900字范文 > 水资源承载力 Water resources carrying capacity英语短句 例句大全

水资源承载力 Water resources carrying capacity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-09 15:26:33


水资源承载力 Water resources carrying capacity英语短句 例句大全

水资源承载力,Water resources carrying capacity

1)Water resources carrying capacity水资源承载力

putation and evaluation of water resources carrying capacity based on DEA;基于DEA的水资源承载力的计算评价

2.Reviews on the study of water resources carrying capacity in Karst regions;喀斯特地区水资源承载力研究综述

3.Actual water resources carrying capacity in Anyang City;安阳市现状水资源承载力研究


1.Research on Water Resources Carrying Capacity and Water Cycle Evaluation of River Basin;流域水资源承载力及水循环评价研究

2.Study on Rational Allocation of Water Resources Based on the Regional Water Resource Carrying Capacity;基于水资源承载力的区域水资源优化配置研究

3.The Effects of Water Resource Policies on the Carrying Capacity of Water Resources in Urumqi;乌鲁木齐市水资源政策对水资源承载力的影响

4.A Study on Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Jingjinji Region;京津冀地区水资源供需平衡及其水资源承载力

5.The Study on Sustainability of Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Liaoning Province;辽宁省水资源承载力的可持续性研究

6.The Study on the Evaluation Index System of Urban Water Resources Carrying Capacity;城市水资源承载力评价指标体系研究

7.Theory and Its Application of the Carrying Capacity of Water Resources Taking Jincheng as Example;城市水资源承载力理论及其应用研究

8.The Study of Water Resources Carrying Capacity on Sustainable Development;基于可持续发展的水资源承载力研究

9.Study on Water Resources Carrying Capacity and Optimal Allocation in Linyi City;临沂市水资源承载力与优化配置研究

10.Assessment of City Water Resources Carrying Capacity of Wuwei City;武威市水资源承载力评价与预测研究

putation and evaluation of water resources carrying capacity based on DEA;基于DEA的水资源承载力的计算评价

12.Research on Carrying Capacity and Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources in Liaoning Province;辽宁省水资源承载力及其可持续利用

13.Present Situation and Development Trend of the Research on Urban Water Resources Carring Capacity;城市水资源承载力研究现状及其趋势

14.A Primary Study on the Theories and Process of Water Resources Carrying Capacity;关于水资源承载力理论与方法的研究

15.Research of Bearing Capacity of Water Resource in the Process of Western Economic Development西部经济发展中的水资源承载力研究

16.Water Resources Carrying Capacity Analysis and Evaluation of Changwu County长武县水资源承载力分析计算与评价

17.Study on Regional Water Resources Carrying Capacity Based on Improved TOPSIS Method基于改进TOPSIS法的水资源承载力研究

18.Research on carrying capacity and sustainable utilization of water resources in Shanxi Province山西省水资源承载力及其可持续利用


water resource carrying capacity水资源承载力

1.Adaptive assessment onwater resource carrying capacity during implementation of urban plan;城市规划实施过程的水资源承载力自适应评估

2.Discussion on assessment ofwater resource carrying capacity in Karst area;基于指标权重的喀斯特地区水资源承载力评价

3.Study on Water Resource Carrying Capacity in Bosten Lake Basin;博斯腾湖流域水资源承载力研究

3)carrying capacity of water resources水资源承载力

1.Research on thecarrying capacity of water resources in Tuhai Majiahe Basin;徒骇马颊河流域水资源承载力研究

2.Research on dynamics model based on watershedcarrying capacity of water resources;基于流域水资源承载力的动力学模型

3.Fuzzy comprehensive assessment forcarrying capacity of water resources in Liuzhou area;柳州地区水资源承载力模糊评价

4)bearing capacity of water resources水资源承载力

1.Inherent ofbearing capacity of water resources and calculation methods;水资源承载力的内涵与计算思路

2.Research onbearing capacity of water resources of Taihu basin;太湖流域水资源承载力研究

3.The paper introduces the water resources situation in China, analyses the relation between thebearing capacity of water resources and the sustaining development, explains the character and the method of study onbearing capacity of water resources.文章简要介绍了我国水资源情况,分析了我国水资源承载力与可持续发展的关系,并阐述了水资源承载力 研究的特点和方法。

5)water resources bearing capacity水资源承载力

1.Analysis evaluation for thewater resources bearing capacity based on blur distinguishing model;基于模糊识别模型的水资源承载力分析评价

2.Study on the tactics harmonizing on thewater resources bearing capacity and economy in Weihai City;威海市水资源承载力与经济发展的协调策略研究

3.Attribute recognition model on entropy to comprehensively evaluatewater resources bearing capacity水资源承载力综合评价的熵权属性识别模型

6)water resource GDP carrying capacity水资源GDP承载力

1.7 thousand people;population carrying capacity of water andwater resource GDP carrying capacity analysing result in equally having substantial progress .97万人,水资源人口承载力及水资源GDP承载力分析结果均说明天山区有较大的发展空间;经济承载力结果表明,天山区建成区的土地承载的GDP为5亿元/km2,发展前景较好。


地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。
