900字范文 > 体育弱势学生 physical disable students英语短句 例句大全

体育弱势学生 physical disable students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-09 12:27:45


体育弱势学生 physical disable students英语短句 例句大全

体育弱势学生,physical disable students

1)physical disable students体育弱势学生

1.There has been a lot ofphysical disable students in various higher education colleges and universities, along with the revolution of higher educaltional enrollment system and the promotion of quantity education.随着高校招生制度的改革与素质教育的推进,全国各高校出现了大量的体育弱势学生。


1.A Preliminary Study of the Teaching for Students Weak in P.E.;对中学体育弱势学生体育教学的实践初探

2.Ideological and Political for the Disadvantaged in College Students;大学生弱势群体的思想政治教育研究

3.On Approaches to Education in View of Inferior Groups among University Graduates;论大学毕业生弱势群体的针对性教育

4.Types of the disadvantaged college students and educational measures;论大学生“弱势群体”类型及其教育对策

5.On the psychological barriers of the disadvantaged among college students and countermeasures;大学生弱势群体心理障碍及教育对策

6.The Research on Healthy Education of the Disadvantaged Group of University Students高校学生弱势群体心理健康教育研究

7.Investigation and analysis of physical activities of physical inferior group of students in colleges and universities;高校体育弱势群体学生体育活动的调查与分析

8.Analysis on Physical Education Teaching Method and Physical Weakness Group of College Students大学生“体质弱势群体”及体育教学方法探析

9.Discussion on University Student Physically Vulnerable Group and Physical Education Teaching大学生体质弱势群体与体育教学的探讨

10.P.E Teaching on the Weak and Disabled Students in Colleges;高校体育教学中弱势群体学生教学浅析

11.On the Situation of P.E.Lesson Weak Groups among College Girls and Teaching Strategies;高校女大学生体育弱势群体的现状与教学策略

12.Research on the Content and Ways of P. E. Teaching of Inferior Group of Students in Colleges and Universities;高校弱势群体学生体育教学内容和方法的研究

13.Investigation and Analysis of the Current Situation of the Sports Weakness Group Among University s Sudutent in Zhejiang;浙江省大学生体育弱势群体现状的调查研究

14.Factor and countermeasure of inferior group of students in colleges and universities;大学生体育弱势群体存在的原因及对策研究

15.Investigation and Analysis of Current Situation of Physical Activities of Inferior Group of Students in Colleges and Universities;高校弱势群体学生体育活动现状调查与分析

16.Research on Mental Health Education of Disadvantaged Student Groups in Ordinary Middle Schools;普通中学弱势学生群体的心理健康教育研究

17.Research on the Physical Attitude,Interest and the Physical Exercises in College Weak Group;大学生体育弱势群体体育态度、兴趣与体育锻炼行为研究

18.Improvement of sports inferior group of university students psychology by P.E. health care course;改革保健课程 促进体育弱势大学生心理健康


disadvantaged students in physical education体育弱势生

1.The problem ofdisadvantaged students in physical education has become a serious problem that .随着知识经济时代的到来及教育制度的变革,受社会、经济和教育等多重因素的交互影响,体育弱势生(指体育课成绩总评或素质达标测验成绩不及格者)的成因呈现出更复杂的特点。

3)vulnerable groups of students in PE体育弱势群体学生

4)P.E.Lesson weak groups among college girls女大学生体育弱势群体

5)weak student group弱势学生群体

1.This paper expounds the necessity of taking university library s work ofweak student groups into the view of harmonious society, and advances some effective measures for developing university library s work ofweak student groups.论述了高校图书馆将弱势学生群体工作纳入和谐社会视野的必要性,提出高校图书馆开展弱势学生群体工作的有效举措。

6)sports teaching reform体质弱势学生

1."People-oriented" scientific development concept for the guidance ofsports teaching reform in ordinary colleges and universities physique disadvantaged students;“以人为本”的科学发展观对普通高校体质弱势学生体育教学改革的指导探析


