900字范文 > 相貌偏向 facial attractiveness bias英语短句 例句大全

相貌偏向 facial attractiveness bias英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-11 08:07:12


相貌偏向 facial attractiveness bias英语短句 例句大全

相貌偏向,facial attractiveness bias

1)facial attractiveness bias相貌偏向

1.The main purpose of this study is testing whether thefacial attractiveness bias existing in Chinese culture.结果表明,招聘考官在评价求职者时常常会受到求职者相貌因素的影响,表现出相貌偏向。

2)physical attractiveness相貌偏见

1.At home and abroad,physical attractiveness has been considered a major resource.而社会中的相貌偏见也越来越引起人们的重视。

3)A Survey of Physical Attractiveness Bias Study相貌偏见研究述评


1.On aesthetic connotation ofphysiognomy of Liu Guan Zhang in The Three Kingdom;论《三国演义》中刘关张相貌的审美内涵

2.This paper analyzed and discussed the impact of anthropology in simulated portrait by means of studying the relationship between races,regions figures skeletons andphysiognomy.本文通过种族、地域、体型、骨骼形态与相貌之间的关系,分析讨论了法医人类学知识在模拟画像中的作用。


1.The man"s features answer to the description of the murderer.该男子之面貌与凶手的相貌描述符合。

2.because teachers who are not good-looking因为相貌不好看的老师,

3.He is a curious looking man.他是个相貌奇特的人。

4.glum expressions, faces, features忧伤的神情、 面孔、相貌.

5.Having a face that seems to exhibit honesty and sincerity.相貌老实的,坦率的看起来相貌坦率诚实的

6.He answered the description of the criminal.他与那犯人的相貌描述相符。

7.He has a wonderful face and his face and his manners are very successful.他有一付奇妙的相貌,他的相貌和举止很讨人喜欢。

8.The two brothers are like each other in appearance , but differ widely in their tastes .这两个兄弟相貌相似,但爱好却大不相同。

9.A person of odd or grotesque appearance or dress.一个相貌或衣着古怪的人

10.A good countenance is a letter of recommendation.一副善良的相貌是一封推荐书。

11.She inherits her mother"s looks and her father"s temper.她继承了母亲的相貌和父亲的脾气。

12.an ugly or ill-tempered woman.相貌丑陋或脾气很坏的妇女。

13.But how much do looks matter at work?那么相貌在职场中又有哪些影响呢?

14.There were two dark-eyed sinister-looking Italians.有两个眼睛乌黑,相貌阴险的意大利人。

15..not just a pretty face (having other qualities or abilities)不仅相貌好(尚有其他优点)

16.Judge not from appearances人不可貌相,海不可斗量

17.The two sisters are as like as two peas.这姐妹俩容貌极相像。

18.a formidable appearance令人畏惧的长相 [外貌]


physical attractiveness相貌偏见

1.At home and abroad,physical attractiveness has been considered a major resource.而社会中的相貌偏见也越来越引起人们的重视。

3)A Survey of Physical Attractiveness Bias Study相貌偏见研究述评


1.On aesthetic connotation ofphysiognomy of Liu Guan Zhang in The Three Kingdom;论《三国演义》中刘关张相貌的审美内涵

2.This paper analyzed and discussed the impact of anthropology in simulated portrait by means of studying the relationship between races,regions figures skeletons andphysiognomy.本文通过种族、地域、体型、骨骼形态与相貌之间的关系,分析讨论了法医人类学知识在模拟画像中的作用。

5)partial correlation vector function偏相关向量函数

1.By using the properties of linear prediction coefficients, the definition ofpartial correlation vector function is introduced.在反射系数未知的情况下 ,给出了基于已知观察数据的各向同性多尺度随机过程的线性预测公式 ,并据此提出了偏相关向量函数的概念 。

6)relative transverse shift相对横向偏移


