;唐后期地方武官制度与唐宋历史变革

6)Local Financial System地方财政制度

1.Development of theLocal Financial System in Modern Japan;日本近代地方财政制度的形成


